Chapter 621

“Thank you, son! Today, it was Qin Chu who caused the son’s trouble! If there is something useful in the future, the son may speak.”

Qin Chu walked to Ling Xiao and bowed deeply.

“No, I won’t just ignore who it is today.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, looked up at the distant sky, turned and swept towards the top of the mountain.

Looking at the distant figure, the eyes of the surrounding Tianjiao revealed a touch of complexity and bitterness.

The movement on the mountain road just now is absolutely impossible to hide from the god emperors of Xian Xuanzong.

But until this time, Xian Xuanzong had never had a strong presence.

This is enough to explain many things.

“Ling Xiao… Young Master, I may not be able to enter your eyes now, this time the Tianchi battle, I will let you remember my name! Today’s kindness, Chu, I can’t remember.”

Qin Chu raised his head and looked at the figure walking among the clouds, with a touch of determination in his eyes.

This is the first person he has met to help him since he joined the WTO.

Moreover, he is still a peerless sword repairer.

This kind of well-behaved, unfettered teenager is worthy of being his confidant.

The encounter is only the beginning, and the story has just begun.

It wasn’t until Qin Chu stepped forward towards the top of the mountain that before the distant mountains and forests, a tall and tall middle-aged man who was also dressed in white did not show any real deeds.

At this time, the sword demon was no longer drunk, and even the beard on his face was cleared, revealing a vicissitudes of life but inexplicably handsome face.

His eyes were deep and indifferent, especially when he looked at the figure in the void, there was a hint of regret in the depths of his eyes.

Is the holy son of the holy religion?

Sure enough, he was a bright-minded and talented young man.

even! !

For the first time in twenty years, Jian Nanchen felt that among his peers, there were people with higher talents than Qin Chu.

Others could not feel the sword intent, but he could see clearly.

Kendo is great! !

A young man with great kendo, looking at the holy state, is absolutely unparalleled in the world.

Unfortunately, he is a man of sacred religion.

But, inexplicably, apart from regret, Sword Demon still has a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

Although the god is overbearing, the Six Demons are driven to a dead end.

But Miss Ye, who is also a member of the sacred religion, is not pedantic and arrogant.

A person who cultivated the sword to this level proved that there is no evil in the heart of this white-clothed young man.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, he and Chu Er will be peerless twins.

As for who is the protagonist of this world in the end, it depends on their own chances.

In a world of great controversy, it is not misfortune to have this old enemy, but it is a great fortune.

Chu’er, a swordsman, rise up to the difficulties, advance in the face of difficulties, hold your sword, and indulge in…Clash with him! !

“Chu’er, the rest is up to you.”

The Sword Demon turned and headed towards Yuankong.

On the way, he followed Qin Chu and protected him secretly.

It’s just that this ancient Xianxuan Sect has many powerful people, and even the Sect Master Xuanxuan feels afraid.

But, if you remember correctly, the Nanjiang God Emperor who was saved by your eldest brother was the elder in this sect, right?

With the caution of his eldest brother, Chu’er was born, and it was impossible for him not to arrange the means.

With his protection, Chu’er would be no disaster in this Xuanzong.

On the top of Xianxuan Mountain, there is light overflowing, and Xianxia covers it.

At this time, on the square in front of the main hall, countless disciples stood neatly, and even the many elders in the sect stood there with solemn expressions, as if waiting for someone.

Before the crowd, an old man wearing a black robe and piercing his head, holding a mahogany cane, looked out of place.

This person is the lord of Xianxuanzong, the saint of eight tribes, Helian Mountain.

Speaking of this Sect Master Helian, he was also the person standing on the top of the mountain in this southern Xinjiang.

There are many barbarian tribes in southern Xinjiang.

It’s just that this place is savage, and it is adjacent to the endless sea, which is chaotic.

And when this Sect Master Helian was born, the various tribes in southern Xinjiang had been conquered for a hundred years, and they had to resist the slaughter of the sea tribe, and the people were not living.

Helianshan walks the world with one person and one rod. Instead of crushing the eight tribes with the cultivation base, Helianshan patiently persuades them to cultivate, cultivate, teach the magical powers, and help the eight tribes to practice and prolong their life.

Of course, pioneers are bound to suffer, and Helianshan is no exception.

It’s just that he has never been angry, nor has he regretted.

A hundred years are like a day, with a black robe and a peach tree, traveling all over the southern Xinjiang.

Gradually, people began to believe in him as holy.

But what really made him admired by the people was that that day, Haihuang led the powerful sea clan to come, and wanted to conquer the eight tribes and unify southern Xinjiang.

The sea emperor’s cultivation base has already penetrated the sky, and no one dares to fight.

It is this Sect Master Helian again, a peach branch, shocking all enemies.

The world has just discovered that his cultivation has reached its peak.

If he wants the eight tribes to surrender, he doesn’t need to lobby at all, and he directly crushes it with force. No one from the Southern Xinjiang Human Race dares to resist.

However, he chose the most difficult path and endured the most vicious words in the world.

The saint reincarnates with the common people in his heart.

From then on, Babu Xiu Ge, regarded him as a god.

After accomplishing his deeds and retreating, Helian Mountain wanted to live in seclusion, but he was summoned by the divine lord to establish the ancient sect of Xianxuan and protect the sentient beings in southern Xinjiang.

At this time, his face was extremely indifferent, only a pair of old eyes revealed an invisible deepness.

He naturally felt the chaos at the foot of the mountain.

From this point of view, the Shengjiao Shengzi has kindness in his heart, but he is not foolishness, but a generation who kills and kills the fruit.


Above the sky, there was a fairy haze.

I saw a figure in white clothes coming with his hand, beside him, two beautiful young girls were a step behind and followed closely.

There is a sound and rhyme, which spreads through the sky.

There are auspicious clouds gathering, like a fairy trail.

And the young man glanced at everyone with clear eyes, then fell from the sky and stood in front of Helian Mountain.

“Sect Master Xianxuan, Helianshan, pay homage to Saint Son.”

At this moment, there is no need for Ling Xiao to show his order, just by his temperament, it is easy for people to guess his identity.

“How does the suzerain believe that I am the Saint Son of the Holy Church?”

Don’t Ling Xiao deliberately look at the old man in front of him.

There is an ethereal and mysterious aura flowing around him.

Obviously, this person is good at divination, stargazing and positioning, and is well versed in luck.

“Today I observe the celestial phenomena. There is a purple qi rising in the west, and there must be nobles here. The saint son is accompanied by auspicious clouds and immortal meanings, and the bones of the Tao are born. So lucky.”

Helianshan shook his head and smiled bitterly, revealing the vicissitudes of life between his eyebrows.

“Haha, the lord is absurdly praised.”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a smile, especially the dirty braids of the old Sect Master at this time, it was even more unique and eloquent.

Why, you want to be a rapperstar too?


If the old sect master knew that he was worshipping a real demon at this time, I wonder if he would have doubts about his professional level?

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