Chapter 603

“What did Shengzi Mengyuan misunderstand me? Could it be that in the eyes of Shengzi, I and the devil are in the same foul?”

Ling Xiao stood with his hands in his hands, his body free and easy.

Above the star robe, the blood was scattered, shining with dazzling brilliance.

Upon hearing this, Meng Yuan shook her head slightly, and a hint of apology flashed in her eyes.

She saw the respect of the people in Xijiang for Ling Xiao, and many of them were strong gods.

Although there are so many stupid people in the world, there is no fool who can cultivate to the King of Gods on the way.

Maybe I think too much.

Meng Yuan sighed and leaned slightly toward Ling Xiao, “The son’s actions today are righteous, and Meng Yuan’s methods are also admirable. He is just a person of the right way. It is my own duty to kill demons and kill demons. It is not my race. The heart must be different, and the killer is to protect the way. Moreover, nowadays, the evil spirit is treacherous, and Meng Yuan has to be more cautious.”

“Evil treacherous… not bad!”

Ling Xiao nodded, “Holy Son, can Lord God come to Xijiang?”

“Sir, something?”

Meng Yuan looked at Ling Xiao calmly.

Even if he used the means to get rid of the suspicion, Meng Yuan still felt a little uneasy.

This is an intuition. As long as she sees Ling Xiao’s overly handsome face, she feels…horrified?

But how could it be?

With Mengyuan’s strength, let alone Xijiang, even in the land of Central Xinjiang, it is definitely the strongest of its peers.

But now, she actually felt fear in a teenager?

Inexplicably, Meng Yuan still felt that this boy had a problem.

“Nowadays, everything about the Holy Church is in the hands of the Son, and the Son can tell the Son if he has something to do.”

The two sage elders smiled gently, but they didn’t have much prejudice towards Ling Xiao.

The three elders of the Holy Religion, Xunnan Branch, are good at the secret technique of the Holy Religion and the way of tracing.

Just in the shadows, he had already seen Ling Xiao vomiting blood to the ground again and again in order to kill the devil.

But in the end, the young man still stood firmly in front of the common people, blocking the demon’s footsteps.

Although the Son of God is thoughtful and considerate, it is obvious that this young man can survive from the hands of the devil, and he should also be a man of great fortune.

Such people should worship the sacred religion and be the backbone of the sacred religion!

“Oh? The son of the saint is in charge of the saint?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, and glanced at Meng Yuan unexpectedly.

A mere Four-Rank god, who can actually take charge of the Holy Religion on behalf of the Holy Religion, this in itself illustrates many problems.

With Ling Xiao’s mind, two possibilities soon came to mind.

First, this Mengyuan has a great background, and it may even come from the upper realm. Otherwise, the divine lord would not be so protective.

Second, the gods now… have important things inseparable.

And thinking of what he did before, perhaps the whole sacred religion, only this disciple who followed him since childhood, can be regarded as a completely credible person.

It was only a little puzzled for Ling Xiao that this Saint Child was obviously a model of majesty and righteousness, and his cultivation was only for the purpose of punishing the devil.

This kind of character is in line with the purpose of Shengjiao.

However, if she knew what the god master was doing, would she break Dao Xin directly?

No matter what kind of secret is hidden in this holy religion and god master, the experience of the Jiuyou Liaofeng clan is real.

It’s just that maybe he never thought that someone from that clan would have survived by chance.


Meng Yuan glanced at the talking elder with a cold expression, seeming to blame him for his many words.

“Where did the Lord God go?”

Ling Xiao asked casually, but an impatience flashed in Meng Yuan’s eyes.

“Is there anything else for the son? If there is nothing to do, please open the Lingbao, and I will go to Southern Xinjiang when there are still important things to do.”

“It’s okay, I just want to correct one thing about the Son.”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a touch of playfulness, “I am not an accomplice of a demon.”

“Hehe, Young Master Ling Xiao was joking, my saint is just being too cautious.”

The two sage elders smirked, trying to explain a few words for Mengyuan.

“Because, I am what you are looking for…True Demon, Great Demon, Heaven Demon!”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and there seemed to be a hegemony rushing into the sky.


Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the two elders suddenly stiffened, and there was a gloomy look between the eyebrows, “My son, this kind of joke is not enough.”

“Am I joking with you?”

Ling Xiao shook his head, his eyes suddenly turned into pitch black.

At the same time, in the realm, there seems to be a magical intent rushing into the sky.

The sky that had been clear was dark in an instant.

There is a demon sun concealed, hanging above the nine heavens, revealing the recklessness of the world.

All the light in the world is annihilated, only that day is immortal.

The two sacred envoys opened their mouths instantly, and only felt a chill rising from the soles of their feet, directly on top of their heads.

how is this possible? !

Demon! ! !

This breath,…is it a demon? ! !

Heavenly Demon appeared again in Shengzhou?

Only Mengyuan’s expression turned into calmness at first.

This is right.

This is the reason for her inner fear.

She is not afraid of the young man’s cultivation methods, but only her identity.

Unable to change, a destined identity.

At this point of thought, Mengyuan actually had divine brilliance scattered all over her body, transforming into a majestic fairy palace, bursting with a ray of light in that magical radiance.

It seems that there are thousands of miles of fairy clouds, ancient trees into forests, and endless vitality in the lush.

But at this time, her realm actually fluctuated slightly.

Qiqiao Linglong Dao Heart, terrifying.

With a clear mind and a sense of understanding, a breakthrough is naturally a matter of course.


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly and nodded slightly.

She deserves to be the daughter of the fate of five thousand fortunes, such a temperament is really terrifying.

The word “Tian Devil”, to the people of the Holy State, can be called a demon barrier.

Ke Meng Yuan was able to seek a breakthrough from the panic.

“The three great envoys came to Xijiang quickly, and the heavenly demon appeared.”

In the hands of Mengyuan, a god-like order was revealed.

It was just when that Jin Hui was floating in the air, he was inexplicably blocked by an invisible divine power.

Mengyuan’s eyes condensed slightly, and for the first time a touch of dignity was born.

Since this demon had set up such an exquisite chess game, he was afraid that he would have been prepared to deal with the holy religion a long time ago.

This weird space can be advanced or retreated.

If it is the God Lord, even if the conspiracy is revealed, he can escape into this world and avoid the edge for a while.

And since he had taken the three of his own into this world, he must be confident enough to punish them all.

“It’s useless, this is my realm. Except for me, no spiritual consciousness can be transmitted.”

Ling Xiao gave a faint smile and looked at the two sacred envoys.

If the two are in their heyday, it will naturally take some effort to kill them.

But now…

The Emperor Yuan was actually a very important piece for Ling Xiao in this game.

Suppress, kill, and severely injure the holy religion.

As a chess piece, a seventh-rank god emperor can’t use it to the extreme, wouldn’t it be a pity?

Through the sky, you are all ants.

The galaxy walks on the moon, and I am not afraid of all enemies.

“So, the fourth divine envoy, Palace Master Hanyue, died in your hands? Even the Emperor Yuan is a chess piece that cooperates with you in acting?”

Meng Yuan sighed lightly. By now, she has roughly understood the whole story.

It’s just that the only thing she has a little doubt about is how did this Heavenly Demon get involved with the Sea Clan?

Even the gods are full of praise for the method of tracing the elders.

Since he felt the aura of the Sea Race, he would never be wrong.

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