Chapter 753

Territory, fairy spring.

Ling Xiao embraced Lin Meng and Han Qingqiu, lying in the spring with his eyes closed and rested.

Han Qingqiu has fallen asleep, but Lin Meng’s eyes are open, looking at Ling Xiao quietly.

At this moment, the sky is already lit up, and it is obvious that last night was another endless battle.

“My son, where did Sister Huahua go?”

Lin Mengwo was in Ling Xiao’s arms, and his expression was a little tired.

The woman next to Ling Xiao, she was most familiar with Huahua.

Before Lin Meng hadn’t expected that the magic dragon that the son fell from the sky that day was actually a flower.

“Back to Dongjiang, there are some things.”

The one who went back with Huahua was naturally Ling Xiao’s Purple Qi Wushou Dao body.

As the crocodile ancestor land is about to be opened today, his body cannot leave for the time being.

Although the two gods have the same level of cultivation, the treasures such as the Ancestral Talisman and the Primordial Magic Sword can all be in the body soul sea.

Besides, there are Taixuan Dao masters in Eastern Xinjiang, and a mere water emperor passes by, and what storms can be set off.

“Oh, son… Actually, Master Xuanyuan missed you so much… I often talk about you, saying that you can’t encounter any danger outside, and I don’t know how to call her to help you out.”

Lin Meng has a gentle smile. For the past six months, she has been following Xuanyuanyue’s practice, and she has mastered the alchemy and spiritual fire.

Although her talent is quite different from Han Qingqiu, Ning’er and others.

But fortunately, Lin Meng worked hard enough and awakened the too spiritual fire body. As long as there was enough spiritual fire for her to practice, Ling Xiao believed that her future achievements would not be lower than anyone else.

“Meng’er, you followed your mother for half a year, have you ever seen her do…abnormal behavior?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly flashed with curiosity.

From childhood to adulthood, Xuanyuanyue always looked like a domineering and loving mother in front of him.

Not to mention outsiders, even people of the same clan, if anyone dares to make Ling Xiao unhappy, that is definitely not forgiving.

Therefore, the original owner of Ling Xiao has developed the character of the domineering Laozi.

However, as Ling Xiao got more in touch now, and gradually felt the vastness of this world, he felt more and more… that the thing inherited from the Danyuan Holy Land in his mother’s mouth was not like a thing from the Holy State.


Even the upper realm ghost clan’s most treasured soul-thirsty ghost orb, its power is far inferior to the magic of breaking the realm.

The spirit pill of Jiuyou’s body was refined by his mother.

Just think about it, even the grandfather in Lin Xi’s ring hasn’t reshaped his body after waiting for hundreds of years.

Thinking about it this way, Xuanyuanyue’s methods were terrifying.

“Unusual behavior?”

Lin Meng’s expression was taken aback, apparently a little bit uncomprehending what Ling Xiao meant.

“Forget it, wait until I return to Dongjiang and ask her in person.”

Ling Xiao completely trusted her mother.

Whether she concealed her identity or not, she would never hurt herself.

She didn’t say it, naturally there was a reason not to say it.

Perhaps the time is not yet ripe, or… it is a kind of protection for him.

“That spirit fire, when do you plan to fuse?”

“That star flame is still a bit irritable. I will nurture for a while with spiritual power, and wait for it to let me down, and then try to integrate it, son, today I listened to my sister Ruge and talked a lot of interesting things. She asked me to help her temper some natural poison, saying that she was going to create a batch of spirit treasures and give it to the dark guard, son… I feel more and more that Sister Ruge is so powerful. I have not heard many of her ideas. I’ve heard it.”

Lin Meng’s eyes flickered with admiration, but her tone was inexplicably low, “and sister Qingqiu, Ning’er, and the young ancestor of Fengling, they are all amazing.”

“You are also very powerful, heaven and earth spiritual fires are originally the most yang and violent things in the world, but you can integrate them into your body without the help of any cultivation method. This in itself is a terrifying talent. Don’t worry, I will Find more spiritual fires for you to practice.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and rubbed Lin Meng’s pretty face.

As for Feng Ruge, she was originally a traveler, with strange and interesting thoughts, so what’s all the fuss about.

However, tempering the spirit treasure with the heavenly poison and handing it under the control of the dark guard, it seems that this woman of destiny is already on the path of the villain…going farther and farther.

“Meng’er, how about the Yin-Yang Profound God Technique I taught you?”

“My son, Meng’er is stupid, there are… there are still many unknowns…”

“It’s okay! Practice makes perfect, I will point you alone.”

“The son…”

One day, in the blink of an eye.

In the depths of the sea, a land of black water.

The waves here are surging, the demon’s prestige is prosperous, and there are layers of Taoist rhymes that follow the flow, which can be called miraculous.

Ling Tian frowned slightly, looking at a group of Sea Clan youths in different dresses and strange appearances, but uniform and arrogant appearances.

“Go away.”

“I…Gan! I have traversed the sea for endless years, and I have never seen such an arrogant human race like you.”

In the first place, a sea monster with scaly faces sneered, but his eyes looked at Ye Xun’er beside Ling Tian intentionally or unintentionally.

“Young Master Tiezhen, are you so precious?”

Behind him, there was a sea youth who looked suspicious and authentic.

Are endless years so worthless these years?

“I’m going to you…! You don’t care how old I am! That Human Race kid, who knows well, just leave the girl behind and get out.”

Tie Zhen snorted coldly, his body full of demon power, faintly transformed into a demon shadow of several feet, standing on top of his head.

Not to mention, this iron arrogance is a bit arrogant, but the cultivation base has reached the realm of Shenhou Sixth Rank.

Even if you look at the endless sea, you can still be called the word “Tianjiao”.

“court death.”

Ling Tian snorted coldly. In the past few days, the news that there will be a heavy treasure in the sea has already spread.

Countless Sea Clan Tianjiao began to gather in one place, forming gangs, in order to take the lead when the treasure appeared in this world.

And the group of Sea Clan youths in front of them are attached to the young master of the Xuangui Clan, that is, the subordinate of the Sea Territory No. 1 Tianjiao.

In particular, the one who spoke was one of the top ten royal families in the sea, and the young master of the iron turtle tribe, Tie Yao, was also a well-known person in the sea.

The three monster tribes, the mysterious tortoise, the bone clam, and the iron turtle, are all known for their defenses.

And this Tie Yu is now one of the most loyal subordinates of Young Master Xuangui.

“Looking for death? Brothers, he said I’m looking for death? Hahahaha, do you all know the preferences of Young Master Xuanxuan? If we can dedicate this human girl to Young Master…hehehe.”

“Come on! Tell him to know how awesome my Sea Clan is!!”


Several demon shadows rose into the air and swept straight towards Ling Tian.

The latter just calmly held the ancient sword in his hand and cut it gently against the void.


A dazzling gleam of Xuanhui quietly bloomed, and immediately after that, a neat gully split in the sea area of ​​thousands of miles.

even! !

The smile on Tie Zhen’s face hadn’t completely dissipated, but his eyes were shocked to see that the figures of the four Sea Clan youths suddenly split apart and fell down.

The strong bloody breath instantly permeated, dyeing the entire sea area bloody.

But at this time, Ling Tian’s face seemed to flicker with hesitation.

“Junior Brother Ling Tian, ​​what’s wrong with you?”

Ye Xun’er’s eyebrows clustered lightly, her eyes nervous.

It was the first time that she had seen Ling Tian showing this look when he was fighting against someone.

Inexplicably, Ye Xun’er suddenly felt uneasy.

“Xun’er… Is there still a place in your universe ring?”

“Huh? And…what’s wrong?”

“Brother loves to eat seafood. Pack these dozens and bring him back. Remember, if you want to use life, you can keep it fresh.”


Ye Xun’er’s eyes trembled, and there was a flash of resentment on her pretty face.

I knew it! !

Ling Tian is the only one who can make Ling Tian show such an expression! !

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