Chapter 631


Hearing Chen Qingshan’s voice, the anger on Feng Ruge Qiao’s face instantly solidified.

This is not dead? !

It wasn’t until the smoke and dust in the forest dissipated that the bloody figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

At this moment, Chen Qingshan’s clothes had already shattered, revealing a sturdy but unobtrusive muscle.

Over the years, he has only done two things in Seventh Peak.

One is to cut trees, and the other is to test new products for senior sisters.

Well, it seems to be the word.

Anyway, all kinds of strange organs and medicines that the senior sister refines must be tested on him.

Even if he hadn’t been the body of destiny, he was afraid that the grass on the grave would be at least one meter high without other people’s hands.

“Destiny, it’s terrible… You can’t die like this.”

Inexplicably, Feng Ruge’s face became paler.

Although she had a lot of taboos about the four characters of the protagonist of Destiny, now it seems that she still underestimated the horror of these destined people.

However, from this matter, she was even more certain that the younger brother must also be a destiny body.

Otherwise, the explanation won’t make sense.

A Xuanqing ant can not die with the full strength of a strong man of God?

If this is replaced by any dragon set, I am afraid that even the shit will be smashed out!


Qing Yu’s face also had a touch of surprise.

Especially when the Dao halberd in his hand fell on the golden stick, the strange ripples that swayed in his heart made him feel unspeakable panic.

No wonder, Feng Ruge dared to ask a Xuanqing person to fight him.

It turned out that this young man also had a hole card.

“Feng Ruge, he is not my opponent, you should fight with me soon.”

Qing Yu held a halberd and pointed diagonally at the girl in front of him.

Lingwei was suppressed into a whirlpool at the tip of the halberd. At this moment, the whole world converged in him.

Although Chen Qingshan had some means, his cultivation at the Xuan Qing level was really not a challenge.

What’s more, today he is going to defeat Feng Ruge, and he will use her blood to pay tribute to the three hundred people of the Qingyang tribe.

“Ahem, Qing Yu, when is the time to report the injustice? You and I are brothers and sisters, why are you too anxious? Why not, the battle of Tianchi will begin soon, and then we will have a fair fight on the battlefield.”

Feng Ruge sighed lightly, looking a little lonely.

According to the general plot, the heart of this man of destiny actually has a trace of affection for the woman who has retired.

Love can produce hate.

As for what a fair fight is, it is only Feng Ruge’s strategy to slow down.

Procrastination will change.

Hundreds of people participated in this Tianchi battle, who knows if they will meet Qing Yu.

Besides, even if they met, under the eyes of everyone, if I or he… voted, can you still kill me a weak woman?

Can not do it, try not to do it.

Mouth escape is the most mysterious and safe of all escape techniques.

“The battle of Tianchi, I don’t care, I’m here just to punish you, Feng Ruge, if you don’t fight me, then I… will fight you!”

When the words fell, Qing Yu never gave Feng Ruge a chance to open his mouth again, and took a step forward, with his own Dharma like the sky behind him.

The vast spiritual might rippling violently, as if the universe is annihilated, bursting out dazzling divine splendor.

In Qing Yu’s hand, the black halberd morphed into a hundred zhang phantom out of thin air, and its upper Taoist pattern was extinguished, like a dragon flying into the sky, and furiously rushing towards Feng Ruge.

Feng Ruge’s face was pale, and there was a touch of resentment on Qiao’s face.

Unexpectedly, she stayed for so long, but in the end she still couldn’t escape the setting of the villain’s stepping stones.

It’s not that she can’t take the halberd, but no matter what hole card she uses, her final destiny will not change in the slightest.

After all, I have never heard of any book that the Son of Destiny died in the hands of the villain halfway through.

“Hey, I thought I could live longer by avoiding the world… I didn’t expect that I would be punishable in the end.”

Feng Ruge’s expression was sad, facing this halberd, she couldn’t avoid it, and there was also a ray of spiritual brilliance all over her body.

only! !

Just as the printing method of her hand was changing, and when the thirty-six spirit charms on her body were all exuding divine light, she saw a ripple suddenly rippling in the space in front of her.

“Huh? Master?”

Feng Ruge’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Old stuff, you can finally give it up! !

But wait, it’s not like it!

I saw that in the place where the void was broken, a white fairy shadow stepped out slowly, although it was just a figure from the back, it had a somewhat unparalleled meaning.

Feng Ruge’s heart fluctuated for no reason for a moment.

“The hero saves the little brother of the United States… But… hey… You are just a setting in the script. How do you know that this plot is a doomed ending, but… it is not a vain to have a handsome little brother die with me? One game.”


The halberd descended from the sky, breaking the blue sky into scars.

Pieces of space crevices meander for hundreds of miles, and there seems to be dark clouds hanging over the entire seventh peak.

Qing Yu held the halberd in both hands, struggling to smash it down with the momentum of opening the sky.

Flawless divine light rippling, layer upon layer, every ripple contains power that can destroy the world.

Endless visions began to rise, and the scorching Shenhui blocked everyone’s sight.

In the end, the halberd fell, and the world was silent.

On the seventh peak, the mountain wind stagnated and Wan Lai was silent.

Even the birds and beasts in the mountains and forests seemed to be frightened by the remaining threat, and they did not dare to cry.

On the earth, the cracks shattered and opened like a spider web. Even the many disciples on the mountain path felt a tremor in their hearts at this time, and a strand of blood shed inexplicably around the corners of their mouths.


Feng Ruge shook his head and sighed bitterly, with sad eyes, “You are a good person.”

Although at this time, she didn’t see the appearance of the white-clothed boy, but…I was afraid that she would never see it.

Qing Yu’s halberd was several times more terrifying than the one that hit Chen Qingshan before.

This time, there should be no surprises.

Otherwise, Feng Ruge would doubt whether this Qing Yu was the son of destiny.


only! !

Just when everyone’s mind was trembling, there was a sudden ear-shaking hum in the smoke-filled place.

Immediately afterwards, a mighty divine might rippling loudly, clearing the smoke and dust instantly.

Then! !

Everyone saw with horror on their faces, a figure in white clothes standing with their hands behind them, and there seemed to be a fairy charm on their bodies.

But he only stretched out two fingers, and easily stopped Qing Yu’s halberd from the sky.

Above the void, Qing Yu’s expression was also a little dull.

It shouldn’t.

With this halberd, he almost used his full strength, and wanted to kill Feng Ruge, how could it be…being picked up by two fingers?

Moreover, looking at the appearance of this white-clothed boy, his age was obviously similar to his own.

How did he do it?

At this time, Ling Xiao didn’t hide his appearance with Xianxia, ​​that beautiful and handsome face instantly caused the entire seventh peak to boil.

“Wow! So handsome! The white-clothed boy is too manly, right?”

“What a handsome son, this son’s cultivation base, I am afraid that he has already transcended his dignity, right?”

“Young God King? How is this possible? I haven’t heard of anyone who can step into the realm of God King at this age.”

“You are also a god, just now that halberd, will you take it?”

“I… can’t take it!”

On the mountain path, the proud woman began to exclaim, and the proud son stroked her palms, apparently completely shocked by the scene before her.

“But, why is this figure familiar?”

Only shortly afterwards, someone frowned and murmured suspiciously.

“Yes… Son of Lingxiao! It’s Son of Lingxiao!!”

In the crowd, Qin Chu covered his lips with both hands, trembling all over, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Such an appearance is actually more excited than the many proud girls next to him! !

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