Chapter 679

“Let’s go, time is almost up.”

Ling Xiao didn’t take a deep look at Qin Chu, this leek was basically a waste.

Now that he is still alive, it is not Ling Xiao’s kindness, but…

Six devil disciples, but they have justice in their hearts.

It’s a pity that such a good backer died so easily.

What’s more, Ling Xiao always felt that the first divine envoy was too mysterious, and his voice had an inexplicable familiarity.

Therefore, Ling Xiao planned to tell him not to appear in the Human Race domain for the time being.

The Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor, with Ling Xiao’s current strength, it is difficult to punish him head-on.

Counting on the Sea Clan is somewhat unreliable.

Ling Xiao decided to send a true demon over, temporarily holding back the footsteps of the first divine envoy.

Qin Chu is pretty good.

Until Ling Xiao’s figures appeared above the hall, Feng Ruge hadn’t even walked from the front of the hall to the battle platform.

At this time, the face of the lady of fate was a little pale, and sweat stains were seen on the blue silk on the top of her head.

Obviously, Feng Ruge must be very anxious at this time.

“Huh! Haunting, Human Race, don’t you dare to fight with me Yin Xiao?”

Above the battle platform, Yin Xiao looked contemptuous, and the halberd in his hand bloomed with scarlet light.

“Ruge! Get on stage quickly!!”

Xu Yunzi gave a soft sigh, his eyes gleaming bitterly.

In these few days, his old face was lost by these two disciples! !


Feng Ruge’s silver teeth clenched, his expression sad and indignant.

The current situation is already extremely dangerous. If she does not expose the poison, she is afraid that she will die on stage today.

But if it is exposed, will the end be worse than death?


This is… a dead end! ! !

“Hey hey! Woman, if you don’t want to fight, kneel down and give me Xiaoye two knocks. After the Tianchi good fortune is over, and then go back to the sea with me to play for two days, how about I spare your life?”

Yin Xiao’s eyes looked up and down at Feng Ruge, even though the woman of Sky Poison was wearing a veil at this time, she still couldn’t hide her beauty.


only! !

At the moment when Feng Ruge’s foot fell on the battle platform, a sword roar suddenly resounded above the void.

Immediately afterwards, everyone only saw a ray of clear light flashing leisurely, and the silver smile at the corner of Yin Xiao’s mouth had completely solidified before it dissipated.

Then, his body suddenly cracked neatly, and blood spilled all over the place, revealing his body.

One, a long silver fish of several meters long! !


The whole square suddenly fell into dead silence.

Everyone raised their heads and looked into the air, only to see that at this moment, above the battle platform, a round of golden sun bloomed with profound brilliance, piercing eyes, and containing sacredness.

Faintly, before that golden sun, there seemed to be a figure in white clothes standing with his hands behind.

Thousands of visions flickered from the boy’s whole body, and as he stepped forward, only a statue of Dao Qinglian appeared under his feet.

There is no light in the world, and the rhyme of Taoism meets one person.

Ling Xiao stepped out slowly, white clothes like an immortal, and there seemed to be a chill on that handsome face.

Behind him, Xiao Peng held a round of golden magic mirror, desperately urging the whole body’s spiritual power, making the magic mirror golden light, and Ling Xiao’s figure set off more and more stalwart and erect.

even! !

At this moment, in the direction of that sea clan, several young girls Tianjiao had their beautiful eyes condensed slightly, revealing a touch of infatuation.

What a…peerless son! !

Although it’s an individual, I’m afraid it’s a little weaker, but… it should be able to support it by taking more pills! !

“Master Ling Xiao…”

In Feng Ruge’s eyes, there was also a flash of stunning, excited tears, which almost flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Okay, he’s… handsome! !

No, I’m so touched! !

The second time! !

This was already the second time, Ling Xiao appeared from a moment of danger, blocking the danger of death for her.

If it weren’t for her natural poisonous body, there was nothing to change, Feng Ruge felt that she was lucky enough to be there?

“Huh? Bold!! Who are you, dare to disrupt the contest between our two races!!”

Sha Yun got up angrily, his whole body surged with demon energy.

Behind him, the elder of the Yin Xiao clan was also full of anger. If it weren’t for the Ancient Xianxuan Sect, and the young man looked a little… awesome, he must have already taken action against Ling Xiao at this time.

“Oh? So what?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and he only glanced at Sha Yun calmly, his eyes flickering, as if an invisible general trend rushed out.

Sha Yun only felt the sea of ​​soul tremble, and there was a hint of fear in his heart.

But… how is it possible? !

A human youth, he was panicked at a glance?

This kind of fear does not come from the suppression of the cultivation base, it is more like a…potential!

A kind of Taoism that has lived on the top of the sky for a long time, and has the same origin with the sky and the earth!

“Small stinky fish and shrimps, dare to be presumptuous in my human race! Why, it’s been too long for my holy cult to take action?”

Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the sky, standing in front of Feng Ruge, on the face of Jun Yi that was originally cold and frosty, a touch of gentleness suddenly bloomed.

“Song, it frightens you.”

“Scare me…? Huh?”

Feng Ruge’s expression was stunned, and a blush suddenly appeared on Qiao’s face.

I’m not right! !

I’m wrong again! !

But what can I do?

Who made Young Master Ling Xiao look so handsome!

This kind of peerless indifference and arrogant face suddenly smiles at you, who can stand it! !

I just like handsome ratio, great handsome ratio, what’s the matter?

Let me be honest, if I were not a villain and I met him on the first day, I would push him backwards! !

No, restraint! !

Juvenile abstinence, life is important! !

“Sacred Church?!”

Sha Yun’s face condensed, and there was a flash of thought in his eyes.

Shengjiao Shengzi, came to southern Xinjiang, he knew about this.

And looking at the appearance of this young man, the charm of the fairy wind, the natural strength of the bones, and most of it is that…the holy son of the holy religion.

“Sect Master Helian, your Human Race will punish my Young Master at will, should you give me an explanation?”

The elders of the Yin Xiao clan clenched their palms tightly, even if they had guessed Ling Xiao’s identity, they still felt unwilling in his heart.

Yes, I dare not rush to that young man, can I rush to the old thing of Sect Master Xianxuan?

The young master of my clan, with supreme talent, should have led the clan to cross the sea, how could he be…punished?

“Huahua, collect this whitebait carcass, get some pieces of ice, if the ice is good, you can cut it into slices at night.”

Ling Xiao glanced at the elder of the Yinlin clan with a cold eye, “Provoking my sacred majesty, death!”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao just wanted to do something, but when he saw behind him, a figure flew out suddenly, an ancient knife in his hand outrageously, blooming mysterious light.

The dazzling Shenhui concealed Cang Ming and penetrated the eternal age.

It seems to contain a strand of supreme hegemony, which seems to transcend the realm of Taoism.

“Huh? Terran, arrogant!!”

The silver scale clan elder God Emperor was in the third stage realm, although he was surprised that the visitor was young, he was already in the emperor realm, but there was a bloodthirsty killing intent in his eyes.

only! !

Just as the spirits all over his body bloomed and the demon spirit was permeating, he saw that the foreground seemed to be unprovoked… stagnated for a moment.

And it was just in this instant that the ancient knife in Xiao Peng’s hand had cut through the sky of the cloud and appeared half a foot from the center of his eyebrows.

At this moment, the world is silent, Wan Lai is silent.

Even the 7th and 8th rank powerhouses like Shayun and Helianshan had a strong sense of horror in their eyes.

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