Chapter 703

“So, brother, I’m sorry, I was too impulsive, and almost missed your major event.”

Ling Tian’s expression flickered, and a flash of self-blame flashed in his eyes.

“It’s okay.”

And Ling Xiao just shook his head and smiled and patted his shoulder, “My brother, why bother to say this, but you, don’t expose the body of the demon at will in the future, otherwise…how can you be able to withstand my painstaking efforts.”

“Brother! I see!”

Ling Tian took a deep breath, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, “Brother, I am very happy to see you.”

“Let’s go, choose a piece of seafood, tonight we…not get drunk or return.”

Ling Xiao also chuckled softly, but the light in her eyes was always calm.

The seal on Mengyuan’s body is about to break.

At that time, it was clear at a glance what kind of demon clan this holy woman was.

And what kind of secret is hidden in her body, will be completely revealed with her demon body exposed.

But in any case, I am afraid that that day, the heart of this saint will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Twenty years of cultivation, determined to punish all evils in the world, but in the end, he is actually a monster?


Should I punish myself for the justice in my heart?

“Sea… seafood?”

Ling Tian’s expression froze, and Ling Xiao’s figure had already stepped forward, heading towards Daze in the center of the domain.

The six emperors of the Sea Clan, except for the Shark Cloud, their cultivation bases are mostly in the second and third ranks of the god emperor.

These god emperors are all vassals of the blood shark royal family, with limited talents, at most they can be used as dead men.

When Ling Xiao left them alive, it wasn’t because of their cultivation.


This Daze is really empty, and there are a few stinky fish and shrimps. You can also fish and catch crabs in your free time to cultivate your sentiment.

The villain’s life is really boring, and the fun can only be created by oneself.


As Ling Xiao’s figure descended from the sky, the Six Emperors of the Sea Clan suddenly jumped out of the water and bowed to him.

“Meet the master.”

“Well, you guys, manifest the ontology, let me see.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and his tone was cold and authentic.


Between heaven and earth, the demon spirit is ups and downs.

I saw six huge monster shadows standing in the void, among them there were fish, crabs, sharks and turtles. Not to mention, the flavors were quite complete.

“Just you.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and pointed at one of the golden monster crabs, “Follow me.”

“Yes! Master.”

When the demon crab heard the words, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The master summoned, is it going to soar into the sky today?

only! !

It wasn’t until the three of Ling Xiao walked to the Temple of Heaven that the Demon Crab discovered that above the Temple that day, several figures were sitting along the table, holding the dishes and chopsticks in their hands, seeming to be waiting for…

“My son!! What is the seafood you are talking about?”

A touch of greed flashed in Hua Hua’s eyes, and Lin Meng, Han Qingqiu and others also had doubts in their eyes.

Ling Xiao smiled without saying a word, waving his palm lightly, and saw an ancient bronze cauldron appearing in the void in an instant, turning into a hundred meters in size.

Above it, there seems to be a flickering Dao pattern, divine power rises and falls, and a faint sound of surging waves comes from the tripod.

Then, I saw Ling Xiao’s two fingers gently twisted, and a group of scarlet golden spirit fire emerged from under the tripod, burning blazingly.

“go in.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at the Demon Crab. Although it was huge, it still looked quite small before this tripod.


The demon crab looked puzzled. Although the temperature of the spirit fire was extremely high at this time, why were his hands and feet a little…cold?

Of course, even if it had more doubts in its heart, it didn’t dare to hesitate at this time, and finally fell into the cauldron, and Ling Xiao sealed the mouth of the cauldron with spiritual power.

“Wait a moment, this crab will have to be steamed over a slow fire for the flavor to be fragrant.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, turned to look at Lin Meng, his figure fell down and sat beside the girl.

“After eating seafood later, I will take you to an interesting place.”

The warmth in Ling Xiao’s eyes made Lin Mengqiao blush, and she only gave a soft “um” before saying more.

On the side, Huahua and Han Qingqiu looked at Ling Xiao with some doubts, “Where is the interesting place that the son said?”

“You’ll find out later.”

Ling Xiao smiled and looked up at the Dao Ding above his head. He only smelled a scent of scent, and then he took out hundreds of spiritual materials from the Universe Ring and threw them into it.

“Brother, what are your plans next.”

Ling Tian picked up the wine glass and looked at Ling Xiao.

“In the depths of the sea, there is a secret realm, and there are things I want in it.”

Ling Xiao naturally trusted everyone present, but he did not conceal it.

“But before that, I have to travel in the sea to see if I can… find some good luck.”

For Ling Xiao, the so-called good fortune naturally refers to… the man of destiny.

Now that Qin Chu and Chen Qingshan are the two destiny behind, in a short time, he can sit back and relax.

At the very least, the sights of the first divine envoy and the sea emperor will definitely be placed on the sea clan that has joined forces with the demon.

The crocodile clan, as the overlord of the ancient endless seas, now reappears in the world, who knows if there is any hegemony in his heart.

It is the duty of the first divine envoy and the sea emperor to figure this out and find the traces of the crocodile clan that day.

Of course, Ling Xiao also wanted to find the destiny of the crocodile clan.

It’s just that the destiny of this template is mostly to have a long period of forbearance, three hundred years, and I don’t know if it will be enough.

After all, the pill was dug up by people. People are not human or demon. Even if you accidentally awaken your horror talent, you still need to practice again. One day, you will be able to stand on top of the sky and crush all enemies.

Of course Ling Xiao didn’t have time to wait for him to grow up.

So, go for it.

After all, the crocodile fights nine achievements in the sea, as long as the sea emperor and the first divine envoy are persecuted, he will show up sooner or later.

Neither the sea nor the human race has a foothold, and he wants to become stronger, where will he go?

Of course it is the ancestor of the crocodile!

There, there is still a source of immortality bestowed by the ancient gods.

As long as this immortal source is integrated, the strength is bound to explode.

The children of destiny, where there is good fortune, they are there.

As for Ling Xiao, he only needs to eat seafood all the way, appreciate the sea customs, and finally help him open the ancestral land of the crocodile and attract many fishes into the net. It is easy and effortless.

This is the advantage of layout.

Otherwise, everything just waits for encounters, and good fortune comes from the sky, which is the treatment of the man of destiny.

I, Ling Xiao, don’t deserve it! !

As for the possibility of these many destinies falling, Ling Xiao guessed that it was impossible.

If the destiny is so easily killed by others, it can only show that the setting is wrong.

After all, for the time being, Fang Tiandi seems to be the only one in Hang Bi.

As for some people’s doubts, with so many destiny, is the setting right?

Please, this world is vast, and there are countless strong ones. Those who really stand on the top of the sky, which one is not with great luck?

The troubled times are here, there should be someone…should come out.

“Brother, let’s move separately tomorrow, and finally meet in the depths of the sea.”

To Ling Xiao’s surprise, Ling Tian’s eyes also flickered at this time.

Just changing his mind, he guessed what Ling Tian was thinking.

Sword Immortal, how can he sit in the corner and enjoy ease?

Although the aura in this realm is rich, it is a holy ground for cultivation, but for Ling Tian, ​​fighting can improve his strength faster.

What he needs is not the spiritual power immortal treasure, but the indomitable momentum to smash everything!

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