Chapter 734

“Follow a sequence?”

Zi Yan Dai’s eyebrows clustered lightly, instinctively feeling a hint of conspiracy.

However, she looked at the person’s name on the golden paper, but her eyes gradually flickered with surprise.

On this paper, not only the names of ten people, but also the races and seas of these ten people are written.

But unfortunately, the ten people seem to be unconnected, and even scattered in all corners of the thousands of miles of sea.

How did they provoke Ling Xiao?

“Hehe, Zihuang doesn’t need to worry about it, I have my reason to do this naturally.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently. These ten people were carefully selected by him and scattered in various places in the sea.

Even between the two of them, they span thousands of miles away.

In this way, the snake wanted to kill people, and it seemed to be out of order, and it was enough for the lonely envoy to keep busy.

Even though! !

In the end, this sea clan powerhouse was found by the first divine envoy and punished, and it had no effect on Ling Xiao.

I… Gan.

I ordered the Hai Emperor to clear out the traitors of the Hai Clan.

As for how to make the first divine envoy notice this snake leader?

you guess.

“What do you want to do?”

Vaguely, Zi Yan felt that the boy in front of her seemed to be setting a big game.

However, he squeezed his biggest weakness, so that he could not break free or even dare to take a slight risk.

Zi Yan knew about the existence of the ancestral land of the crocodile.

Over the years, she has deployed countless methods at the entrance of that ancestral land, just to worry that the crocodile war will return to it.

Now the latter is present, and I don’t know what methods have been used to rebuild the demon pill.

I am afraid that next, he will definitely find ways to return to the ancestral land.

Because she has learned from the mouth of Crocodile that there is an old part of the crocodile in the ancestral land.

Once these people leave the ancestral land, the sea will return to the hands of the crocodile clan.

And Zi Yan’s three hundred years of planning will be completely ruined.

Of course, Zi Yan had a lot of scheming, and never thought of two things.

The first is that Dugu Yunyu came to the sea not to suppress the Sea Clan, but to find the evildoer who understood the principles of the extreme ice.

The second thing is that if you want to open the ancestral land of the crocodile, you must have the Xianyuan and the decree of the crocodile clan.

Therefore, in this chess game, she is just a… clever chess piece, and the end is still at the mercy of Ren Lingxiao.

“Have you not told me the secret of Sea Emperor? As long as what I do is beneficial to Sea Emperor, why should you care about who lives and who dies?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and there seemed to be killing intent in his eyes.

In the end, Zi Yan nodded lightly, “Okay, I will give you one month. After one month, if you can’t use the crocodile to fight the head, no matter where you hide, I will personally pinch you to death.”

With her disposition, let alone a few unrelated people, even if the snake dies wantonly, as long as she can get a little benefit for her, it will die well.

She just doesn’t like the feeling of being invisible.

“Okay, but during this period, no matter what I do, I hope Haihuang will not interfere.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, turned his head and glanced at the figure of the young girl who was trapped in the thunder world.

“Oh, no matter who you are, I advise you not to follow Xi’er’s idea, otherwise, you will still die miserably.”

“Hehe, it seems that Haihuang really loves Xi’er, that’s fine, let her practice well with Haihuang.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, stepped forward, and instantly disappeared in place.

Although there is no reason for not cutting leeks, it is obvious that Xi’er is not mature enough now.

Raising her by Zi Yan’s side, no matter what the latter’s purpose is, she will always try to help her awaken her bloodline and improve her cultivation.

Otherwise, she will lose her own value.

When the time comes, fatten up, grow up, I eat, are you happy?


It wasn’t until Ling Xiao’s figure walked away that the smile on Zi Yan’s face completely solidified.

She looked down at the ten names in her hand, seeming to be lost in thought.

But in the end, Zi Yan didn’t figure out what this young man intended to do, so she didn’t think much anymore.

It always belongs to him, there is already the mark left by Zi Yan, no matter where he hides, he can hardly escape.

The top priority now is to slay alligators and stabilize the sea.

Only in this way can she use the power of the sea to fulfill her wish.

Calculating the time, there is only half a year left before the last chance.

“Snake restaurant.”


In the void, a figure fell from the sky and respectfully worshipped Zi Yan.

“According to the names above, kill them one by one. Remember, don’t reveal your whereabouts, let alone let people know that my Sea Emperor Palace did it.”

Zi Yan handed the piece of gold paper to Snake Si’s hands, her eyes had returned to the clearness of the past.

At this moment she had decided that no matter what Ling Xiao was plotting, as long as he killed the Crocodile War in January, Zi Yan would kill him without hesitation.

It’s your scheming, I don’t play with you, what can you do to me.

Any agreement or promise is nothing but a hindrance from Xiantu.

Killing you, no one knows, we had an agreement.

Of course, before that, she would still act well with Ling Xiao.

What Snake Si did did not affect her much.

Ling Xiao, I’ll blame you if I’m the one who counts the wrong person.

Zi Yan snorted coldly, and Snake Si had turned away from its shadow and disappeared in place.


The Thunder Realm was shattered, and Xi’er looked at Zi Yan blankly. In the next moment, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

“You, what do you do with Young Master Lingxiao? Master!! What about Young Master!!”

“Xi’er, some people, you are destined to be unable to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. If you forget as early as possible, it may not be a bad thing for you.”

Zi Yan’s expression was calm, and even her tone was extremely indifferent.

In this world, no one who plays scheming is clean.

The layers of Ling Xiao’s layout have drawn her here. If the destruction of the Jinlin clan has nothing to do with him, Zi Yan will naturally not believe it.

Of course, there is no evidence, no certainty, and she would not expose Ling Xiao’s hypocrisy.

After all, we are all the same.

Interest is the foundation of cooperation.

“You…you killed him?!”

Xi’eryu put her hand on her vermilion lips, panic was already seen in her eyes, “You actually killed him?!!!”

“Don’t worry, he is your savior after all, I let him go, but in the future, you won’t have to see you again.”

Zi Yan glanced at Xi’er with a deep gaze, and then raised her foot towards the depths of the sea.

Ling Xiao guessed well. From the first glance Zi Yan saw Xi’er, she could see the girl’s blood.

The true dragon’s lineage, looking at Shengzhou, this line of blood can also be called mysterious.

Most importantly, as far as Zi Yan knows, since ancient times, Hongmeng has changed, and only one true dragon has been born in the land of Shengzhou.

She didn’t know if Xi’er was that son’s heir, but it didn’t hinder…she could give it a try.


“I’ll just say it once. If you don’t listen, I will kill him next time I see him.”

This young man’s mind is too deep, like the Great Abyss of the Star Sea, which is nothing but awe-inspiring.

Even Zi Yan was inexplicably wary of him.

Xi’er’s plan for her was a vital part. Ling Xiao had to die, but… before that, Zi Yan didn’t dare to take any risks and told Xi’er to be too close to him.


Xi Eryu shook his hand lightly, a touch of sorrow clustered between his brows.

She knew Master, and she said that if she wanted to kill him, she would not be merciless.

Unexpectedly, just separated, forever?

Young Master, it is Xi’er after all… Isn’t that extravagant?

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