Chapter 607: Demon Dragon Transformation

“This soul pillar is…”

Emperor Stan looked at Ling Xiao with a puzzled expression, but saw that the latter’s face was always calm, and there was a panic in his heart.

“Lord, it’s a slave who has crossed over.”

Today’s Elder Pill is no longer the prestigious Pill Emperor of Xijiang, but just Ling Xiao’s soul slave.

No matter how much doubt he had in his heart, he didn’t dare to ask any more questions at this time.

“In the future, you will make alchemy and come here.”

Ling Xiao casually threw the two sage elders onto the soul pillar.

I saw a magic pattern instantly lit up, transforming the chain, entwining and binding the two figures.

An inexplicable swallowing force surged from the chain and eroded towards the two elders.

This soul pillar is naturally a method in the ghost clan classic Xuan Yin Yan Luo sacred canon, which can inspire soul power and spiritual power.

I saw that Ling Xiao’s hand printing changed, and the spiritual power visible to the naked eye transformed the mysterious river, winding from the bodies of the two emperors, converging on the square, like a spider web spreading out.

Then, Ling Xiao flicked his fingers, and saw ten flames falling one after another, spreading on the aura, jumping continuously.

In a short time, a spirit fire formation took shape.

“In the future, when you wait for alchemy, you don’t need to use spiritual power by yourself, just use this formation.”

As we all know, monks need to use spiritual power to turn fire into the fire and control them with soul power.

Two-phase consumption is extremely demanding on mind.

Moreover, the cultivation base of Han Zhan and others is only at the level of gods and generals, with limited spiritual power in the body, so the efficiency of alchemy is naturally low.

But now, there are two emperors’ spiritual power to warm the spiritual fire, and everyone only needs to control the fire with their soul power, and no longer need to consume it.

Gan! !

If you are not careful, it seems to have achieved a technological breakthrough.

Of course, the spiritual fire laid by Ling Xiao at this time was only a ray of power, not the source of the spiritual fire.

Otherwise, with Han standing their strength, not to mention control, I am afraid that they will be touched… and they will be familiar.

The disciples of the Hall of Medicine looked at each other, then swallowed fiercely.

Although the aura of the two emperors was dim at this time, the ray of emperor’s might was real.


It’s very inexplicable, they feel like… It’s good to be a tool man?

At the very least, you don’t need to be reduced to animals that produce spiritual power like these two god emperors.

“Ling Xiao!! You must not die!!”

The two elders scolded angrily, looking sad and indignant.

The shame in their hearts at this time can be imagined.

The saint elders who used to be aloof are now reduced to such a fate.

Sad, sigh.

“Oh, Elder Elder, smash their teeth and pull out their tongues. Remember, make the pill every day and feed them some to ensure that they are energetic.”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly and nodded slowly, “These two god emperors should be able to use them for a few years.”

“Yes! Lord!”

The disciples of the Hall of Medicines bowed and couldn’t afford it for a long time.

It wasn’t until a long while later that there were bursts of cheers.

It is no longer used to refine alchemy. The Lord’s move is actually a sympathy for us!

If there is a master, what can a slave ask for! !

“Ling Xiao!!! I’ll be a ghost and I won’t let you go!!”

The two great sage elders roared in despair, and their voices were extremely bleak.

I eat the pill that I practiced with my own spiritual power?

Make sure that I am full of energy and then provide you with spiritual power alchemy?

It seems…perpetual? !

Devil! ! This Ling Xiao is simply a devil! !

Above the void, Ling Xiao stood with his hands behind him.

Behind him, Xiong Huan followed closely and remained silent.

“Xiong Huan.”

“Subordinates are here.”

“In my Palace of Heavenly Demon, is there a…white-haired woman?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes revealed the vicissitudes of life, and his voice was low.

Since that day, he saw that piece of soul consciousness in the skull of the heavenly devil, and there was always a figure in his heart that never dissipated.

It feels like… a bondage.

He always faintly felt that the woman was inseparable from the heavenly demon, and even the fall of the heavenly demon.

“White-haired woman?”

Xiong Huan frowned slightly, “Going back to the Lord, there are many white-haired women in my Heavenly Demon Palace. I wonder who you are asking?”

“A lot?!”

Ling Xiao was stunned for a moment, “It’s a girl who… has a beautiful appearance and can display the principles of ice and snow.”

“Ice and Snow Road?”

Xiong Huan frowned even more, “There is indeed a demon general in my Heavenly Demon Palace who is good at the principles of ice, but she is not white hair, but black hair, and…not a girl…”

“Apart from her, there is no one else?”

Ling Xiao felt a trace of doubt in his heart. If it weren’t for the powerhouse of the Heavenly Demon Palace, why would she save herself?

And, has she already noticed…the demon has been reborn?

“there is none left.”

Xiong Huan’s tone is extremely positive, so it seems that the white-haired girl is probably not a strong person in the Heavenly Demon Palace?

Frozen one world with one thought?

Is it possible to be a member of the fairy clan?

But why is there a kind of closeness in her body that makes Ling Xiao feel of the same origin or even blood?


“It’s okay, you wait for me for a day.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao’s figure disappeared instantly and appeared in the palace of heaven.

only! !

As soon as his figure appeared, his eyes suddenly condensed.

I saw a tall and slender figure standing quietly before the temple that day, and there seemed to be a magical flow around her body.

In front of him, Ning’er clenched her small hands tightly, with a touch of shame on Qiao’s face.

“I won’t fight you, I can’t fight you.”

“this is…”

Ling Xiao stood still, frowning slightly.

For a moment, he thought it was a double shadow disfigured, playing with Ning’er.

It’s just… not right.

Although the devilish intent on that tall woman was terrifying, her cultivation was only at the first grade of Shenhou.

The most important thing is that there is a strong monster in her body?

The black short hair with full ears is quite sassy.

A black, tight-fitting scaly, the unevenness of her figure set off is unique and unique.

Among the women Ling Xiao had ever seen, Qin Wushuang was considered the tallest.

But compared with the woman in front of him, it was still a bit worse.

At this moment, she was facing Ling Xiao with her back, so she couldn’t see her face.

But this back view alone is enough to make people think about it.

“Who are you?”

Inexplicably, Ling Xiao felt that the woman’s breath was somewhat familiar.

Shouldn’t it…


The short-haired girl slowly turned around, revealing her beautiful white face.

The facial features are beautiful, especially the bloody rune between the eyebrows, which adds a bit of enchantment.

“You are… Huahua?!”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, his face raised with a touch of surprise.

But the black-haired girl burst out with a touching smile, her delicate body flashed, and instantly fell into Ling Xiao’s arms.

“Lord! My transformation is successful!”

Huahua’s voice was extremely coquettish, and Ling Xiao just stood there blankly, feeling the surging dullness in her arms, and swallowed fiercely.

“But… aren’t you public…”

Originally wanted to come in Lingxiao, the magic dragon, greedy for female sex, this flower must be a male dragon.

But what…

Inexplicably, Ling Xiao suddenly remembered that Huahua liked to stay with him before. . . I always feel a little…

But also, although Ling Xiao subjectively thought that this flower was a male dragon, he had never verified it.

But now it seems that some of this magic dragon’s hobbies seem to be quite peculiar.

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