Chapter 715

“Yes! He took a picture of Xuantian Shuihua and gave it to the girl named Xi’er! Young Master Bone, a girl from the sea clan, shouldn’t you have any worries?”

Ling Xiao Dao body smiled playfully, showing extremely insidious.

“Xi’er? Humph, although my sea area is tens of thousands of miles, but the famous evildoer, I know that, although this girl has many spirit stones in her hands, most of them are some adventures, but…I saw you and that girl seem to be companions. What is your intention?”

Gu Aolue glanced at Ling Xiao with some caution, a human youth, he had never paid attention to it.

It’s just that something is abnormal, there must be a conspiracy.

Zhang Wu’s silly boy was punishable by others, so he naturally had to be more cautious.

Now southern Xinjiang is in chaos, and there are many evils, and some sea races and evils have joined forces to bring disasters to the world.

Under such a situation, the royal family of the sea is no longer shocked in the past.

It’s just that Xuantian water bloom is indeed extremely important to him.

If he can get this good fortune, maybe he can use it to comprehend the Tao and achieve supreme prestige in one fell swoop.

“Haha, Young Master Bone doesn’t know something. That Xierben was in love with me, but I didn’t expect to see a change of thoughts now. Such a woman…It would be hard to understand my hatred if I didn’t kill. Unfortunately, with my strength, she is not her opponent. ”

Ling Xiao Dao body gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes flickering with anger.

“Oh I got it.”

Gu Ao nodded, “Can you find her whereabouts?”

“Of course, I just left a mark on her body, and now she has gone to the depths of the sea, but… Young Master Bone, if I can lead you to find her, the Taoist spirit stone on her body…”

Greed on Ling Xiao Dao’s face was fleeting.

This human heart is unpredictable. If some flaws are not revealed, how can this arrogance be willing to die?

“Hehehe, it’s all yours.”

Gu Ao nodded and chuckled, but in the bottom of his heart he secretly hummed, “A human ant, dare to bargain with me?”

“Then… Young Master! Let’s go? It’s also easy to be boarded by others quickly.”

Hearing this, Lingxiao Taoist body did not hesitate, and turned to go outside the island.

Thousands of miles of waters are rippling.

At this time, Xi’er did not go deep into the sea, but walked away from the sky, enjoying the rare sunshine.

After six years of retreat, she is now the top evildoer in the sea. I don’t know if the people see her, they can deny her.

At this time, Xi’er could not wait to return to the clan, not only because of missing the clan’s parents, but also…

The promise to Young Master Ling Xiao.

Although the son was not in a hurry, Xi’er wanted to return the two Taoist artifacts to the son soon.

In this way, there will be an excuse… to see him.

My son, you are here, so why don’t you just be a guest with my Jinlin clan, and Xi’er can do his best as a landlord, and exchange feelings with you…?

only! !

Just as Xi’er’s figure stepped out of Wangyu, the void in front of her suddenly rippled.

Immediately afterwards, there was golden light permeating the land within a radius of several miles, turning it into a formation method, completely imprisoning the space.

Xi’er’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and a pair of jade hands quietly gripped the cage.

Before leaving, Ling Xiao had reminded her to leave earlier so as not to be missed.

But right now, she still underestimated the courage of these people.

In broad daylight, there is a lot of time, so I plan to…snatch it?

“Hehehe, this girl, you want to leave so anxiously, are you… are you calling you to go home for dinner?”

The golden array concealed the sky and at the same time the scene in the array.

I saw five strong men standing in the void, staring coldly at the girl in front of them.

Among them, two of them have reached the level of the god king, and they are all powerful and awe-inspiring.

For the remaining three people, their cultivation bases are also in the eighth and ninth ranks of Shenhou.

Among the five people, three are Sea Clan and two Human Clan.

“What nonsense with her! Brother Kui, we are done, Xuantian water bloom belongs to you, Taoist spirit stone belongs to us.”

Among them, the Human Race God King sneered, beside him, another Sea Race God King nodded immediately, “Okay!”


The terrifying spiritual power spread in an instant, Xi’er’s pretty face was gloomy, and the water-blue brilliance bloomed with profound light on the center of his eyebrows.

In a short period of time, a divine shadow was condensed behind her.

The divine shadow was ten feet large, the whole body was icy blue, and the rhyme of Taoism flowed. Although he couldn’t see his appearance, it gave people a fierce feeling.

Two gods, three gods.

With such a lineup, Xi’er’s strength is fundamentally difficult to deal with.

However, it is absolutely impossible for her to surrender her good fortune so easily.

What’s more, since these people dared to rob the road on the coast of Wangyu, I am afraid they have not let her go.

Fight, there may be a silver lining.

If you don’t fight, I’m afraid it will be hard to escape today!

“Hehehe, it seems that you don’t intend to catch you with your hands! It’s okay, when we catch you, we can taste your taste by the way! Let’s do it!”

The two god kings looked at each other and took abrupt steps.

Just when the offensive in their hands was about to fall, they saw the golden formation above their heads suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, a white palm print of a forest pierced the void, and the formation and the entire world were shattered.


The golden light fell, and Xi’er’s beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

However, when she looked up and saw the figure in Tsing Yi, a strangeness suddenly appeared in the depths of her eyes.

Because, she saw that the figure that fell from the sky was not someone else, but… “Qing Yu”! !

Is this the so-called fate?

Even if Xi’er had been disappointed with Qing Yu before, as he said, Qing Yu saved her life.

Without him, there would be no self.

The second time.

If Qing Yu’s unintentional act was just a coincidence, then this time… he was somewhat unwilling to hesitate.

After all, the five people who stopped her are tyrannical and desperate.

And Qing Yu’s appearance at this time was equally ill-fated.

Did I blame you wrong? Brother Qingyu…

Although you are greedy and jealous, you are still willing to stand in front of Xi’er in times of crisis, right?

“Huh? Where’s the silly fork, dare to spoil my good deeds!!”

The five people’s faces were taken aback, and their hearts were a little nervous.

Able to break through this formation easily, the cultivation base of the incoming person must have entered the emperor realm.

But, until everyone saw the appearance of “Qing Yu” and the aura that belonged to the gods on his body, the original shock on his face instantly turned into a touch of resentment.

“Boy!! Are you looking for death?”

“Brother Qing Yu, hurry up!”

Xi’er gave a soft drink, but saw “Qing Yu” just shook his head and smiled, without even looking at her, “You guys, you are so bold.”

At this time, “Qing Yu” stood with his hand in the void, his expression extremely indifferent and calm, as if he hadn’t put these gods and gods in his eyes at all.

Of course, such a posture fell into Xi’er’s eyes, but it made her feel a little surprised.

This is what Brother Qing Yu looked like in her memory.

Be proud of the world, brave and fearless, willing to be an enemy of heaven and earth for her! !

But, baby, you think too much.

Make her despair, give her hope, and then personally…make her despair.

With such twists and turns, why worry about the arrogant daughter not falling apart?

“Boy, your brain is broken?”

The five looked at each other, but the corner of “Qing Yu”‘s mouth raised a touch of sarcasm, “You are so courageous, you dare to snatch the prey of the arrogant young master!”


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