Chapter 720

“go away.”

Ling Xiao nodded and said calmly.

But Gu Ao suddenly received an amnesty, turning around and rushing towards Yuankong frantically.

Only at this time, although there was a panic in his eyes, it was difficult to hide a touch of…the ultimate resentment.

Can! !

Just as he fled hundreds of miles away, the void above his head suddenly darkened.

Gu Ao looked up blankly, but saw a demon figure of several feet descend from the sky, stepping his body under his feet.

This…Where is the great demon?


How can Ling Xiao be gentle and kind in doing things.

Although the sea royal family, it is difficult to pose too much threat to him now.

But once Gu Ao fled back to the clan, it would inevitably not be more troublesome.

What’s more, there are still some actors missing in Ling Xiao’s chess game.

I think this arrogant and big-headed Yazi, who is very clever at first glance, led the Bone Clam family into the chess game, which is more realistic.

“Don’t kill me… don’t…”

The arrogant figure fell from the sky and into the sea. Just about to use his true body to escape, he saw a big hand falling from the sky and holding it on his head.

“My son! Xi’er owes you another life, and I don’t know how to repay you.”

Xi’er’s pretty face was shy, and he bowed to Ling Xiao.

“It’s okay, this Xuantian water bloom is really rare. I heard someone remember it when I came out of Wangyu. I think you… let’s integrate it first.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, but he was no longer indifferent.

Hearing this, Xi’er’s face flashed blush, son, this is… is this planning to protect the road for me?

Also, she traveled all the way south, and she wanted to return to the clan with more risks on the way.

And as long as she merged with the mysterious waters, her cultivation level would definitely go further, and this would provide a little more guarantee.

“The son… Qing Yu and he…”

In the end, Xi’er still asked the name.

Although now, she feels sick when she thinks of what Qing Yu has done.

However, the ancient monument of Huangtian is still in his hands, if he really died in the hands of Lord Lingxiao…

I’m not going to ask the son to return the ancient monument, I just want to remind him that this thing is a treasure of the sea clan, if the master knows that it has fallen into the hands of a human race young man, it will definitely bring a lot of trouble to the young man.

“Oh, Qing Yu seems to have a treasure that can move space. He escaped at the last moment, but… he was beaten by my servant, and he probably won’t survive.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and the worries in Xi’er’s eyes disappeared a lot.

“Thank you for helping me take revenge! Then… I will find a place to merge the water bloom.”

“Well, I will help you protect the law.”

Ling Xiao nodded, stepped forward, and swept away.

Behind him, Xi’er hesitated slightly, her face suddenly flashed with brilliance, and followed Ling Xiao.

At night, the moonlight is shining, and the whole sea area is reflected like the Milky Way to the world.

At this time, on an isolated island in the sea, Ling Xiao stood with his hands in his hand, looking far into the sky.

In a solitary mountain stone cave behind him, there is a faint flow of formation power.

Obviously, Xi’er is fusing water bloom here.

With the means Ling Xiao personally arranged, the girl has already closed her mind and has no other thoughts.

However, she probably never dreamed that Ling Xiao’s move was not to protect her safety, but to stop her from spying and delay her return to the family.

If you want Xi’er to completely surrender, it is obviously not enough to save the United States by a hero.

Especially now, she has been disappointed in love, I am afraid it will be difficult to truly trust someone in a short time.

This is a heart disease, and it must be treated with strong medicine.

Ling Xiao also counted on Xi’er to lead her to get to know the Sea Emperor, so as to attack the sea overlord.

If he is not recognized by the system, he dare not take this risk.

Xi’er, your master wants to punish me! !

Master! ! If you punish him, punish me first! !

Although, when Ling Xiao wanted to come, that Sea Emperor might not be a passionate person.

However, as long as he is given a chance, he will be sure to fudge…No, he will persuade this desire empress to become a pawn in his hand.

Because, today Duan Ying spreads the letter, crocodile war, found it!

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Especially for a brutal and ambitious overlord, all the rules of order are like a child’s play.

Only interest is the rule that governs everything.


Xiong Huan’s figure fell from the sky and stood in front of Ling Xiao.

In his hands, the arrogant expression was shocked and unwilling.

“Liar! You liar! You said you want to let me go!”

At this time, he felt that his life had come to an end, but he didn’t have too many worries.

Will you make me crazy before I die?

Besides, the young man in front of him was cruel and cruel, and fell into his hands, how could he survive.

“Young Master Bone! I can give you a way to survive, but only if…you have to use it for me.”

Ling Xiao smiled evilly, and there seemed to be a flash of soul in his eyes.

And the arrogant face became dull almost instantly, and then he knelt on the ground with a plop, “My son!! As long as you spare my dog’s life, I will listen to you.”

“Okay, open the sea of ​​souls.”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, his soul consciousness transformed into a seal, falling into the sea of ​​bone proud soul and dissipating away.

“Go, quietly destroy the Jinlin clan, remember to leave a trace on purpose to let people know that this clan was destroyed by you.”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, but Gu Ao suddenly tilted his head and looked at Ling Xiao, putting his fingers in his mouth, seeming to sink into a thought.

This son, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Why did you ask me to quietly wipe out the Jinlin clan, and let people know that I wiped it out?

Now the Sea Emperor is in charge of the sea, and all races are harmonious.

Although there are often small disputes, the destruction of Manchu has been long gone.

But fortunately, this Jinlin clan is a Fang Xiao clan, the strongest is only the fourth rank of the god emperor, and it doesn’t take much effort to destroy it.

Even if the Sea Emperor blamed it, he would never be guilty with my Bone Clam clan for this.


In the end, Gu Ao never figured out the reason, turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

It wasn’t until his figure completely disappeared that a smile appeared on Ling Xiao’s face.

All beings are chess, and I am the chess player.

Now that the pawn has fallen, the next step is to wait for the game to unfold.

Haha, let me correct it a little, I Ling Xiao is not a demon who will slaughter Manchu people wherever he goes.

I slaughter it, naturally there is a reason to slaughter it.

According to the intelligence inquired by Duan Ying, Ling Xiao knew that the Sea Clan that had escaped from the Crocodile Battle was the Jiao Ren clan, the head of the ten great royal clans.

This clan, when Zi Yan did not unify the sea, was the first big clan in the endless sea.

There are many strong people in the clan, and the vassals are huge.

Even today’s top ten royal families, three parties are their vassals.

It’s just that this Jiao human race is originally a crocodile slave race.

Now that Crocodile War is born, they naturally don’t want to surrender Zi Yan.

What’s more, Zi Yan’s cruel means, suppressing the sea area with absolute force, has already caused many sea clan powerhouses to feel resentment.

In this way, the Jiao Terran will definitely wait for Crocodile War to grow, so as to take advantage of his destiny to overthrow Zi Yan’s dominion.

Holding the emperor to make the princes, this has been a matter of ancient times.

What a pity, will I give you this time?

Three hundred years, no matter how serious your injury is, you should be almost healed, right?

Crocodile war, soon, I will help you return to the ancestral land, when the sea clan is in chaos, it will be time for me to grasp Ziyan!

After all, the crocodile is the orthodox sea emperor, the fairy clan running dog.

Zi Yan seized the crocodile to fight the demon pill source, which was the anger of the monsters and gods. Now Ling Xiao only needs to choose the identity of the crocodile, even if Zi Yan is afraid, he will not dare to kill him blatantly.

Because once she did that, it would inevitably lead to real turmoil in the Sea Clan.

Believe in this thing, don’t touch it easily, no emperor doesn’t care about public opinion.

Cruelty is only a means, but if there are no monsters in this sea, what is the meaning of the position of the sea king?


Purple Emperor, I will help you to kill the crocodile and give you peace of mind. You will help me to kill the gods and help me to beat the holy religion, okay?

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