Chapter 667

“My name is… Ye Qingchan.”

On the mountain trail, the woman in Tsing Yi looked indifferent, even a bit bitter.

This sentence, she obviously did not say Chong Lingxiao, more like a memory.

The sound of the piano dissipated, and the picture was completely frozen, melting the remaining snow.

Only in Ling Xiao’s eyes, a coldness flashed.

Just now, it was obvious that the great demon evolved in an illusion, but it was also what he thought and saw in his eyes.

In that case, he was really involved in Ye Qingchan’s past life.

only! !

Looking at the coldness in Ye Qingchan’s last gaze, and the sadness in Wen Ruyuqin, I’m afraid this great demon is mostly… Acacia has no fruit, and spends half a life empty.

no surprise.

The low-end gangsters are all in heaven and earth, pretending to be compelling, and the high-end gangsters are mostly trapped by love and live in tragic seclusion.

In fact, it can be understood.

When the cultivation base is weak, the world believes in the ruthless avenue.

There is no woman in the heart, so it is natural to draw a sword.

But I have already slashed the gods with my sword, and my cultivation is at the peak of a realm. No matter how difficult it is to make progress, I can’t… find some exciting happiness?

I have cultivated a lifelong fairy, can’t I taste the taste of a woman? !

Can! !

In this way, Qin Chu’s identity seemed a bit embarrassing.

I am afraid that this great demon patiently taught, not to overthrow the holy religion, but to equal all souls.

It’s just that there is hatred in the heart, and the sentiment is not there.

In any case, his fate is doomed.

“You really…know her.”

In the ancient forest, the sound of the piano is no longer, and all souls are silent.

Only the figure in Tsing Yi sighed in surprise, and looked up at Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, without covering up.

With the sound of the piano, in that illusion, Ling Xiao’s mind changed, and she was afraid that it would be impossible to escape this great demon consciousness.

What’s more, why should he cover up?

Today’s Ye Qingchan is no longer the one she was three hundred years ago, nor is it the one Wen Ruyu missed in her heart.

“Shengjiao Shengzi, you are so courageous. If you dare to come alone, you are not afraid… I will punish you here?”

Wen Ruyu gathered the piano and got up, looking at the young man in the forest, a ray of magic power spread out from all over his body, raising the defeated Ye Sanliang.

It was just inexplicable, his eyes seemed to flicker with dignity.

See the emperor without fear, see the devil without fear.

The breath is strong and steady, and the eyes are clear and indifferent.

In other words, the young man in front of him did not pretend to be calm, but really did not put Wen Ruyu in his eyes.

But how is it possible?

How can a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy not be flustered in front of him?

Does he have enough confidence to escape in his own hands?

Qin Chu?

Wen Ruyu’s eyes changed, and finally he put away his whole body and stood in the forest with his hands under his hands.

“Although Senior Wen is a demon, he is not an evil demon. This can be seen from Brother Qin.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was calm, neither humble nor overbearing. Although he called Senior, he was obviously a peer.

“Go ahead, Miss Ye, where are you now?”

From the moment he heard Ye Qingchan’s name, Wen Ruyu was thinking about a question.

If the maid of Ling Xiao is Ye Qingchan, then what is going on?

In the end, he only thought of one possibility.

Ye Qingchan fell into reincarnation, and happened to worship the holy religion and became the son and maidservant of the holy son.

But this doesn’t make sense.

If Ye Qingchan died, he must have died in the hands of the Holy Cult and the Lord.

Then even if she comes back in a round, how can she stay in the holy religion now?

However, the name, appearance, and even Tao are exactly the same.

What the hell is going on?

“I don’t know, believe it or not?”

To be honest, now Ling Xiao really doesn’t know where Ye Qingchan has gone.

When she was leaving that day, she only said that there was something to call in the soul sea, and then she disappeared.

So far, even a sound transmission has never been sent back.

Ling Xiao guessed that most of her went to Zhongjiang, and it might even be the sacred mountain where the Holy Religion was located.

As a result, he didn’t dare to bother easily, lest he would expose Ye Qingchan’s whereabouts.

“have no idea?”

Wen Ruyu frowned slightly, his eyes flickering.

At this moment, he was hesitating whether to capture this holy child directly and search for his soul.

In this way, everything is simple.

“In fact, senior, I came to southern Xinjiang to look for the traces of Qingchan.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were calm, but she sneered from the bottom of her heart.

A demon who has missed Ye Qingchan for three hundred years now suddenly hears her news, and his mind is bound to fluctuate.

Shengjiao sent the four great envoys into Xinjiang, not to find the traces of the demon, but to…Ye Qingchan.

The disappearance of Senior Wen and Qing Chan must be related to the divine envoy.

Or, let’s capture the first god, search for his soul and refine his soul, and ask him carefully?

“What? What do you… mean?”

As early as 300 years ago, Wen Ruyu had speculations.

In the sacred religion, perhaps it is not as stable and peaceful as he imagined.

Especially when Ye Qingchan disappeared, there were rumors in Shengzhou.

Said that the god master colluded with the big demon and was killed by the new master.

It’s just that Wen Ruyu doesn’t believe this news at all!

He has personally seen Ye Qingchan’s conduct and methods, and he has also fought against today’s gods.

With the latter’s cultivation base, it is impossible to kill her.

Therefore, Wen Ruyu always felt that Miss Ye must be trapped somewhere.

But in any case, the struggle between the two gods proved that this holy religion is not monolithic.

“The four great envoys entered Xinjiang just to find Qingchan in secret. I haven’t been out of retreat. I don’t know about it. When I leave, she has disappeared.”

Fudge, Ling Xiao was already good at it, and now he has the Holy Words and Dao next to him, what he said is even more credible.

“Holy Son…what does it mean?!”

The more Wen Ruyu listened, the more confused he became. What Ling Xiao meant… he had different intentions towards the four great divine envoys and even the divine lord?

How can this be?

God’s main cultivation level is through the sky and the earth, although Ling Xiao is extremely…oh, quite extraordinary, but how old is he?

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, no matter how deep the xinxing is, how can he dare to calculate the gods?

What kind of medicine is sold in this Lingxiao Gourd?

“Qingchan was reborn in reincarnation. I found it in the lower realm and placed it in the Eastern Border Heaven Sword Immortal Sect. I didn’t want to but was noticed by the divine lord, so I sent a divine envoy to Xiajiang. When I left the customs, she was nowhere to be found.”

Ling Xiao’s words were half true.

Ye Qingchan is a person of reincarnation, and he has known about this for a long time.

And what the big devil missed must be Ye Qingchan in his previous life.

How did she die?

Now it seems that it is definitely inseparable from the divine lord.

Do not!

Even if it doesn’t matter, I said that if there is a relationship, there is a relationship. How to drop it? !

After all, it’s right to put all the blame on the Lord.

The world is the only one in the world, and the world is the enemy.

No matter what your cultivation is supreme, what’s the point?

Of course, if you want to draw a big demon into the game, it is easy to be debunked if you don’t tell the truth.

Although the strength of the Six Demons was terrifying, it would be difficult to gain the upper hand against a Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor.

Therefore, this plan to kill the first divine envoy is not anxious, and if one is careless, it is dead.

Ling Xiao needs some time to complete this round.

And this time, it was enough for the big devil to inquire about many things.

“What?! Rebirth in reincarnation?!”

Wen Ruyu’s expression changed, and he nodded after a long while, “Miss Ye…how did she die?”

“At the time when the heavenly demon came to the world, Qingchan suffered extremely serious injuries in order to punish the demon, and only then was she victimized by a treacherous man.”

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, killing intent in his eyes.

“Is that so?”

Wen Ruyu naturally knew about the past three hundred years ago.

No wonder! !

It’s no wonder that in the past three hundred years, he has been inquiring about it, but after all he failed to find a trace of Ye Qingchan.


“Wen has a doubt in his heart. Saint Son seems to be less than twenty now. How did you know the secrets of these three hundred years ago?”

When the words fell, Wen Ruyu’s eyes suddenly shone brightly, transforming the realm out of thin air, and instantly enveloped Ling Xiao’s figure.

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