Chapter 691

“What the hell is going on? The Son? Where is the Son!!!”

The Helianshan people were in mid-air, and their heart was in a state of confusion.

Just now he and the elders of Xianzong stood outside the Tianchi Immortal Gate, only feeling that there seemed to be a wave of horrible fluctuations.

Then, the spirit mist formation that originally enveloped the Tianchi suddenly collapsed and opened, revealing the miserable and terrifying scene in front of him.

Of course, in fact, Helianshan doesn’t really care about other people’s death.

It’s a big deal to punish Feng Ruge, and give an explanation to the forces behind these people and that’s it.

But by the way… Saint Ling Xiao disappeared! !

Who do I… explain to?

Tell the divine envoy or the divine master, that the holy son came to my Xuanxuanzong experience and unfortunately died in the hands of my Xuanxuanzong disciple?

I can’t explain it anymore, I can explain myself directly!

“Sect Master Helian!! What do you mean!! To slaughter my Sea Race Tianjiao!!”

As soon as the only elder of the sea clan spoke, he felt a spirit of power tearing through the void and slammed his face fiercely.


Almost without hesitation, the figure of the Sea Clan elder flew out in an instant, and fell into the ancient forest below him, and there was no more movement.

His cultivation base was originally only in the third rank of God Emperor, how could he be an angry Helianshan opponent?

“Are you… blind? Killing your Sea Race Tianjiao will kill one of your Sea Race. Didn’t you see that my Human Race Saint Child is gone! Gan!”

Helianshan gritted his teeth fiercely, there is no such thing as the calmness of the lord of the sect.

The death of the saint son is of great importance, and if he is improperly handled, he will lose his life and name!

“Feng Ruge!! You…”

At this time, Xu Yunzi’s face was already pale, and his eyes looked at Feng Ruge who was standing in the pool with a blank expression.

He had known about this big disciple’s cultivating poison.

It’s just that he never dreamed that she would cause such a catastrophe today.

But how is it possible?

That Lingxiao Saint Child’s means can reach the sky, invincible in the world, how could he be…poisoned so easily?


Feng Ru Geyu clenched his hands tightly, and there was a panic in his eyes.

After all, is this day still?

It’s impossible for the world to tolerate it.

“Heaven… Heavenly Poison… She is the body of Heavenly Poison…”

Just when everyone was puzzled, in the ancient forest next to the pond that day, a rotting figure suddenly crawled out, and it was actually the Sea Race Tianjiao.

At this time, the skin on his body had long been ulcerated, his breath was sluggish, and the demon power was not there. It seemed that he could not survive.

The blood spilled down, causing the vegetation beneath him to rot instantly.

“What!! Body of Sky Poison?!”

Hearing this, the expressions of Helianshan and others changed drastically, and even Xuyunzi closed his eyes in despair.

The fleeting year is not good, the fleeting year is not good! !

His little disciple had just colluded with the demon and slaughtered the mountain gate.

Unexpectedly, this big disciple, who is a taboo poisonous body that the world cannot tolerate, also poisoned the holy son! !

I think you two sincerely want to kill me! ! !

“Sky Poison Body? How is it possible?”

On the mountain road, countless Xianzong disciples looked terrified, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Feng Ruge.

The name of this poisonous body, they have heard of it more or less.

The first Heavenly Poison Girl in Shengzhou back then came from the land of southern Xinjiang.

It is said that this woman has a terrifying cultivation base, and even her breath can poison the strong god emperor.

Any creatures touched by her can hardly escape and fall, which is a taboo in the Holy State.

In the end, the woman was trapped in a valley by dozens of god emperors, and she was burned in flames for seven to forty-nine days before she was killed.

Rumor has it that when the poisonous girl was dying, the cry of tears spread through thousands of miles, quite miserable, and threatened to return sooner or later! !

Unexpectedly, today Nanjiang really has such a physique!

“Feng Ruge, do you dictate yourself or let me kill you?”

Helianshan took a deep breath, seeing the killing intent between his eyebrows.

“Is it really going to die here?”

Feng Ruge sighed lightly, suddenly there were several auras blooming all over her body, and then her figure gradually disappeared in place.

“I still want to run!!”

Helianshan shouted angrily, turned a seal with one hand, turned into a hundred-meter-size out of thin air, and moved toward the suppression of Tianchi beneath him.


In an instant, the mountain crumbled and the ancient forest turned into embers, and Feng Ruge’s figure, after all, could not escape this world, appeared in the void, suppressed by the ancient seal, and was about to die.

“Sure enough, the villain will be extinguished after all.”

Feng Ruge smiled sadly, with a trace of death on her beautiful face.

At this moment, under the pool of the day, suddenly a figure in white clothes stepped slowly, hugged the girl who fell from the sky, and embraced her whole body.

at the same time.

Under Xianxuan Mountain, Xiong Huan and others stood with their hands behind, looking towards the top of Xianshan Mountain.

A wave of fluctuations rippled quietly, and immediately after that, Ling Xiao’s figure appeared in front of everyone.

As early as the moment the pool formation collapsed that day, his body had already escaped, leaving the Purple Qi Innocent Dao Body to perform a good show with Feng Ruge.

Although the seal on the Primordial Demon Blade is slowly unraveling, Primordial Profound Gold is rare.

If you want to truly reproduce the power of this magic blade, you can only go through endless killings!

Now that Xianxuanzong’s destruction is imminent, he doesn’t want to miss this opportunity.

only! !

If you kill as a holy son, it will inevitably make Feng Ruge, Qin Chu and others jealous.

The play is still to be performed, the purpose is to touch the proud girl, I did not kill the people, but the demons!

Woman, do you really think she wants a gift?

Sometimes, they care more about your attitude!

“Meet the Lord!”

Gu Xuan, Xiong Huan and others bowed and bowed in an instant, except for flowers and branches, and there seemed to be a flash of surprise on Qiao’s face.

Lord? !

Why is this young boy familiar with his figure?

“What about people?”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, his eyes swept across the crowd in front of him.

At this time, his face was covered by Moxia, and he couldn’t see his appearance.

But the gleaming depth in the eyes is like a black cave in the universe, making people fearful.

“All in the forest.”

Xiong Huan turned around and led Ling Xiao into the ancient forest, but saw the eight emperors of the Sea Clan bow their heads and feet, kneeling on the ground, his expression extremely lonely.

Can you not be lonely?

This waited for a hundred years, and finally waited for the opportunity to compete for Tianchi.

I originally thought that I could happily come to the Human Sacred Land to pretend to be forced, but instead of pretending to be forced to pretend, it made people slam their faces, and now he is still a prisoner under his shoulders.

Who can stand this kind of stubbornness?

“Open the sea of ​​souls and be my slave.”

Ling Xiao gave a soft drink, and the eight emperors of the Sea Clan only hesitated for a moment before obediently opening the Soul Sea, and Ling Xiao planted the Soul Seal.

But, inexplicably, everyone felt that the voice of the boy in front of him seemed a bit familiar.

“Okay, let them go, you, Huihai Clan, tell the clan that Sect Master Xianxuan tore up the agreement and took action to kill the strong Sea Clan.”

Ling Xiao looked at one of the divine emperors of the Sea Clan with cold eyes, and said coldly.

“Yes! Master!”

Hearing this, the Sea Clan God Emperor got up and wanted to turn around and leave.

“Wait, take this pill.”

“Thank you, Master.”

The sea clan god emperor’s face was slightly stunned, and a touch of emotion rushed into his eyes.

Master, righteous.

Seeing my breath is unstable, give me a pill!

However, he never dreamed that the pill was wrapped in a strand of Feng Ruge’s hair.

At that time, his mission was completed, and Ling Xiao could melt the pill and poison him thousands of miles away with only a few tricks.

The villain, of course you have to be cautious in doing things.

In this way, the news of the manifestation of Heavenly Poison will also spread throughout the sea.

Feng Ruge will be real by then, and the world will not tolerate it!

Smelly sister, look, you are really stinky now.

So, stay by my brother’s side, maybe there is still a way to survive!

Secretly tell you, my brother has a big house, you can hide…San Qianjiao!

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