Chapter 747


The whole city hall suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone looked shocked at the white-clothed young man standing in the sky, and… that originally fierce and mighty, but now he was holding the meteorite in his hand casually.

Is this… an illusion?

The elder of Tianya City slapped himself severely, and after he was sure that it was not an illusion, he swallowed fiercely.

At the beginning, Duan Wuya had a firm foothold in the depths of the sea, precisely because… he once relied on this fire to slaughter the surrounding Shufang Sea Clan.

Even some of the top powerhouses in the sea have never dared to provoke him easily.

The reason is still because of this…Heaven and Earth Spiritual Fire.

Not to mention touching with the physical body, even if the spiritual treasure Taoist implements, it will not bear the fire and heavenly majesty.

But now! !

It was such a peerless creature that was held in the hands of a young man out of thin air.

Me… Gan?

Duan Wuya’s eyes trembled and his mouth opened in anger.

Is it because I haven’t been born for a long time, I can’t keep up with the trend of this era?

The children nowadays are so amazing?

Are you afraid of urine kang when playing with fire?


Xiong Huan stepped out, smashed his fists and stamped heavily on the green tripod.

Even at this moment, Mo Wudao didn’t react at all, he was hit by the Qingding cauldron directly on his chest, and fell towards the bottom.

The blood sprayed, Mo Wudao’s bones all shattered.

But before Xiong Huan made another move, Xiao Peng’s figure had broken through the void and appeared in front of Mo Wudao.

Then, under the latter’s desperate and horrified gaze, the ancient knife in his hand slashed out, directly slashing its head down, and shattered together with the spirit.

“Huh! A mere old dog, dare to be arrogant in front of me!!”

Xiao Peng held Mo Wudao’s head in one hand, turned around and bowed to Ling Xiao, “Master! Fortunately, it is not insulting.”


Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled, and finally he sighed slightly, waved his hand to insert the Primordial Demon Blade into the ground, and then collected the Spirit Fire into the ancient glazed pagoda before looking down at Duan Wuya.

In the hall, all the blood and energy gathered and was swallowed by the magic blade.


Magic Blade, this is Magic Blade!

But, what is going on?

Isn’t this young man a holy son?

Why is he obviously a fairy, but the methods are so vicious?

“Does anyone still want to try?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes swept across the remaining Tianya City God Emperors, but he saw one of the white-haired old men suddenly stepping forward, before opening his mouth, he was cut off by Xiao Peng’s head with a single knife.

At the last moment of his life, the old man’s eyes clearly flickered with blankness.

I, he… just want to take the lead in surrendering, you punish me for hammering you! ! !

“City Lord?”

“Time is up! I voted, I voted! Son, you see, I don’t mean to do it at all.”

Duan Wuya’s old face trembled and forced a smile.

But Ling Xiao smiled and nodded, “Open the soul sea and be my slave.”

“Yes Yes!”

Duan Wuya’s eyes were bitter, but he didn’t dare to hesitate any more.

With the means that Ling Xiao had just revealed, he was afraid that it was the seventh-ranking god emperor, and he would not see him at all.

Do not vote at this time, waiting to be sentenced?


A ray of soul light shed, and the imprint dissipated.

“Go and transform your Tianya City’s spirit treasures, and bring them all to me.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao’s figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Duan Wuya hesitated for a moment, but after all he did not dare to give birth to a trace of rebellion.

Territory, heaven.

Ling Xiao calmly looked at the surprised Feng Ruge, “Ruge, this is where my power lies.”

“My son… can I ask you a question?”

Feng Ruge pressed her red lips tightly, as if hesitated.

From the moment Xiong Huan appeared, she felt a little familiar.

At this time, she just wanted to understand, isn’t this the great demon who kidnapped Chen Qingshan when the Demon Sect attacked the mountain?

Me… Gan?

When did this great demon become the slave of the son?

Or, in fact, from the beginning, all of this was in the calculation of the son?

“I know you want to ask, who am I?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and looked up at the distant sky.

“I used to be the Son of the Holy Church, but since I met you… I want to… break the rules of this world.”

“What! Break… the rules?!”

Feng Ruge’s beautiful eyes condensed fiercely.

Here comes again! !

Even if she had seen a lot of tricks for girls in her previous life, it was very strange. Every time she heard the son say these nasty love words, she would feel that her heart was swaying and she would be impulsive.

The reason…Isn’t it because the son’s fairy face makes people have no resistance at all.

what can I do?

I know the man’s mouth, a deceitful ghost.

But just slander him, want to be scumbed by him, be deceived by him! !

Therefore, I advise you all the teenagers who want to be Sea King, look in the mirror and reflect on yourself first, whether you are worthy or not.

“In my eyes, the so-called fairy demon in this world is the division of good and evil, but since seeing the love between Chen Qingshan and Gu Ci’er, I suddenly felt that I was wrong.”

Ling Xiao’s tone was stunned, and there was a sad air on her body.

Especially his side face looking up to the void forty-five degrees is even more handsome and brutal.


The sky is blue, but sad.

Because that is the color of cloth!

Please take me Dige, take me back to my Didi home, and leave her Dao Xin while it’s hot!

“So, the son now… doesn’t care about the immortal and demons?”

“This world is very simple, the existence of all spirits is the truth, the evil… is the human heart! For example, you, Ru Ge, you are so pure and beautiful, what bad thoughts would you have? Isn’t it being chased by them?”

Ling Xiao sighed, but Feng Ruge’s eyes gradually softened.

“My son, I am willing to accompany you… to break the rules of this world, but before that, I want to apologize to you first. I shouldn’t believe you just now. I should firmly believe that my son is the safest place in the world! So… To express my apologies to the son, I plan to…compensate the son.”


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, but before he could react, Feng Ruge had already raised his toes and blocked everything he wanted to say.

“Such as…”

“My son, I was wrong! Please… punish me!!”

Above the heavenly hall, spring is swept across suddenly, and the waves are ups and downs.

It also seems that there is a rock standing on the shore, which has not fallen forever, being beaten mercilessly by the waves and stumbled.

Before the main hall, Han Qingqiu, Huahua, and Lin Meng stood quietly, looking at the Ling Xiao who was thrown to the ground by Feng Ruge and the Linghui blooming outside of them, with a complex color on their faces.

“That Feng Ruge… she’s so embarrassed.”

Huahua snorted, but there was a touch of greed in her eyes.

“Do you dare to say this in front of Young Master and Miss Feng?”

Han Qingqiu’s temperament was extremely cold at first, and there was not much disturbance in his heart at this time.

Lin Meng has a comfortable temper and never wanted to fight for anything in the past.

On the contrary, this Feng Ruge is so bold and direct that he is brave enough to express his love for the son.

“Uh, this woman is the body of Heavenly Poison. If you want to think about it, you must be vicious. Two… Sisters, in the future, we will have to stand on the same front. We can’t call her a newcomer and monopolize the favor of the son.”

Huahua snorted coldly, and of course she did not dare to show any dissatisfaction with her son.

What’s more, Feng Ruge’s poisonous body, if she was poisoned again, it would be an accidental death at best.

However, this woman is so domineering and direct, and I am afraid that they will spend very little time with the son in the future.

Suddenly, I missed the girl very much.

With that temper, the son would never dare to be so presumptuous, right?

One day, in the blink of an eye.

Above the heavenly hall, Ling Xiao summoned Han Qingqiu and others to the front of the hall, introduced Feng Ruge to everyone, and handed the star flame to Lin Meng by the way.

Right now, he should also set out to enter the ancestral land of the crocodile.

The relic of the devil is indeed very tempting.

As for the affairs in the domain, leaving Feng Ruge in charge, he was completely relieved.

“My son, these are your girlfriends? They are so terrible, they… They won’t beat me?”

Feng Ruge hid behind Ling Xiao, but there was no trace of panic in his eyebrows, but a touch of triumph.

In this world, three wives and four concubines are normal.

Besides, Young Master Xianyan, how many people in the world can resist?

what can I do?

He was greedy and wanted to live, but of course he accepted all his girlfriends.

“No, they are all very kind people.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, and Feng Ruge asked in a low voice, “The son…Can I beat them?”

“No, because each of them is a real destiny evildoer in this world, I’m afraid you… will die.”

“Hehe, son, I’m joking!”

Feng Ruge’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and suddenly smiled at Han Qingqiu and others, “Hello sister, from today on, I will be your exclusive hair stylist, costume collaborator, beauty housekeeper, skin care partner, and fairy repair consultant. , Privacy…good friend.”

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