Chapter 750

“Killing and punishing the heart, this is a means of killing and punishing the heart.”

Crocodile was excited. At this time, in his heart, Ling Xiao had become his guiding light, a noble man in life.

You see, the son first traveled thousands of miles and worked tirelessly to deliver Xianyuan to his hands.

Calculating Ziyan is tantamount to nine deaths!

Now he is struggling to make suggestions for his return to the family.

That’s not a big deal, now he has even paved the way for him to step onto the sea overlord in the future! !

There are many strong clans in the endless sea.

Nowadays, although some sea people have taken refuge in the sea emperor, they are only shocked by her methods.

Regarding the concerns of the people in the sea area, Crocodile War has been thoroughly understood over the past three hundred years.

No matter how they really surrender, it’s not that they are afraid of being punishable by Zi Yan.

But if these Haiyu Tianjiao can see with their own eyes the brilliance of his crocodile family and understand who is the real king, they will inevitably… be attached to him and work together! !

It is equivalent to setting foot on the pinnacle of life by achieving three goals with one stone, reaching the sky in one step, and opening an ancestral land.

So hi! !

At this time, Crocodile Zhan had already cast the ground on the five bodies that Ling Xiao admired, and even… felt like seeing each other late.

Righteous and selfless, wholeheartedly for him.

Such a young man should be a good teacher in life and a good friend in a fairy way!

“Di, the Son of Destiny has over-brained, and sincerely grateful to the villain, he took off on the road to death. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 500 points and the villain for 5,000 points.”

“Three days later, if you order the Jiao Terran to besiege the Sea Emperor Palace, you must be surprised, you must do your best, and I…will go to the ancestral land of the crocodile with the young master.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao put away the order of the crocodile clan and raised his head to look at the distant sky.

Since this crocodile battle has the means to use the Flood Human Race, I am afraid this time, it will be difficult for the Sea Territory royal family to not want to die.

“Master! Where are we going now?”

Xiao Peng stood beside Ling Xiao, his face a little dignified inexplicably.


Fortunately, he shot as soon as he debuted.

Otherwise, if you are met by this master elsewhere, you don’t know how it was played to death.

Now it seems that the soul mark planted in his soul sea is not a bondage at all, it is a life-saving trump card.

I am a servant of the Lord, what bad thoughts can I have?

“Yin Minghai, go and meet that…the number one pride in the sea.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, stepped forward, and instantly disappeared in place.

only! !

At the moment when his figure just disappeared, on the edge of the ancient island, another figure in black appeared quietly, and his breath was extremely weak. If he was not inspected carefully, he would not be aware of his existence.

Then, seeing him take out a golden talisman, he wanted to spread the letter.

“Who sent you here?”

Can! !

At this moment, behind the figure in black, a cold laugh suddenly came.

Hearing the sound, he didn’t hesitate at all, his whole body bloomed, and he rushed towards the distance frantically.

“So anxious, do you have a ghost in your heart?”

Ling Xiao sneered, but his figure did not move lightly.

The whole piece of void seemed to stand still for a moment for no reason.

And in the sky in the distance, a tall figure appeared out of thin air, holding the black figure who had fled in a hurry in his hand.

The cultivation base of this person is only at the fourth rank of God Emperor.


The technique he cultivated was a kind of concealment technique.

Since Ling Xiao had just talked with Crocodile Zhan, he had faintly felt the existence of this person.

And in order to avoid throwing grass and scaring the snake, Ling Xiao deliberately pretended that nothing had happened, and then pretended to leave, in fact, he entered the realm.

The purpose is to let him relax.

A human race, it’s not that he is not cautious enough, it is really… this person would never have thought that the young man in front of him who seemed to be only eighteen or nine years old had reached the level of the eighth stage emperor.

And there is an ancestor talisman, but any ray of divine sense exploration can hardly escape Ling Xiao’s perception.

What’s more, he couldn’t think of it as an individual, there was a realm in a sea of ​​young souls, and he could disappear at any time.

But… at the moment, this person should have just found his whereabouts.

As for whose eyeliner he was, Ling Xiao guessed that 80% of him was the first divine envoy.

Human race, god emperor.

It’s not that Zi Yan doesn’t have the ability to control him, but the timing of his appearance is wrong.

If it is Zi Yan, after the Jiao Human Race has been separated, someone should be sent to watch.

But this person just appeared today.


It seems that our first envoy has already arranged something.

Of course, if this person is anxious to spread the message when he hides his body, using Ling Xiao’s means, he can be sure to capture him when he is distracted.

After all, if he dared to come, he would never go back.

“Do you say it yourself, or do I… help you?”

Ling Xiao sneered, but the black-clothed man snorted coldly, just about to smash the sound transmission note in his hand, but Xiong Huanyi grasped his arm and tore it alive.


“Take him back to the realm.”

In the depths of the domain, Ling Xiao squeezed a sound transmission note in his hand, smiling playfully.

Behind him, Xiong Huan held the head of the black god emperor and firmly controlled him.

“Are you the first divine envoy?”

“How do you know? I obviously didn’t say anything!!!”

The black god emperor snorted coldly, his face suddenly choked.


It seems to be… said that you are bald?

Suddenly there is a feeling of becoming a traitor?

“Then you know, who am I?”

“Bah! Evil Demon Lingxiao, if you do chaos in the sea, sooner or later you will be annihilated.”


Upon hearing this, Ling Xiao frowned slightly, as if lost in thought.

Ling Xiao?

This Bi actually knows my name?

In that case, Dugu Yunyu should also know it?

Did someone leak the wind, or… Dugu Yunyun knew my identity?

The inexplicable familiar feeling reappeared in Ling Xiao’s heart again.

Something’s wrong.

“Do you recognize this thing?”

Ling Xiao suddenly stretched out his hand and took out the divine order from Qiankun Ring.

At this time, he still doesn’t know the identity of Dugu Yunyu, but…try this dark child, everything is naturally clear.

As a person of the sacred religion, Ling Xiao didn’t even waste energy exploring his soul sea.

With the cautiousness of this force, most of the strong in the teachings have been sealed off.

“this is…”

The black god emperor stretched his neck vigorously, trying to look more closely.

In the next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed.

God order! ! This is a divine order! !

No wonder Master Dugu ordered me to follow the trail of Lingxiao secretly.

This demon, since he killed my holy son?

“Evil!! You dare to kill my holy son!”


Ling Xiao looked helplessly at the black god emperor, “Do you think that if I kill the Shengjiao Shengzi, the god will not be aware of it? Dugu Yunxuan will send you a mentally retarded person to track me?”

“Hi…what you said seems to make sense.”

At this moment, the Shengjiao god emperor suddenly fell into confusion.

If Ling Xiao really killed his Sacred Son, Lord Dugu would have already arrived with the knife himself at this moment.

Now that he knows the young man’s name, wouldn’t it be easy to find him?

But how did the Shen Ling fall into his hands?

This fluctuation in the order can never be faked, it is the god’s prestige.

This is unscientific!

Is it possible that he and Shengzi are good friends?

That’s not right, that Master Dugu asked me to follow him with a hammer.

I’m very confused.

“Fine, I have a showdown, I am the holy son of the holy religion in your mouth!”

Ling Xiao sighed, her expression a little vicissitudes of life.

And the face of the black god emperor was sluggish almost instantly.


Bye… See Lord Son? !

But, it still seems wrong.

Master Dugu sent me to track the son again, is it a dry hammer? !

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