Chapter 645: I Believe You

“People, you really didn’t kill them?”

Ling Xiao sighed and finally set his sights on Qin Chu.

Feeling a glimmer of expectation in those deep eyes, Qin Chu’s eyes suddenly turned red.

The world doesn’t believe me, but you are still asking.

Saint Ling Xiao, you actually believe in Chu’er in your heart.

“Holy Son, if you believe in me, why don’t I make my life clear today? In the sea of ​​soul, the secrets of the teacher are involved, and it is hard to follow my fate!”

Qin Chu has a sonorous tone and a straight body.

He was not afraid of death, he was just afraid of dying.

The six masters are demons and he is a disciple of the great demons. This is a fact.

But the great aspiration of the masters has never been to slaughter the innocent and make the world supreme.

They just want to break the shackles of this world and return the real freedom of all creatures.

He walked out of the mountain village, experience is one of them, and what he has to do is to prove his name!

“I believe you.”

Ling Xiao nodded suddenly, causing the entire mountain to fall into a dead silence in an instant.

Even Qin Chu’s eyes flashed sluggish and shocked.

“You…what did you say…”

“I said I believe in you, but now, you are most suspicious. If you believe in me, you will seal the cultivation base and follow me back to the temple. Until the matter is investigated, you are not allowed to go anywhere.”

Ling Xiao’s tone was calm, with clear light in his eyes.

At this time, there seemed to be golden light on his body, flooding the whole hall.

Gradually, in Qin Chu’s eyes, he was the only one left.

Tall, stalwart, tall and straight, and unparalleled in beauty.

“Do you…really believe me?”

Qin Chu’s voice trembled, and there was already mist rising in his eyes.

He has only been moved twice in his twenty years of life.

For the first time, he begged along the street and was about to starve to death. It was the master who brought a bowl of mutton soup in front of him, and said with a smile, eat.

Qin Chu would never forget that stern, almost ruthless face.

It’s not that he has never seen a cultivator, nor has he never seen a so-called righteous cultivator.

But how many immortals in the eyes of mortals really care about the suffering of mortals?

What they care about is good fortune, cultivation, and the will of immortality to live with the sky.

However, it was a demon who saved him.

Among the world’s population, a cruel, bloodthirsty, and evil monster.

From that day on, Qin Chu understood that the world’s misconceptions about demons were profound.

But he can do nothing, because he is a weak, humble ant whose life is held in the hands of others.

He cried and ate the bowl of mutton soup, and there was no green onion left.

Then, he returned the bowl to the big demon, knocked his head nine times, and turned to leave.

However, Wen Ruyu asked him if he would like to practice with him.

Qin Chu cried and cried, knelt on the ground and kept kowtow until he was exhausted and lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he was already in the mountain village, and the six masters treated him extremely well.

He also gradually learned that the masters have a big enemy, but the first person in the Holy State.

The masters live in a mountain village, seemingly free and easy, but it’s not a kind of… compelling.

Qin Chu vowed that one day, he will fulfill the ambitions of the masters, and return them to freedom, as well as the freedom of heaven and earth.

And today! !

This is the second time he feels warmth and trust in others.

His emotions began to collapse uncontrollably.

Enemy against the world, even the great elder of Xianzong, who had an old relationship with the master, would punish him in his hands.

Only Young Master Ling Xiao, alone, believe in him.

“Di, the Son of Destiny is deeply moved by the villain, and is extremely emotional. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 1,000 points and the villain for 10,000 points.”

Hearing the prompt sound from the system, the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth rose with an arc.

Qin Chu, can’t die, he still needs to use him to open the hearts of the six great demons.

As for why he had to count him before the Tianchi battle…Of course it was because Ling Xiao never thought of calling him into the Tianchi from the beginning to the end.

Because, there, there is another good show on stage.

Feng Ruge, look at your surprised look, I just like your look like you have never seen the world.

Don’t worry, I’ll make you cry soon! !

“Holy Son!! Don’t be fooled by him!! He is a demon!! A true demon!!”

Feng Yuan raised his brows and frowned. He promised that Wen Ruyu would take care of Qin Chu.

But the younger generation he wants to take care of is by no means a cruel and bloodthirsty demon.

What Qin Chu did has already touched his bottom line.

He is an old friend of the Six Demons and the Great Elder of Xianxuanzong.

After releasing this demon, how to explain to Babu? !

Time is indeed a wonderful thing.

Stay in its place for a long time, no more freedom.

What I think is also the common people of the world, not the old feelings and old meanings.

This is probably the so-called, righteous immortal.

“Oh? How does Elder Feng think he is a demon?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, and looked at the excited wind rising in surprise.

“I… this is all stolen and taken, so what is there to hesitate.”

Of course, even if Feng Yuanyang knew Qin Chu’s identity, he did not dare to expose it face-to-face at this time.

However, letting the devil return to the mountain will bring endless troubles!

“It’s a coincidence. Tonight, I discussed the Tao with the eight masters, and invited Qin Chu to go with him. As long as he has a little brain, he shouldn’t kill at this time. Therefore, most of the people want to plant the blame on this matter. I will find out the real culprit and give Babu an explanation. The Great Elder does not need to say much.”

Ling Xiao took a deep look at Feng Yuanyang, and instantly swallowed what he had said to his lips.

Compared with the six great demons, his jealousy for this saint son is obviously deeper.

It’s not worth offending him.

But, Son! !

You are innocent! !

You never thought, he predicted your prediction, and just started it at this time? !

“The Son… is right.”

However, since Ling Xiao talked to find the true demon, no matter how much he said, he seemed rude.

In the end, in the eyes of everyone’s doubts and complexities, Ling Xiao took the lead and headed towards the far hall.

Behind him, Qin Chu clenched his palms, and followed him closely.

The world is as cold as ice, but the son is warm and cozy beside him.

even! !

At this time Qin Chu already had the idea of ​​a showdown with Ling Xiao.

Son, I am a demon, but I am not a murderer! !


In the crowd, Feng Ruge looked at the two figures walking away, her beautiful eyes flashed with deep meaning.

The Sons of Destiny are all arrogant and arrogant, contaminated with cause and effect everywhere.

This Qin Chu must have hidden secrets, but Ling Xiao tried his best to protect him.

From Feng Yuanyang’s attitude, Feng Ruge has guessed.

Eighty percent of this great elder knew Qin Chu’s origins.

Otherwise, with the majesty of his god emperor, how could he be slanderous and insist that Qin Chu is a demon?


Calculating the time, the letter she sent to the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect should be coming soon too, right?

She has found out the identity of Ci’er.

This girl’s surname is ancient, and she has a lot of origins!

Controversy of Tianchi?

Haha, I’m afraid it’s going to be the Demon Slayer Conference?

Of course, even if she was wrong in this step, the demon girl was not moved by Chen Qingshan, and for Feng Ruge, she did not lose the slightest amount.

The big deal, just feed the poison slowly.

“No, I still have to go back to the seventh peak, and then ask the little junior brother and the details of the acquaintance of Gu Ci’er! If it is the fate, the two must have gone through the tortuous and complicated plot to be able to have love!!”

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