Chapter 762


Thousands of patterns suddenly appeared in the entire Sea Emperor Hall, intertwined and intertwined, covering the sky and the sun.

Immediately afterwards, the sea curtain of Wanli was turbulent, with layers of Taoist rhyme, sweeping in all directions.

And at the place where the endless waves were surging, Zi Yan stood with her hands behind her hands, her eyes were calm, and even the enchantment in her eyes disappeared cleanly at this time.

Ao Xun and the others were no longer in the place below him, only a piece of ground meat and blood stains were left.

“Master! What happened?”

At the end of the ancient hall, a graceful figure suddenly flashed, and Qiao’s face was full of surprise.

“It’s okay, why did you come out? How is the cultivation method that I taught you?”

Zi Yan turned her head, her pretty face condensed, and then she raised a smile, “Xi’er, you have to work hard, the heavenly good fortune is about to emerge, and in the future, the seas will all count on you.”

“Master…Aren’t you standing at the top of the sea area now? Ten thousand people have returned, and the sea area is peaceful…”

Xi’er hesitated to say something but stopped. From the very beginning, when Zi Yan was attracted to her, she always felt that Master’s purpose was not simple.

Xi’er didn’t know his origin before the Jinlin clan was extinct.

But now, she seemed to feel a kind of conspiracy that always shrouded herself.

In particular, the cultivation technique taught by the master is an evil method that forcibly enhances the cultivation base and activates the bloodline.

Although Xi’er never suspected that Zi Yan would persecute her, she was a little nervous inexplicably.

Master wants me to fight for the good fortune, but why do you teach me this evil method?

What does she want to do?

Very confused!

If Young Master Ling Xiao was here, it would be fine.

He will give me a lot of pertinent opinions, right?

“Xi’er, you have to know that the peace in the sea right now is just an illusion. They are just shocked by my cultivation base. Once I am old or injured, the Sea Emperor Palace will face destruction.”

Zi Yan sighed lightly, a rare vicissitudes in her beautiful eyes, “In this world, no one wants to live forever, and betrayal is often only a momentary thing.”


“You have also seen that today, the Nine Emperors who are extremely vassal of the Sea Clan, the Jiao Human Race, are coming together. If I hadn’t prepared in advance, I’m afraid that it would be a catastrophe, Xi’er, do you really think…I care about the seat of the Sea King?”

“What I care about is the peace of the sea from beginning to end!”

“Master, I…”

“I know! You always think I’m too harsh on you, but Xi’er, you have to know that the blood flowing in your body is the blood of the supreme monster of my monster race. This is destined that you will not be like ordinary sea girls. Stable for life.”

Originally, Zi Yan came to the sea and conquered the tribes just to use the power of the sea to accomplish what she thought in her heart.

After all, there is not much time left for her.

With the means of that person, sooner or later she will truly step into the realm of respect, and her blood feud will be rarely repaid.

So, this time, it may be her only chance.

Until more than ten years ago, when she accidentally met Xi’er, she was instantly shocked by the blood flowing through the girl’s body.

Zi Yan really did not expect that in this barren land of the Holy State, there should be such a pure blood of a true dragon.

In the past ten years, Zi Yan rummaged through ancient books and searched for the Great Demon, only to inquire about the only true dragon in the history of Shengzhou.

And thinking of that good fortune, Zi Yan suddenly had a lot of guesses in her heart.

No matter how many god emperors are, they may not be opponents of the noble realm.

But if she can also step into that realm, maybe everything can be solved.

Xi’er is the most important part of her plan.

Even killing Ling Xiao was only because… She was worried that the former would disrupt her plan and betray Xi’er.

After planning for three hundred years, Zi Yan will never allow anyone to ruin her plan!

“Master, Xi’er just wants to stay by your side…”

There was a hint of grievance in Xi’er’s beautiful eyes, and she had always been the loneliest in the Sea Emperor Palace of Nuo Da.

Just like a canary in captivity, although it enjoys the most noble status and status in the sea, is it not…a kind of imprisonment?

“You are still young and do not understand the cruelty of the laws of this world. I dominate the seas just to end the millennia of conquests in the seas. But after all, I am missing a identity and a heritage, so there will be countless people in this sea. Kill me.”

“Ke Xi’er, you are different. Your bloodline is supreme. As long as you can get that good fortune and completely awaken, the whole demon race in the holy state will respect you.”

Zi Yan stretched out her hand and gently stroked Xi’er’s cheek, the tenderness in her eyes, as if she was looking at a…peerless spirit treasure.

“Although you don’t understand me now, and I never expect anyone to understand me, one day you will understand how great what I’m doing is.”

“I know Master, Xi’er will work hard to cultivate, and strive to awaken the blood as soon as possible, and help you get that…good luck.”

Xi’er’s silver teeth clenched, especially the love on Zi Yan’s face, which made her feel unspeakable guilt.

Perhaps, I was too naive.

Under the indifferent and cruel appearance of Master, there is always a kind heart…caring for the common people.

In the end, Xi’er turned around and left, leaving Zi Yan alone on the abandoned Sea Emperor Hall site.

Only at this time, the smile on her face had long since disappeared, leaving only…endless coldness.

In the depths of the Dead Sea, before the ancient monument.

Ling Xiao frowned lightly and thunderously.

At this moment, he seemed to realize that the formation in front of him was not as terrifying as he had imagined.

even! !

Without the help of the breaking talisman, he unexpectedly discovered several flaws.

Is this reasonable?

With Zi Yan’s method, how could such a poor formation be arranged.

Of course, it wasn’t that this formation was useless, on the contrary, if Ling Xiao had never seen the ancient formation where Zi Yan was imprisoned by Crocodile, he would not have any doubts in his heart.

After all, a demon race, even if it has some talents, after all, it is impossible to cultivate this way to the Profound Realm like the Master of Human Race Formation Dao.

The seal in front of him was indeed terrifying, even an ordinary rank six or seven god emperor might not be able to break it easily.

If it weren’t for Ling Xiao’s thunder road to complete, it would be difficult to easily find the flaws in it.

However, Ling Xiao felt that something was wrong with this burst.


It wasn’t until Ling Xiao was in front of him that there was a sudden cracking sound. Behind him, Crocodile finally raised a smile on his face.

Son, awesome! !

This lightning formation is a ban on the Yaozu.

Especially in the sea, with such a thunderous power, the god emperor can only temporarily avoid the edge.

But Young Master Ling Xiao could easily break through this formation with the help of Shenhou realm.

What else to say, the son is awesome! !

At this time, under the direction of the thunder light deliberately emitted by Ling Xiao, the sea area had already been surrounded by Tianjiao.

It’s just that due to the fierce and mighty crocodile war, no one dared to take the initiative to step forward at this time.

“It’s broken! Look, it’s broken!”

And when the thunder light on it dissipated, a ray of greed and excitement burst into the eyes of many sea clan monsters.

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