Chapter 728

“The lord of the Jiao Clan, come out to reply.”

Ling Xiao kicked the gate of the crystal palace to pieces, and took Xi’eryu’s hand to stride towards the middle of the palace.

At this moment, Xi’er’s pretty face obviously had a trace of fear.

It just feels like cultivating sheep into a tiger’s mouth and seeking a dead end.

“Presumptuous! Where did it come from…”

In the Crystal Palace, all of a sudden aura of terror rushed out.

This dragon race, as the name suggests, is a monster race born from the combination of sea dragons and other races.

This tribe has mixed talents, with the blood of all races flowing in its body, which is amazing.

Of course, dragons are inherently obscene, and Jiao is the same.

So soon, the number of this clan became the first in the sea.

Moreover, the Jiao Clan itself contains a trace of dragon blood. Although it is thousands of miles away from the real dragon, it is somewhat of a shock to the ordinary sea clan monster clan.

The demon race is not as good as the human race to multiply.

In the beginning, the Jiao Ren tribe relied on quantity to gain a firm foothold in the sea area, and gradually achieved its status as a strong family in the sea area.

“Who are you?”

In the Crystal Jiao Palace, there is a sea of ​​demon qi, undulating.

I saw countless strong humanoids from all directions, trapping Ling Xiao and Xi’er in the hall.

“Young man, who are you?”

Compared with Gu Yuexiu, the Lord of the Jiao Clan was much more calm and cautious.

Especially the fairy rhyme circulating in Ling Xiao’s body made him feel a little…inexplicably jealous.

A humanoid youth came to him to kill people casually. If this person is not a fool, he must be leaning on a stick.

And looking at the appearance of this young man, he shouldn’t be a fool.

Then he should be… a lot of background!

“Are you the head of the Jiao Ren clan?”

Ling Xiao looked indifferent, and looked at the middle-aged in Jinpao headed by him.

Eight-Rank God Emperor, the Principle of Water.

The body is full of power and vitality.

“This king Ao Yi, young man, who are you and why did you come to my family to kill people? If you don’t give me an explanation today, then stay.”

Ao Yi frowned, glanced at Xi’er casually, his eyes quietly condensed.

At this moment, he seemed to be on this girl, feeling a kind of suppression from blood.

how is this possible?

The entire endless sea, no, looking at the entire holy state, only the demon emperor of the demon clan can suppress him in blood.

But even if it was him, he might not be able to give him such a terrifying oppression.

Because, there is also a strand of dragon blood flowing in his body.

“If the Ao clan leader today does not give me an explanation, the Jiao Clan will be removed from the sea.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but at the moment his voice fell, he clearly felt Xi’er grip his jade hand quietly and harder.

“Don’t be afraid, with me, no one in the sea can hurt you.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at the girl beside him. The gentleness on her face instantly dispelled the panic in Xi’er’s heart.

I don’t know why, every time I see his handsome and indifferent face, Xi’er always feels…what he says, he can definitely do it.

“Presumptuous!! Human race boy, you are looking for death!!”

There was a sea clan god emperor with a ferocious look, and when he stepped out, he wanted to rush towards the sky.

But at this moment, the clan master of the Jiao Ren suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped him.

“Young man, tell me what you are here.”

“Someone in your Jiao Human Race ordered the Bone Race to destroy the Jinlin Race. You don’t know about this, do you?”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a sneer, but the expressions of Ao Yi and other experts in the Jiao human race suddenly became gloomy.

“Blood spitting! I have no grudges between the Jiao human race and the Jinlin race at all, not to mention the relationship between our race and the bone race is known throughout the sea…”

Ao Yi snorted coldly, and there seemed to be a bloody shadow floating outside, a strong bloody breath, quietly spreading away.

The Bone Clam Clan is a loyal servant of Zi Yan, who has always been looked down upon by the Jiao Clan.

This incident is not a secret.

Although the Jiao Terran had surrendered to Zi Yan on the surface, no one had walked out of the Hualong Sea in the past 100 years.

In other words, they are only active in their own territory, and no one is allowed to set foot here, which is regarded as a clear boundary with the entire sea clan.

“Blood in the mouth?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and freed his bone pride from the ancient glazed tower.

“This, I think everyone knows it.”

From beginning to end, Ling Xiao didn’t expect to be able to uproot the Jiao Human Race today.

Xi’er was right. Unlike the other royal families, this royal family had a profound background.

He also needs to use his family background to become a bargaining chip to restrict Zi Yan.

Otherwise, how could that Master Haihuang obediently become the butcher knife in his hand?


There was a flash of surprise in Ao Yi’s eyes, and he instinctively felt a trace of anxiety in his heart.

Looking at the expression of the young master of the Bone Race, it seemed to be… extremely depressed?

“Come on.”

Ling Xiao patted the arrogant shoulder, and the latter immediately yelled at the powerhouses of the Flood Human Race with an angry expression, “It’s all to blame for the Crocodile Battle of the Flood Human Race. If it weren’t for him, why should I go to slaughter the Jinlin Race? Caused such a disaster for my Bone Race!!”

“Crocodile war?? Hahahaha, arrogant, you and he…you are not serious about framing our clan. When did my Jiao human clan have a surname…”


The elder of the Jiao Human Race seemed to suddenly think of something, and the expression on his face instantly solidified.

And hearing what Gu Ao said, Ao Yi’s face was also extremely gloomy.

Come, not good.

However, the crocodile warfare in his Jiao human race was completely unknown in the entire sea area.

Even if it was the Jiao Terran, only a few elders knew the identity of Crocodile Fighting, and the ordinary people never noticed the young man who suddenly appeared in the clan.

For the demon race, especially the demon race with ancient blood, a hundred years can be regarded as a short period of time.

Is it possible that this thing is really done by Young Master Crocodile Zhan?

Otherwise, based on his arrogance, how could he say so confidently that Crocodile Fighting is in his Jiao Clan?

“Haha, Young Master Bone, you can eat, but you can’t talk nonsense, when is there a person called Crocodile War in our clan?”

Ao Yi looked at Ling Xiao with cold eyes, with an arrogant temperament, even if he really knew the existence of Crocodile Fight, he would never dare to provoke him so blatantly.

But this young man in white does not look like a person without identity.

But, why does a human race want to mix things with the sea race?

“He told me that doing this well will take me off. He said he is in the Jiao human race now, and told me to come here to find him if I have something to do! You can’t go wrong! Son, you must believe me. What I said is true!”

Gu Ao looked excited and vividly described the scene of his encounter with the crocodile.

“Lord Ao, I am here today, not for the Jiao human race. I promised my sister that I will help her fight her enemies.”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the gloomy-faced Jiao Ren Clan Master, with a calm tone of voice.

“I said, there is no one in my clan called Crocodile Fight. If you mess around again, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Ao Yi waved his hand, and two God Emperor Jiao Ren took a step forward and walked towards Ling Xiao.

“It seems that there is really no one called Crocodile War in the Jiao Human Race!”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled. Suddenly there was a message of overlapping shadows in the soul sea, “Master, there is a strong person coming from the east.”

“Is it finally here?”

Hearing the voice, Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold, “Bone proud, dare you lie to me?!”

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