Chapter 700

“She called, Ye Qingchan.”

Ling Xiao said calmly, but Pheasant Qiu’s face suddenly became dull.


At this time, the panic in the eyes of the pheasant hate was not concealed at all, and the doubts in Ling Xiao’s heart also dissipated at this time.

Obviously, these divine envoys really didn’t know the purpose of this trip.

Moreover, the three words Ye Qingchan must have profound meaning to them.

Although he had guessed before, the guess is always a guess.

Now, he has to confirm what he has in mind before he can decide on future deployments.

“Ye Qingchan…Ye Qingchan…how could it be such a coincidence? No wonder…no wonder the Lord sent me to wait in the four borders to slay all the evildoers who understood the power of extreme ice, if she really didn’t die…”

“Master Pheasant knows the origin of this Ye Qingchan?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were playful, and there was some doubt in her tone.

But the pheasant smiled bitterly and shook his head, revealing the vicissitudes of life, “The saint child knows something, and the name Ye Qingchan is so unfamiliar to even the people of the holy religion. Only the elders of the holy religion and the gods know some of the secrets. This name… is me. The name of the last divine lord Yezhu of Shengjiao.”

“Oh? As the god master? Master Pheasant, how did she fall?”

really! !

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and now it seems that Ye Qingchan is indeed the god master.

But by whom did she die? !

Who is the current God Lord? !

“Three hundred years ago, it is normal for Saint Son to not know it. Ye Qingchan is mysterious and extraordinary. Even if I waited, I only saw her once… still a figure from the back! Three hundred years ago, when the demon appeared, she was only on the top of the mountain. When he appeared, he disappeared without a trace, saying that he would personally track down the traces of the demon and asked me to wait for the protection of the holy mountain.”

There seemed to be reminiscences in the eyes of the pheasant, especially when he mentioned the word “Tian Mo”, there was some inexplicable panic in his eyes.

“Afterwards, the divine lord descended from the sky, and I waited until I learned that Ye Qingchan actually colluded with the demon and was condemned by the divine lord.”

“Collaborating with the devil and being condemned by the divine lord.”

Ling Xiao nodded, he had heard this rumor a long time ago.

It’s just that this collusion with the demon, is it colluding with the great demon Wen Ruyu, or… colluding with the demon?

However, at this time Ling Xiao also wanted to understand how Wen Ruyutang Qin Demon was involved with Ye Qingchan.

I am afraid that when Ye Qingchan walked across the borders, he was looking for the traces of the demon, but he accidentally met Wen Ruyu and others, and wanted to kill the demon.

It’s just that Ling Xiao could not guess why she didn’t attack the Seven Demons in the end.

Of course, the Daughter of Destiny, even if she looks cold again, is definitely not a murderer.

Set it up, it can’t collapse.


No wonder, Zhe Guli didn’t feel too shocked when he saw Ye Qingchan.

It turned out that even these four great divine envoys had never seen the true face of Ye Master.

“So, you all believe that Ye Qingchan is in collusion with the devil?”

A trace of doubt flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, but Pheasant Ugly frowned slightly.

Is the Son of God questioning the Lord?

Or… just curious?

“The saint son doesn’t know, my sacred religion’s duty is to guard the common people, but the sacred religion has served as the gods, but not the people of this world, they all come from the upper realm! Therefore…they can step out of the shackles of the world, and the world can stand alone.”

Although Pheasant Chou was puzzled, he didn’t think much about it.

After all, the divine order in the hands of the holy child cannot be faked, and the immortal intention cannot be faked either.

The identity of the Son is even more mysterious and noble, and most of it comes from the upper realm.

Now his age should be around eighteen.

Well, it should be the rebellious period.

“Upper Bound?”

Ling Xiao shook his head, if the current divine lord is from the upper realm, why bother to cover up and deliberately discredit Ye Qingchan.

Ling Xiao felt the hatred of the remnant soul towards the sky demon in the latter’s soul sea.

Therefore, she definitely did not join forces with the demon to be killed by the Ye Clan.

As for the Qin Demon’s warmth as jade, how could it be worth the Ye Clan’s anger.

Therefore, the Lord of God, perhaps concealed the entire Shengjiao, and even a huge secret in Shengzhou.

“Yes! I am the land of the Holy State, but the world is projectile, but now this world lacks spiritual power, no one can step out of the shackles and rise to the upper realm with their own strength, so…”

Pheasant Chou sighed lightly and looked at Ling Xiao with a touch of awe, “However, I see the Saint Child’s fairy rhyme, and I have obtained the true biography of the Divine Master. Maybe the Saint Child will break the bondage and achieve eternal life in the future.”

“Oh, that’s the case, the pheasant envoy knows, what is the identity of the first envoy?”

“Master Dugu? Your lord is also a dragon among people. He travels all the year round in the four borders. He is only ordered to be a god master. I don’t know his identity…I don’t know.”

Pheasant Chou answered truthfully, but the doubts in his eyes became more and more intense.

The questions asked by this holy son are so… strange?

Seems like the enemy is inquiring about our news?

“Owned by the God Lord? Is there no connection between you?”

“The four great divine envoys all act alone.”

“so it is.”

Ling Xiao smiled playfully and nodded slowly.

From this point of view, not only was something wrong with the divine lord, but the first divine envoy was also very wrong.

It is no secret that the holy religion is looking for the Tao and the evildoer. What kind of tempering and selection, leading to the upper realm, is just a guise deliberately released by the divine master.

The tragedy of the Jiuyou clan can fully prove that the Lord Divine Master is practicing sorcery.

Is it true?


However, if this divine lord is not a person from the upper realm, how did he step out of the shackles and achieve…respect?

In the end, Ling Xiao didn’t say much. In a pair of eyes, a black moon suddenly floated and sinks, and before the pheasant ugly could react, he directly absorbed it into the soul sea.

Regardless of the secrets hidden in the divine lord, now it seems that this third divine envoy is just a pawn hidden in the dark.

If you want to find the truth and confirm the speculation, you have to start with the first divine envoy.

As for where the Divine Lord has gone now, I am afraid that in the entire Holy State, only Meng Yuan, the holy woman, knows.

After all, the divine order of Partridge Li was still in Ling Xiao’s hands.

He never received a message from the god master.

“Huh? Son…Where is this?”

The ugly pheasant is in the sea of ​​soul, with cold limbs.

Especially the pitch-black horror soul palace in front of him and… a round of black magic sun floating on the soul palace, how does he… how do you look at it, they are all a bit wicked?


Seems to have discovered something extraordinary?

Is it possible that this mysterious saint child is actually… a demon? !

“The pheasant divine envoy, in fact, you have all been deceived by the divine lord.”

Ling Xiao’s figure emerged from the void, and now the ugly pheasant was already in his soul sea, like a turtle in an urn, without a trace of threat.

“You were deceived by the Lord? You… bold!!”

The pheasant looked ugly for a moment, and his tone was inexplicably panicked.

The sacred religion is the faith of the common people, standing high on the top of the sky, and controlling the life and death of all souls.

How can a fairy lie?

Who does he want to kill, and the world is unstoppable, so why use such a despicable trick?

“Ye Qingchan did not collude with the devil.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but the pheasant ugly eyes saw bitterness, “You are talking nonsense! How can you know what happened three hundred years ago?!”

“I really don’t know what happened three hundred years ago, but… I was what the envoy said, devil.”

Ling Xiaosen sneered, and a demon shadow suddenly turned into the void behind him.

And that round of magic sun floating above the soul hall also bloomed with magical intent.

The pheasant’s ugly expression was dull, and there was fear in his eyes.

I… he is actually a prophet?

Damn it, it feels like being knifed.

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