Chapter 793

“Qin Leng? My Ling clan has an ancient vassal clan, whose name is Qin. Leng is the head of the clan. I don’t know if it is the person in the mouth of the divine envoy.”

Ling Xiao had doubts in his eyes, but sneered from the bottom of his heart.

As early as a day ago, Wuxin had returned the news that the Qin clan…

Just when Ling Tianlin ordered to find Qin Leng and cooked it to feed the dog, Ling Xiao sent a letter asking the Ling clan to block the news and don’t act rashly.

Ling Xiao didn’t know why Qin Leng betrayed him.

But if he rushed to kill him, it would inevitably not attract Dugu Yunyu’s suspicion.

A traitor, cooking is too easy.


Only endless regret is the cruelest way to punish a person.

“Oh! Then look, is it this young man?”

Dugu Yunxuan nodded calmly, and turned to look at the ancient forest on the side.

Among them, a young man in a golden robe stepped out slowly, with a trace of dust on his face, but his eyes were surprisingly clear.

“My son, meet again.”

At this moment, Qin Leng’s face clearly carried a smug, triumphant smile, which was completely different from the humbleness of the past.


The hint of pleasure in his eyes was a bit sickly and hideous.

“Qin Leng?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, looking at the young man in front of him with some surprise.

“Why are you here?”

“Hehe, Young Master Ling Xiao, I heard that you have been to Xijiang before, and then came all the way to Southern Xinjiang. I have always had a doubt, how did you happen to appear in the Ling clan at the beginning?”

Dugu Yunxuan shook his head and chuckled, the meaning is obvious.

Lord Lingxiao, don’t pretend it!

I brought all the witnesses here. Are you still here to play a hammer with me?

“What does your lord say? I have been in the Ling clan retreat. Have you ever been to Xijiang? And have you been to Southern Xinjiang?”

Ling Xiao frowned, with a touch of surprise and confusion on his face.

To be honest, seeing his expression, even Dugu Yunyu was a bit daunted at this time.

Is Ling Xiao’s acting skills great, or is he really wronged?

However, a young man from the Ling clan’s vassal force, where did he have the courage to deceive himself?

Besides, Shengzi Shenling never made a move, and even Yu Jin never saw him.

All this is more than a coincidence so simple?

“Hehe, I know you won’t admit it easily.”

Qin sneered, his eyes gradually filled with resentment.

He intended to see Ling Xiao looking desperate and helpless, but he did not expect that this Ling clan descendant could be so calm and calm when he died?

even! !

He still didn’t look at me, he didn’t have a straight eye.

Ling Xiao! !

Originally I thought I would be guilty and painful, but now I found that I was wrong.

I want you to die and let the entire Ling clan be buried for you! !

“Come out.”

Qin Leng took a deep breath and tried to suppress the grievances in his heart.

That’s right, he is destined not to be the person in Ling Xiao’s eyes, if that’s the case, then…destroy him.

Son, don’t blame me.

To blame, blame you should belong to the dazzling galaxy, so why bother to fall into the world, confuse my eyes, mess up my Taoism, and degenerate me into a demon?


In the ancient forest, there was another strange sound.

Immediately afterwards, a white and fat figure moved out nervously, and the pink and fat face was obviously shocked.

Behind him, a strong Qin clan stayed on his feet, his expression also somewhat restrained.


Can you be informal?

For the people of the Qin clan, the Ling clan was already a mighty sky.

What he is doing now is to kill the descendant of the Ling clan.

If this is not done well, the Qin is afraid it will be cold.

But what can I do?

I’m just a trick, what the Qin Leng clan leader says, I’m just doing it!

If I had a choice, would I not even have a name?

“Say it! Tell the envoy what you told me before.”

Qin Leng’s face gradually raised a touch of complacency. Before, he searched the western borders, looking for the traces of Ling Xiao, Ye Qingchan and others, and finally met this mountain demon.

The demon told him that Ling Xiao had been to Western Xinjiang, and now he has entered Southern Xinjiang.

In addition, Qin Leng had already found out that Ling Tian and the others did not return to the sect. Although their whereabouts are unknown, they wanted to come…mostly, they were heading towards Ling Xiao.

In this way, it is clear who is lying.

“The God Envoy! The Lord God Envoy, save me!!”

Can! !

Just when Qin Leng looked at Ling Xiao with a cold and arrogant expression, and wanted to see him slowly falling into despair with his own eyes, the fat little demon suddenly wailed and looked rather sad.

Quite suddenly, Qin Leng’s heart felt cold.

“Huh? Who are you?”

Dugu Yunxuan had already felt this little demon aura a long time ago, it was just a divine beast, he hadn’t paid attention to it from beginning to end.

Now that the sacred religions dominate the four borders, others may not know it, but as the first divine envoy of the sacred church and the confidant of the gods, Dugu Yunyu knows many inside stories that the ordinary sacred elders do not know.

For example, how did the divine master conquer northern Xinjiang without any effort?

You must know that even when the Lord Ye was in power, the land of Northern Xinjiang had always been a restricted area for the human race.

But now, this monster clan territory is willing to quietly compromise, bowing to the divine lord.

The reason is that the divine lord had promised the first demon emperor in northern Xinjiang a great fortune.

Therefore, in the eyes of Dugu Yunxun, the demon is not a demon.

It’s just that something is wrong.

Wasn’t this pig demon brought by Qin Leng from Xijiang? The intention was extremely obvious.

But why at this time, it feels like eating melons?

“The envoy! It’s him! He forced me to panic. He said that as long as I did what he said, I would spare my life and give me unimaginable good luck!”

The pig demon naturally followed Wuyi to find the Baijing of good fortune in the west, and at this time his behavior was also arranged in advance by Ling Xiao.

There is no way, if this matter is done without evil or mediocrity, it will appear to have ulterior motives and premeditated.

Only this white pig’s head looked innocent and full, not like a bad mind.

Therefore, from the moment Wunii spread the letter, Ling Xiao had arranged this round and waited for Qin Leng to show up.


Life, there will always be many accidents, you are not the destiny, how can the wind go smoothly?

Of course, even if you dare to calculate Ling Xiao, even if you are destined, you will not escape death.

“You…what did you say?!”

At this moment, let alone Qin Leng, even Dugu Yunyun’s eyes were a little surprised.

This plot is not right.

Didn’t it say that we should testify against Ling Xiao today, let him be ruined, and regret it in despair?

How could it happen that the witness turned back?

Even with the thoughts of Dugu Yunyun, he would never believe that Ling Xiao would arrange manpower in advance to stay in the western Xinjiang, just to wait for Qin Leng to appear.

This has nothing to do with xinxing tactics, it is completely foreseeing the destiny.

However, Dugu Yunxuan also did not expect that Ling Xiao arranged Wuxin and others to stay in Xijiang in order to prevent the coming of the strong Saints, which would cause many changes.

Although I couldn’t wait for the people of the sacred religion in the end, it seemed that it was necessary to do something afterwards.

At the very least, this chess game now seems to be seamless.

The villain, step by step, take the heaven and earth as the game, and the sentient beings as the children, it is not self-cultivation!

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