Chapter 619


Between heaven and earth, the sound of sword chants spread like a dragon.

A strand of sword light tore through the blue sky, cutting the void neatly.

Among them, there seems to be a ray of purple air swirling, unspeakable mystery and terrible.


The sword light fell, and everyone heard a loud sound like a yellow bell and dalu.

Then, they were dumbfounded to see that the seven or eight spiritual treasures with divine light shattered under the sword light!

One sword, smashed eight sword artifacts, and even two Dao artifacts among them.

What a terrible sword might this is, what a terrifying cultivation base?

Could it be that the strong man behind this Mai Yi boy made the move?

Can break Baihe’s arm with one punch, if there is no strong teaching behind this young man, naturally no one believes it.

Inexplicably, a touch of regret suddenly flashed in the eyes of the Tianjiao of Shuoyuan Department.

Everyone raised their heads and looked above the void.

I saw a figure in white clothes standing with his hands behind, and the whole body seemed to be enveloped by Xianxia.

A hundred miles behind him, boundless visions float in the sky.

Among them, there seems to be a dragon wandering, the gods bow their heads, the ancient trees towering into the sky, and the sun and the moon are reversed.

“It’s him!!!”

At this time, on the mountain road, someone had begun to recognize that the figure on the void was the young immortal who had fallen to the top of the mountain before Yukong.


Why did he take care of the young man in sackcloth?

Suddenly, many people’s faces were groaning, and when they looked at Qin Chu, there was no sarcasm in their eyes.

“It’s him!”

Qin Chu also exclaimed from the bottom of his heart. He looked up at the white figure that fell from the sky, and his eyes were shaking.

His kendo is the true legend of Sword Demon.

Even the swordsman god emperor who crossed the holy state was full of praise for Qin Chu’s talent.

But at this time, looking at the seven neatly broken pieces of spiritual treasures under his feet, Rao felt Qin Chu’s temperament, and felt a chill in his heart.

Kendo evildoer! !

This is what the master said, kendo evildoer! !

The swordsman, the gentleman in the army, pays attention to the mindless persistence.

With one sword, the heavens are broken.

If you go forward and have no worries, you will not be bound.

According to the words of the Five Masters, in kendo, all those who can reach the highest point are those with a clear mind.

Otherwise, Jianxin has flaws and cannot break this world.

Obviously, the boy in white should be this kind of person!

Ling Xiao stepped out, like a startled body, one step down, there seemed to be immortal lotus blooming under his feet.

And his figure appeared in front of Qin Chu and others almost instantly.

“Much…thank you fellow daoists.”

Although at this time, Qin Chu didn’t know why this young man would help him.

even! !

Facing the seven-person offensive, he was ready to die.

But who knows, this young man shattered the sky with only one sword!

“What’s your name?”

The fairy clouds on Ling Xiao’s face flowed, although she couldn’t see her face clearly, but she also had a sense of immortality and Taoist rhyme.

“In Xia Qin Chu! Thank you Daoyou for just making the move.”

Qin Chu bowed, his tone was sincere.

Suddenly, looking at the deep black eyes of the young man in front of him, Qin Chu felt that… he might have met the like-minded person whom Master said.

Although Qin Chu learned from the six demons, he learned the six magic ways.

However, his favorite is kendo.

Especially the Five Masters who had said to him that those swordsmen cut the world, the unrestrained peerless sword immortal, he yearned for even more.

Qin Chu also looked forward to the day when he could have good friends in threes and twos, with swords in the world, the world’s most beautiful sceneries, and 3,000 fireworks in the mortal world.

“Qin Chu?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and under the cover of Xianxia, ​​the corners of his mouth smiled playfully.

Listen, this name is so much…casual.

Qin Chu Xiaoye, the four great masters of comprehension.

This Qin Chu alone actually accounts for two characters.

If you are not destiny, are you worthy of this random name? !

“How do you call the son?”

Qin Chu got up with a bright and sincere smile on his face.

“Ling Xiao.”

But Ling Xiao just nodded faintly, and turned to look at the several Tianjiao of Shuoyuan Department.

“I am most uncomfortable with dog things that bully others. You don’t need to go to the Xianxuan Mountain today.”


Hearing that, not only Baihe and the others, but also the other Tianjiao on the mountain road, there was a flash of stunned eyes.

No need to go?

Do you think you…


The young man in front of him can not only go up the mountain from the sky, but also appear here unharmed, presumably his identity must be extremely respected.

Just now, Tianjiao had already connected him with the rumored Holy Son.

Moreover, looking at the temperament of this Young Master Ling Xiao’s cultivation base, I’m afraid it must be… a lot of origin.

Of course.

If this were to be replaced by Qin Chu’s words, it would inevitably be ridiculed and ridiculed.

Even Xianxuanzong will have several elders going down the mountain, another round of cynicism.

At the crucial moment, the sword demon hidden behind swung a sword, shocking the world, and instantly slapped everyone in the face.

Behind this Mai Yi young man, stood a god emperor sword repair, and he was still a sixth or seventh rank god emperor? !

No, you are wrong, there are six people standing behind me!

Tired or not?

I, Ling Xiao, don’t have to pretend to be forced, every move is completely natural.


Of course it is because I am handsome and arrogant.

When the immortals saw it, they were also convinced, not to mention these ordinary people?

Regardless of whether it is a realm of cultivation or a worldly turbid world, people’s minds are roughly the same.

Fear of the strong and bullying the weak.

What? The Son of Destiny is not weak either.

However, most of them like to play pigs.

Just kidding, who would be in awe of a pig?

Of course, it’s not that the villains are unprovoked. There are always some mavericks in this world.

However, if someone dares to take the initiative to provoke, there is no need to suppress the twists and turns, just cut with one sword.

“This… Young Master, just now Qin Chu wanted to go up the mountain from the sky. I was just trying to teach this little beast who doesn’t understand the rules. You deprive us of the qualifications to go up the mountain like this. Isn’t it inappropriate?”

Baihe’s face was pale, and his voice revealed weakness.

It’s just that his voice just fell, and everyone’s gaze became more and more interesting.

A lesson to teach Qin Chu, a little beast who doesn’t understand the rules?

Going up the mountain?

Are you afraid that you didn’t see that Young Master Ling Xiao also went up there?

Who are you… scolding?

“Oh? Don’t understand the rules? Since today, Xianxuanshan has no such rules.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, “You don’t need to go up the mountain anymore in your movie.”


Baihe’s face changed drastically, and Dou Da’s sweat ran down his forehead.

If today, his Shuoyuan Department was deprived of the qualification to fight for the Heavenly Lake because of him alone, then he would be a sinner through the ages.

“The son calmed down!! I waited wrong!! I hope the son will give me a chance to reform and revive!!”

In the end, under everyone’s stunned gaze, Baihe knelt on the ground with a plop, and pleaded in a deep voice.

Just now Ling Xiao’s sword, he felt very real.

If this sword is not cut on the Lingbao, I am afraid that today, everyone in his Shuoyuan Department will no longer have a living.

Kneeling such a peerless evildoer, he didn’t feel half ashamed.

“Hehe, Brother Baihe, are you too spineless? Although I don’t know where this Young Master Ling Xiao came from, it would be too arrogant to decide on Xianxuanzong’s rules like this.”

Look, weird, here it comes.

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