Chapter 744 City Lord of the End of the World

“Thanks to the mistress for the praise, the poor wish to bow down to the Lord, and die.”

Xiao Peng bowed and bowed, his expression extremely respectful.

Although he hadn’t personally experienced the natural poison that Feng Ruge used just now, he had seen it from a distance.

Anyone who is contaminated, no matter the gods or kings, turns into blood in a blink of an eye.

Although the two Tianya City God Emperors saved their lives, they still had their arms abolished.

Obviously, this woman is extremely dangerous, even far more dangerous than Ye Qingchan.

However, now it seems that the Lord is the real Sea King.

Not to mention the Han Qingqiu, Lin Meng and others in the realm, it seems that no woman who is admired by him can escape his palm?

Can natural poison be immune?


What is there to say, Lord, awesome!

“Let’s go and meet this Tianya City Master.”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, holding Feng Rugeyu’s hand, and walking towards Tianya City.

“My son, I have a few gadgets, maybe they can come in handy later.”

Feng Ruge smiled charmingly, and suddenly took out two silver beads from Qiankun Ring, the size of a fist, smooth and bright.


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and listened to Feng Ruge softly explaining, “This silver bead is made of uranium silver. It has a low melting point, but can temporarily seal the poison. It contains two fire-attribute spirit stones. Once it collides violently, It will explode on the spot, of course, there is also the Heavenly Poison I personally prepared in this silver bead.”


Upon hearing this, Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, but a smile appeared on his face.

Isn’t this… a smoke bomb?

Still the kind that can kill people invisible.

From the beginning, Ling Xiao didn’t plan to harvest Feng Ruge’s life, and that was the reason.

Crossing the stream, the brain hole is big, it is not comparable to these mysterious aboriginals.

As long as she thinks a little bit, she can create many new things.

For Lingxiao, it is also a condiment in a boring life.

We are just a writer, we don’t understand anything except codewords all day long.

Feng Ruge is able to set up a Sangtian fish pond, and it looks like a cultural one.

How do you say this, I am not afraid that the villain will be bad, but that the villain will be handsome… No, I am afraid that the villain is educated.

“Yes! Ruge, you are such a clever ghost.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand, put the two Sky Poison Pearls into his palm, and gently squeezed Feng Ruge’s Qiong nose.

“My son! Actually, I still have a lot of this kind of yin stuff…”

There was a gloomy flash in Feng Ruge’s eyes. Originally, she made these things to save her life.

After all, a villain’s tactics are not easy to come by.

But whether it is the Sky Poison Pearl or other hidden weapons, they are more or less contaminated with Sky Poison, and there is a risk of exposure.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Feng Ruge dare not use it at all.

But now is different. Now she is next to Ling Xiao. She only needs to make hidden weapons and hand them over to the man of destiny to use them, so she doesn’t need to worry too much.

Destiny can punish destiny, she is a villain, of course she is the woman behind destiny with peace of mind, helping him to kill all enemies and achieve uniqueness in ancient times, so…Who would dare to say that I am an evil body?

Humph, our villain doesn’t want to be a stepping stone!

“Good, good! Ruge, what kind of spiritual material you need in the future, just tell me what you want to do, feel free to do it, and… this day, the poison pearl can be further improved, such as the appearance of… spiritual jewelry Looks like…”

Ling Xiao nodded, revealing a hint of evil in his eyes.

Hidden weapon or something, although despicable, but…


I’m a villain, do you expect me to be upright?

If the poison is used properly this day, it is the supreme weapon of the Yin person.

“Huh? The son…wise!”

Feng Ruge’s pretty face condensed slightly, and he quickly understood what Ling Xiao was thinking.

Then, he took out three Sky Poison Pearls from the Qiankun Ring and handed them to Ling Xiao.

The two of them walked towards Tianya Ancient City with brilliant faces.

Finally, we can punish people with integrity.

God, if you tell me to cross into the villain, then I will prove my name for the villain!

Heavenly Poison Girl?

From now on, please call me Fairy Sky Poison! !

“Di, the girl of Destiny is willing to fall, and firmly believes that her villain setting has been completely blackened. Congratulations to the host for getting 500 points of luck and 5000 points for the villain.”

at the same time.

Tianya Ancient City, in a bluestone ancient palace in the middle of the city.

An old man in a black robe looked at the Tianya City elder below with a gloomy look.

Beside him, Mo Wudao frowned slightly, and he was obviously confused, “Elder Yan Jue, you mean, a young man, not only resisted meteoritis, but also rescued the Sky Poison Girl and killed me. The other two God Emperor elders in Tianya City?”

“No… not bad! Great Elder, City Lord! The young man threatened to tell me Tianya City to give him an explanation, otherwise he would destroy my whole city…”

Yan Jue was the Tianya City God Emperor who had deliberately released Ling Xiao back to vent the news.

This power has occupied Tianya Island for a hundred years, and it shouldn’t be too bad if you want to come to terms.

What’s more, now that Ling Xiao is about to step into the ancestral land of the crocodile with the crocodile, he can control a few more god emperor puppets, and at that time, he will be able to… one more dead ghost.

“What? What a big tone… Do you know the origin of that boy?”

Mo Wudao and Tianya City Lord looked at each other, and there was a heavy color in their eyes.

Both of them were cultivated in the seventh rank of God Emperor. Looking at the sea, apart from the Jiao Ren tribe and other areas, where there are strong people who can stabilize the two of them for thousands of years, even ordinary royal families would never dare to make such a wild statement.

What’s more, now that Xianxuanzong is destroyed, the human race has many powers but few can compete with Tianya City.

What is the origin of this young man, dare to threaten to destroy Tianya City?

and many more! !

juvenile? Sword Emperor? Terran? Arrogant?

Could it be that it was the sacred son of the sacred cult who was going to come to southern Xinjiang, who had been enthusiastic about it before?

But it shouldn’t.

How can the dignified saint child protect the evil woman of Heavenly Poison?

You know, this day’s poison body is a taboo physique. Although it is not as taboo as the body of the demon, it is also an incompatible existence in the world.

But… it’s not the Son of Heaven, and Tianya City Lord really can’t think of any other young man in southern Xinjiang who has such confidence.

Is it possible that he just used this as a quote to destroy his sea magic gate in a fair way?

“If it is the person I was thinking of, there is a Ninth-Rank Peak Divine Emperor standing behind him, it would be more than enough to destroy my Tianya City.”

The Tianya City Lord sighed lightly and looked up at Mo Wudao, “Great Elder! Recall all the disciples and elders of my Tianya City and start the guardian formation. I want to see how sacred this young man is.”

“Yes! City Lord!”

Mo Wudao bowed, his figure disappeared instantly.

Suddenly, the entire Tianya Island fell into chaos.

I saw a stream of light flashing from the void, converging in the direction of the center of the city from all directions.

And in that ancient city, Ling Xiao took Feng Rugeyu’s hand, while the latter was eating a bunch of candied gourds, walking leisurely towards the city lord’s palace.

“My son, what are you going to do later?”

“What are we? We are demons, of course we are going to be…relentless!”

“Hehe, son, you are good or bad, people like it so much, I hope son… will be more bad to me in the future.”

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