Chapter 599


Ling Xiao’s figure fell to the ground and didn’t get up for a long while.

And Xiong Huan snorted coldly and looked at the Emperor Yuan, “Your people, dare to provoke the deity, today I will not kill you, it depends on the friendship between you and the sea clan, and the next time I will destroy your Manchu! ”

When the words fell, Xiong Huan’s figure disappeared instantly.

As for the double shadow before Gu Lin, the corners of his mouth also raised a chuckle, “Emperor Yuan, you’re done, I’m going back to southern Xinjiang with your lord, you can take care of the rest yourself.”

“Thank you friends of the Sea Clan! Say hello to Sea Emperor for me.”

Yuan Huang nodded and smiled, but inexplicably sad in his eyes.

Acting, of course, a full set is required.

After all, there are still a lot of spectators on this cold mountain.

These people will all become witnesses of this battle in the future.

only! !

The famous actors have all gone, what will be the end of the remaining group of gangsters?


What can be the end of backing the pot.

Bidu told you all to pretend, and you patted your butt and left.

The rest of me and my little friends from the Yuan Dynasty are waiting to be condemned by the holy teachings.

Even at this time, Emperor Yuan had already guessed, the next plot direction.

Ling Xiao will inevitably step forward to guard the monks and people in the mountains and the west.

Until the strong Saints arrived, the Emperor Yuan and others were punishable in their hands.

In this way, Ling Xiao’s holy name will soon be spread throughout the Holy State.

As the savior of Xijiang, even if Shengjiao had doubts in his heart, he would never dare to act on Ling Xiao rashly.

After all, Shengjiao is still the leader of the right way in Shengzhou.

What the gods care about is the praise of the world and the belief of all living beings.

Killing Ling Xiao, who saved the common people, is bound to lose public opinion.

Water can carry a boat, and can also overturn it, the law of the ages.

Moreover, during the crisis in Western Xinjiang, Shengjiao has never had a strong man ever come to this world.

How dare they risk the world again, the little hero who made things difficult to save the world, Ling Xiao!


All this has nothing to do with Yuan Huang after all.

On the border of West Xinjiang, a figure in gold was standing with his hands on his back, and the only eyes exposed outside Xianxia flashed with dignity.

She looked down at the golden divine envoy in her hand, “The fourth divine envoy, dead.”


Behind him, the eyes of the two elders who also wore golden robes condensed, filled with a kind of incredible.

Divine Envoy Eighth Stage Emperor Realm, who can kill him in Xijiang?

“Before, my secret agent of the Holy Religion in Xijiang once said that Emperor Great Yuan joined the demons and the sea tribe in vain to subvert the rule of the Holy Religion…”

“Sea Race?”

The two sage elders glanced at each other, their expressions already gloomy.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Especially this sea clan, occupying the endless waters of southern Xinjiang for thousands of years, has a terrifying background.

If it weren’t for this race to be unable to leave the deep sea for a long time, I’m afraid that the master of this holy state may not be the human race.

“If it is the order of the Sea Emperor, I am afraid that the Holy State will have a catastrophe. If it is just the sea clan, maybe things are not bad, but…”

The two sage elders glanced at each other, “Holy Son…Why don’t you go back to Daoshan first, and I will go to Hanyuexian Palace to find out the truth.”

Hearing this, Meng Yuan shook his head gently.

Since it is the experience given by the god master, how can she retreat in the face of difficulty?

“Let’s go, rush to Hanyue Xianshan first, if I feel right, the soul consciousness of the fourth divine envoy should have appeared there in the end.”

When the words were over, Meng Yuan finally stopped hesitating, and raised her foot towards Yuan Dakhang.


On the mountain road, Ling Xiao’s figure slowly stood up.

At this time, a few bones had been broken on his body, his breath was sluggish, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood.

Only those eyes were clear and cold, with a smile implicitly.

Acting, the most important thing is lifelike.

Especially this time, he couldn’t be sure whether or not the divine master would come from the holy religion.

Therefore, we must be more cautious.


No matter who the holy sect comes today and how to investigate, I am afraid that there will only be one answer.

The Emperor Yuan joined forces with the Great Demon and the Sea Clan to punish the envoys and destroy the Hanyue Immortal Palace.

In the end, the Great Demon and the Sea Clan returned to southern Xinjiang, and the Emperor Yuan stayed here to clean up the mess.

In this way, the gaze of Shengjiao should converge on the Southern Frontiers and the Hai Clan.

Those six hidden predecessors, shouldn’t you also come out to move your muscles and bones?


The chaos in southern Xinjiang is not up to you, Lord Xiao!

Do you understand if you fish in troubled waters?

Also, the disciple of the Six Demons must be a like-minded leek…No, my companion, Ling Xiao can’t wait to meet him.

“Stand up!! Young Master Ling Xiao stood up!!!”

The whole fairy mountain began to boil.

Everyone in Xijiang walked out of the remnant palace of the cliff, looking at the figure in white clothes that was slowly rising up, with a sad expression and thunderous applause.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to be moved by the tenacity of the boy, and it rained gently.

Everyone stood on the spot, looking in awe, watching the young man suddenly raised his hands and raised his arms and shouted, “Evil can never defeat justice!!”

“Justice!! Justice!!”

Tens of thousands of cultivators roared to the sky, their bodies blooming.

only! !

At this moment, Yuan Huang raised a touch of disdain on his face, and with a wave of his hand, he saw a dead palm print floating out, heading towards Ling Xiao and the countless figures to suppress him.

At the same time, around the fairy mountain, there began to appear a group of corpse shadows, it was the million corpse soldiers commanded by the Emperor Yuan.


On the death mark, ghost patterns are permeated, revealing endless evil.

The void instantly shattered, and the vast divine might stretched for hundreds of miles.

For a moment, Yuan Huang had a thought in his heart.

If he could take this opportunity to punish this young man, wouldn’t he… he still has a way to survive.

It was just that this thought had just been born, and he felt a great fear rising from the bottom of his heart.

even! !

The Emperor Yuan had an illusion that as long as Ling Xiao thought about it, there was no need for anyone else to do anything. He could kill himself in place with a single thought.

“Evil can not conquer the right! Evil can not conquer the right!”

Facing the shocking seal of a seventh-rank god emperor and the hundreds of thousands of corpse soldiers, the cultivator on Hanyue Immortal Mountain was already desperate at this time.

The only conviction that supports them is what Young Master Ling Xiao just said… evil can overcome righteousness.

The crowd clenched their fists and yelled at the sky.

The light scattered all over the sky made their faces pale and decisive.

The ghost seal smashed down suddenly, and instantly shattered the already broken fairy mountain.

In the end, the miracle did not appear.

Nearly half of the monks and people in Xijiang were smashed to pieces by this seal.

Only a hundred meters away from Lingxiao’s side, a dark ancient pagoda stood in the sky, blocking a ray of divine power and sheltering thousands of monks.

It’s just that his body trembles more and more violently, and his blood cloak is dazzling, as if he has reached a state where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.


“Huh! This treasure is not bad! It can stop the god emperor’s offensive! Give this emperor to pieces!!”

The Emperor Yuan snorted coldly, the ghost mist around his body, obviously moving really angry.


At this moment, there was a sudden burst of rapid wind breaking in the distant sky.

Then, all the Xijiang monks were surprised to see that a rainbow of divine rainbows passed from the sky, and they arrived in front of Ling Xiao in a blink of an eye.

“Dragon Lord!!”

“Brother Xiao!!”


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