Chapter 687

On the top of Xianxuan Mountain, the aura is leisurely.

The endless Taoism evolves into the sea, whizzing through the sky.

I saw at this moment, before the ancient forest on the mountain top, Helianshan and others stood with their hands behind, looking at an aura of immortal gate in front of them.

“Behind this spiritual gate, is where the Tianchi is located. Everyone, this pool only lasts for one day. Wait until you are ready to enter the pool to realize the rhyme of Taoism.”

Helianshan smiled indifferently, his palm suddenly printed out, only to see a golden seal turned into a streamer, pouring into the fairy gate.

Suddenly, the power of the seal that originally existed on it gradually dissipated, forming a channel of gleaming colorful luster, not knowing where to lead.

“Sect Master, what is the origin of this Tianchi?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and there was a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

There are many origins in such mysterious places.

Moreover, for some reason, Ling Xiao always felt that the purpose of this Tianchi’s existence didn’t seem to be as simple as the world imagined.

Once present in a hundred years, is this Tianchi really prepared for the human youth?

But why, every battle between Tianchi seems to benefit the sea clan?

even! !

If Lingxiao hadn’t come to the Tianchi competition this time, I’m afraid it was the ten sea clan evildoers who stood here right now.

“Oh! Saint Son, in fact, the old don’t know the origin of this Fang Tianchi. The restrictions are quite strong, and it is difficult for the emperor to enter, but…this pond appeared stranger, it appeared out of thin air three hundred years ago. After the top of Xuansi Mountain, it was named Tianchi, which means Heavenly Spirit Lake.”

Helianshan gave a wry smile, but Ling Xiao’s eyes flickered with a hint of contemplation.

It’s another three hundred years. Is it a coincidence or… Someone deliberately laid it out?

It’s just that even Helian Mountain’s eighth rank god emperor couldn’t perceive the weirdness of it. I was afraid that it was the origin of this Tianchi. It was really a bit mysterious.

“Three hundred years ago, could the suzerain create Xuanxuanzong?”

“No, it is precisely because of the charm of this place that I, Xianxuanzong, chose the sect on this mountain.”

Helianshan answered truthfully, but there was a hint of doubt between his brows, “Holy Son…”

“Oh, nothing, I just ask at will.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and turned to look at Feng Ruge, “Ruge, let’s go.”

“Ah, please, my son.”

Feng Ruge pursed his red lips lightly, and walked into the fairy gate one after another with Ling Xiao.


And as the two walked in, they saw a quiet valley in front of them.

Among them, the aura ups and downs, the Taoist meaning is mysterious, like a place outside the world, exuding a touch of ancient chaos.

The aura of the sea rises and falls one after another, transforming into thousands of visions in the void.

There are whales leaping over the sea, and phoenixes soaring, and even the ancient trees and flowers in the valley give birth to an ethereal charm in this aura.

Although there are ten dragon formations in the Lingxiao domain, the land of the domain is too vast.

And this small valley has inherited such a great rhyme, accumulated for a hundred years, in which aura can be imagined.

Taking a deep breath makes people feel refreshed, and the spiritual power of the whole body seems to be boiling.

And in the middle of the valley, there was a wave of light on the surface of a lake like a mirror.

Dao patterns evolve and auspicious ups and downs.

Obviously, there is the good fortune of Tianchi among the world’s population.

“Wow!! As expected, this is where my aura of southern Xinjiang lies. One day of cultivating in this Xianchi, I am afraid that it will be compared to the outside world for decades, right?”

“What’s more! I heard that the water in this Tianchi is transformed by Daoyun, soaked in it, but I realize Dao Ze is simply a place for immortal gods to practice.”

“Everyone, drink water and think about the source, shall we give a good thank you to the son of Ling Xiao?”

“The Son of God, grant me to wait for good fortune, I… first kowtow to respect.”

A group of Southern Xinjiang Tianjiao bowed their heads instantly and bowed to Ling Xiao three times and nine buckles.

Even the young man from the Sea Clan was mixed in the crowd and knocked down with them.


what can I do?

I don’t want it either.

But my legs just didn’t listen, they just suddenly became soft.

“Song, let’s go over.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently and turned to look at Feng Ruge, only to see that the latter just nodded at this moment, even suppressing his snort.

“Huh? Ruge? What’s wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, but there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

This girl of destiny is really extremely cautious.

Ling Xiao had some guesses about Feng Ruge’s actions at this time.

Whether it is a poison body or a divine body, it will be improved with the breakthrough of the cultivation base.

This Feng Ruge was obviously afraid that the aura of the Tianchi would stimulate her poisonous body, and if it was accidentally exposed, wouldn’t it be a mortal situation?

However, like a song.

Do you think you can suppress your realm without breathing out?


What do you think I did so hard to get this group of stinky fish and shrimps in?

Of course it’s to poison you


Feng Ruge closed her red lips tightly and shook her head vigorously. Before Ling Xiao could continue to ask questions, she raised her foot and headed towards the day pool.

Seeing this, Ling Xiao didn’t say much anymore, following Feng Ruge’s back, she walked to the side of the pool that day.

Getting closer, everyone discovered that the water in this Tianchi was completely transformed by aura.

Layers on top of each other, like the intertwined avenues of gods, in which the clear light flashes, the fairy charm is full, and the mystery is extremely mysterious.

Even if Ling Xiao had seen the many dragon veins and spirit veins in this world, he still felt a little surprised at this time.

Is this level of aura that a fairy mountain can nurture?

It’s impossible! !

In this Tianchi, there is weird.

“Wow! This Lingyun is simply… horrible! Everyone, what are you waiting for, how much you can take in a day depends on your luck.”

You Tianjiao has long been unable to bear the longing in his heart, and jumped into the Tianchi.

And Ling Xiao also smiled and looked at Feng Ruge, “Ruge, let’s be together?”


Feng Ruge’s pretty face blushed, a little anticipating, and a little afraid.

Above this heavenly lake, the spiritual mist is covered, but it is easy to hide whereabouts.

But, Ling Xiao Shengzi, can you stop paying attention to me?

As the child of destiny, shouldn’t it be better to see good fortune than his father?

What do you care about me, jump down and suck.

“Let’s go.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his palm, held Feng Ruge’s boneless jade hand, and raised his foot toward the depths of the day pool.

It wasn’t until the two of them were in the pool that Feng Ruge exerted her spiritual power a little nervously and sealed her meridians, for fear that the aura in the pool would enter her body and completely release the power of her poisonous body.

Can! !

When everyone was sitting cross-legged or standing in the pool, preparing to practice, the world in front of them suddenly… plunged into darkness.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling flowed around, and in the next moment, everything returned to the same level as before.

“Huh? That wave just now is the illusion of this Tianchi evolving.”

“It must be! Don’t hesitate any more, hesitate again, I am afraid that you will miss the good luck.”

All Tianjiao shook his head and smiled bitterly, but Ling Xiao’s face was always calm.

At this moment, Feng Ruge Qiao’s face was also somewhat sluggish, and her whole person appeared hollow and numb, as if she had fallen into another world.

With the strength of these godly people in front of them, how can they feel that they are already in a illusion.

Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at the double shadow on the bank of the Tianchi, with a hint of evil in the corner of his mouth.

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