Chapter 657


Countless disciples looked dull, and they looked at Chen Qingshan with a touch of fear.

How do you look at this method of drawing human blood? It doesn’t seem to be very decent?

Of course, if Ling Xiao were to do this, probably all the disciples would feel that… the Holy Son is overwhelmingly powerful, what is there to say, the essence and blood in Hou Xiu’s body was mostly evaporated by the Son of God! !

such a pity.

This Chen Qingshan was originally destiny, with his own group ridicule attribute.

What’s more, the third peak has three hundred disciples, and there are many strong ones.

Who is on the seventh peak?

Xuyunzi, Feng Ruge and… Chen Qingshan.

Although Feng Ruge and Ling Xiao Shengzi are fighting fiercely now, most of them are going to fight the sword with the Shengzi.

As soon as Feng Ruge left, the Seventh Peak Master…was a fart.

I choose Mount Hou, Master Hou Feng!

Of course!

At this time, Ling Xiao didn’t speak, and his attitude was unclear, so I stood with Fengzhu Hou first.

If the Son will intervene later, I will think about it again, and finally feel that what the Son has said is reasonable, not only can highlight the wisdom of the Son, but also can’t sin, why not do it! !

Thinking like this, many Xianzong disciples already saw anger on their faces, “This is… a demonic method!!”

“So cruel! So weird! So terrible!”

“Is it possible… Is this Chen Qingshan really a spy from the Demon Sect?”

“Then a few days ago…the few Tianjiao who were killed in my Xianxuanzong…”


“There is a picture! I have a picture! This Chen Qingshan has the power to kill the gods. On the outside, it seems harmless to humans and animals. After killing people, fake sword wounds…”

“The Son of Lingxiao!! Wise!! Only the Son believed that Qin Chu was not guilty at the time! Now it seems that the Son of Heaven is… God predicts!!”

“Holy Son!! You are clever, righteous, and you are…swordsman and virtuous, thorough and clear, uninvaded by all evils, unparalleled in the world!!”

Suddenly, on the square, voices of admiration began to sound.

Ling Xiao’s expression was gentle and her eyes were clear.

See, as long as you are strong enough, all the praise in this world will take the initiative to add to you.

“Qingshan!! What the hell is going on?!”

Xuyunzi’s eyes were gloomy, and he turned to look at Chen Qingshan.

Swallowing human essence and blood, he has indeed seen such methods.

When the Gantian Demon Sect was not extinct, there was a hall called the Vampire Hall, in which disciples practiced evil techniques that suck human essence and blood.

Of course, even if Chen Qingshan is not the descendant of the remnants of this church, these methods can be called indignation.

You say, if you are killed, you will be killed, you suck him and dry the hammer.

This is all right, I, the seventh peak master, has directly become the person who shelters the demons.

“Master…I am not…”

Chen Qingshan shook his head blankly. He didn’t want to kill Hou Xiu at all, let alone swallow his blood.

But just now, I just couldn’t help it, as if it was a desire to kill and refine all the souls in this world.

Uncontrollable, even… he never noticed anything wrong.

How could this be?

Could it be that this evil treasure affected my mind?

“I don’t want you to say that you are not, I want everyone to think that you are not! Say, what the hell is going on!!!”

Xu Yunzi was extremely angry, and slapped Chen Qingshan’s face with a fierce slap.

He only accepted two disciples in his life, and he was devoted to Taoism.

Unexpectedly, in the end, there will be a tendency to lose guarantees at the end of the festival.

“Master…I’m really not a spy, you must believe me…”

Chen Qingshan wanted to cry without tears, holding the golden iron rod tightly in his palm.

This stick saved his life in times of crisis.

But such an evil thing, if he said that he picked it up… Does anyone believe it?

Therefore, this is a dead end, and he has no way to excuse it.

But at this time, Ling Xiao seemed to hesitate.

It stands to reason that at this moment, the son of destiny should be depressed and depressed and contribute his luck.

But there was no sound from the system.

Is it because this round has nothing to do with me, so I can’t be recognized by the system?

No matter, it is this leek, and Ling Xiao didn’t want to harvest it so quickly.

Retaining luck might give him a bigger surprise.

“What else is there to say! Just grab it and search for his soul, everything will come to the bottom!!”

The third peak master snorted coldly, and raised his hand to grab Chen Qingshan.

He doesn’t care if this little disciple is a spy from the magic sect, and if he doesn’t kill him, it’s hard to quell his hatred.

“Master!! I’m really not…Tui’er is willing to prove his innocence by death!!”

Chen Qingshan gritted his teeth fiercely, his expression revealing a touch of decisiveness.

Son of Destiny, he would rather die than surrender, this character is really…naive! !

You are dead, what’s the difference between being innocent and innocent.

If this happened to me, Ling Xiao, of course… it would be…

“Okay! You are promising, so you dare to hide your secrets from me! If you don’t tell me, then I will clean up the door today…”

“Jie Jie Jie, Sect Master Helian, today you Xuan Xuanzong, you are so lively.”

only! !

At the moment when Xuyunzi’s voice fell, a strange laughter suddenly rang out on the mountain road far away.

Hearing the sound, the entire Xianxuanzong was silent for a moment.

Then, everyone was stunned to see that the figures shrouded in demonic energy descended from the sky, rushing towards the stunned elder of the Xianzong disciple.

There is no nonsense, and there is no politeness, there is a burst of spiritual power, and the spiritual treasure smashes down.



Along with the screams resounding, dozens of disciples instantly turned into a muddy place on the edge of the square, and died violently.

“Magic attack!! Magic attack!!”

Finally, the elder Xianzong began to take steps, and blocked the surrounding magic door powerhouse.

Sect Master Xianxuan and the others didn’t even dare to hesitate.

Suddenly, Chen Qingshan, who was standing on the battlefield, was no one cares about.

“Little Junior Brother? Are you… really colluding with the Demon Sect?”

Feng Ruge covered Zhu’s mouth lightly, and there was a touch of horror and disappointment in her beautiful eyes.

“Holy Son!! Hurry up and kill this spy!!”

“Huh? Shengjiao Shengzi?!”

The eyes of countless demon masters condensed slightly, turning their heads to look at Ling Xiao, their faces were a bit eager to try.


Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, don’t give a deep look at Feng Ruge, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, “Since you are your junior, Ruge, you should do this for you to completely separate your relationship with him, otherwise… I’m afraid someone will gossip.”


Before the grief and anger on Feng Ruge’s face disappeared, it completely solidified.

Me… Gan?

What he said makes sense!

Can I capture Chen Qingshan?

I’m a villain, to capture the Son of Destiny?

Are you sure I am not going to die?


For a moment, Feng Ruge hesitated a little. She had calculated a lot, but she hadn’t figured it out. Ling Xiao had thought so well for her.

Originally, according to Feng Ruge’s imagination, Ling Xiao was a holy son of the holy religion, and he would definitely hate demons deeply.

Especially spies are more likely to cause resentment.

But what, depending on what this holy son meant… it seems to be to stay out of the matter?

“The son… the son… I’m afraid I can’t beat him…”

Feng Ruge’s face blushed, and finally found an excuse that was not an excuse, and his expression was ashamed and authentic.

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