Chapter 791

“Master Feng Ling!”

Mengmo bowed and bowed deeply to Feng Ling.

But at this time, her eyes seemed to flash with a gloomy look, and turned into calm.

“My lord! In his dream…”

“I advise you to consider the consequences before you speak. Sometimes living is more painful than death.”

Feng Ling porcelain white delicate little face was a touch of calmness.

It’s just what she said that made the entire space inexplicably cold.

In this glazed ancient pagoda, no trace of divine consciousness can escape her perception.

She was aware of the momentary emotional change of the dream just now.

“Yes! Your lord.”

The dream demon’s expression shrank, if she hadn’t been a soul body, her face would have been extremely pale at the moment.

“Go ahead! What did you see?”

“I saw a golden palace, a woman in red, and… a trace of fate.”

The Dream Demon’s voice was filled with panic, and the demon intent Ling Xiao had just revealed had already made her guess.

But that woman actually had something to do with the demon. Who is she… on earth?

“anything else?”

Feng Ling stood still in the void, with clear light in his eyes.

An indescribable terrifying trend suddenly fell, and directly overwhelmed the figure of the Dream Demon to the ground.

“My lord is forgiving! My lord is forgiving! I wanted to confuse the only adult with that woman’s body, but I didn’t expect to be killed by his palm, breaking the dream.”

“Kill with one palm? Broke the dream?”

A smile suddenly appeared on Feng Lingqiao’s face, and the spirit outside her body was exhausted, and she turned and disappeared.

It wasn’t until the sixth floor of the ancient pagoda that there was no more fluctuations, the Dream Cube raised its head tremblingly, and the beautiful eyes were filled with shock and surprise.

Master Feng Ling just now… why is he angry?

Why, let go?

Tian crocodile ancestral land, the entrance.

Ling Xiao waved his hand, brought the Nine Dragon Prisoners’ Sky Formation into the boundary, and raised his foot to move away from the ancestral land.

At this moment, his face seemed to flicker with surprise, and he took out a golden charm from the Qiankun ring, and said in a deep voice, “No evil, what happened?”

“Lord, someone in West Xinjiang has been inquiring about your whereabouts recently. He is a young man with an ordinary appearance. Now he is waiting ten miles in front of me…”

The voice of Sinlessness resounded through the autobiographical notes, and Ling Xiao’s eyes immediately bloomed with a biting soul.

“Sacred person?”

“No! He called himself Young Master Leng, he said he came from Eastern Xinjiang, admiring your fame, and making a special trip to follow you.”

“Master Leng? Qin Leng?”

Ling Xiao’s face was slightly suffocated, and he was stunned for a while, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised a touch of playfulness.

No wonder, this first divine envoy is still suspicious of himself, it seems that someone… revealed some information to him.

“You tell this son of Leng that I went to southern Xinjiang two months ago, and…Wugui, you go back to the Ling clan and ask your father to go to the Qin clan to see if Qin Leng is in the clan. No longer, punish the entire family of the Qin Clan. If your father doubts your identity, use this symbol to communicate with me.”

“Yes! Lord!”

Ling Xiao pinched the golden talisman, with awe-inspiring killing intent in his eyes.

At the beginning, he helped Qin Leng step by step to take the seat of the leader of the Qin clan, because he had taken a fancy to his loyalty.

Unexpectedly, he had the guts to betray himself.

Although Ling Xiao wasn’t sure that this person was Qin Leng at this time, but soon everything would come to light.

But why?

If it was Qin Leng, what purpose did he do all this for?


At this moment, in the ring of Lingxiao Qiankun, the divine lord’s golden order made ear-piercing humming again.

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and his eyes suddenly became cold.

Is it so fast?

It seems that there must be a connection between that Lord Leng and the first divine envoy.

However, at this time Ling Xiao did not rush to respond to Dugu Yunyun.

Since someone dares to betray him, then he must let that person know what it means to lose more than gain, life is better than death, life and fame… are lost.

Thousands of miles of waters are rippling.

At this moment, on a desert island deep in the sea, Dugu Yunxuan stood with his hand in his hand, holding a golden charm in his hand.

“Sure enough, there was no response.”

Just now, Qin Leng has sent back news, saying that he has discovered the whereabouts of Ling Xiao, and it is certain that he has just arrived in southern Xinjiang not long ago.

But, if so, how could this young man meet him when Elder Shui went to the Ling Clan so coincidentally?

What is going wrong?

“Elder Water.”

“Master Dugu?”

“Where are you now?”

“Mr Ling Xiao and I are investigating the magic traces in the far part of Shuo, southern Xinjiang.”

“Oh, after seven days, you go to Xuansi Mountain and wait for me!”

When the words were over, Dugu Yunxuan’s figure instantly disappeared in place.

He had ordered Qin Leng to rush to Southern Xinjiang, and he would testify himself when the time came, and he wanted to see what Ling Xiao had to say.

Play scheming with me, you are still too young.

At the same time, at the end of the Dead Sea, with a gleam of clear light, Ling Xiao’s figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of that ancestral land.

At this moment, he could feel the breath hidden in the sea curtain, and it was obvious that Zi Yan was still here.

In other words, no matter who came out of the ancestral land today, I am afraid that the new emperor of the sea did not intend to let it go.

If it had been before, Ling Xiao wouldn’t dare to walk out of the ancestral land so blatantly.

But now, with or without the Demon Armor, he was not afraid that Zi Yan would secretly attack and kill him on the spot.

“The Purple Emperor, now that he is here, why hide in hiding?”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, and he looked at the sea screen beside him indifferently.

Hearing this, Zi Yanqiao’s face clearly flashed with surprise.

With the strength of her ninth rank of the god emperor, how did this young man perceive her breath?

Or is he cheating her?

“Purple Emperor, if you don’t show up again, am I going to leave?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and turned around to leave.

At this moment, the void in front of him suddenly rippled.

Immediately afterwards, Zi Yan’s enchanting and peerless face appeared in front of Ling Xiao.

“Haha, Young Master Ling Xiao, the month of January has come. I wonder if you have gained anything from this trip to the ancestral land of the crocodile?”

Although Zi Yan was smiling at this time, a ray of surprise flashed through those golden eyes.

She could clearly feel that the aura of the boy before her seemed very different from before.

It’s just that this difference is not only an improvement in realm, but also a terrible general trend that can’t be said.

even! !

With Zi Yan’s cultivation base, she actually hesitated. If she makes a move, can she really kill this young man on the spot?

how is this possible?

How can an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy take his own thunderous blow even if he hides his strength and controls certain cards?

But it is very inexplicable. Although this feeling is unreal, it is extremely clear.

Moreover, it was like an illusion. When Zi Yan came to the entrance of this crocodile ancestral land, she always felt…there was an aura hidden in the dark.


With her ninth-rank divine emperor’s soul perception, after careful investigation for several times, she found nothing.

Is it possible that I am so worried?

“Hehe, it seems that the son has a lot of gains.”

“Are you satisfied with the gift I gave to the Purple Emperor earlier?”

Ling Xiao smiled mildly, and on her unparalleled face, there was a calm indifference.

It seemed that from beginning to end, he had never put Zi Yan, the Ninth Rank Divine Emperor, in his eyes.

Everything is under control.

What is Xianzi, probably so.

“Falling human race, you slaughtered?”

Zi Yan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and there seemed to be three thousand thunderbolts in it, rushing into the sea, shaking the void and tearing the sea curtain.

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