Chapter 593

“My lord, that Ling Xiao has just been injured by me, and today he is doomed to escape.”

Yuan Huang’s eyes were gloomy, and he looked up at the space here.

“As far as I guess, he went to Hanyue Immortal Palace to seek refuge at this time. Originally…”

“Han Yuexian Palace?”

The partridge condensed slightly away from the eyes, and pondered for a moment, “You mean…”

“With the strength of an adult, it shouldn’t be a problem to deal with a Ren Yueying, right?”

The Emperor Yuan tentatively said, and Zheli just nodded slightly, “If it was in the past, you can kill with a wave, but now… I’m afraid it will take a lot of hands and feet.”

“That’s good, the adults only need to punish Ren Yueying, and leave the remaining cold palace elders to me! I don’t believe it. With the strength of adults and me, these demons can’t be killed!!”

The Emperor Yuan yelled coldly, his imperial might overwhelming the world, but he gave Zheli a little confidence.

If he returns to the Holy Church now, he will inevitably not be punished by the Lord.

Not only asked Ye Qingchan to run away, but also let the Tianma and Ren Yueying join forces to swallow the good fortune in the fairy trail.

And as long as he can punish the reincarnation body of this heavenly demon in his hands, it is considered a great achievement.

Presumably, even if the god master blamed it, it would not be too harsh.

“So… can you get out of here?”

Partridge Li’s face gradually calmed down, and there was not much defense in his gaze towards the Emperor Yuan.

It’s not that he was stunned by the author, but it is a series of links. Who he… can stand it? !

“Ling Xiao was seriously injured. Now for him, only Hanyue Immortal Palace is the safest in Xijiang. I chased him to the foot of Hanshan. I only need to give him some more time, he is afraid that he will be able to enter the fairy mountain.”

The corner of Yuan Huang’s mouth raised a gloomy look, and his eyes were full of killing intent, “Now the Palace Lord of the Cold Moon and the demon are teaming up in an attempt to swallow the immortal traces of good fortune, and even open the guardian array to prevent accidents.”

“But she was afraid that she would never have imagined that she and I would be brought back to the mountain by Ling Xiao in the spirit treasure, and as long as I wait to break it with strength, this spirit treasure… is not ready to be broken at any time!”

“Do you mean… you were included in this treasure by Ling Xiao on purpose?”

Partridge looked at the Emperor Yuan in amazement. He really didn’t expect that the great Yuan Emperor’s hatred for demons would be so deep.

How dare to enter the fairy mountain in this way by committing a personal risk.

Is he not afraid of being trapped in the treasure by Ling Xiao and not seeing the sun again?

“My lord doesn’t know, my princess Yuan Yao of the Yuan Dynasty is still in the fairy ruins. If I can’t enter the Hanyue Immortal Palace, she is afraid…”

“so it is!!”

The partridge looked awkward, but there was a trace of respect for the Emperor Yuan in his heart.

This is… the responsibility of a father.

Knowing that this fairy palace is full of demons and evil spirits, I am willing to take this risk and go up the mountain to punish demons and save women.

“Don’t worry, as long as I can get out of this tower, this divine envoy will join you to punish the evil spirits!!”

“Thank you divine envoy.”

Yuan Huang took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Partridge.

Behind him, the four great god emperors of Great Yuan also bowed.

The entire glazed ancient tower suddenly fell into silence.

Partridge looked down at his new body, frowned slightly, as if lost in thought.

In just a few months, his life has experienced such ups and downs.

From the aloof sacred emissaries, degenerate into a prisoner of the devil.

But at the same time, besides hating Ling Xiao, he also had a slight fear.

With the strength of the reincarnation of that day demon and the trump cards in his hand, I am afraid that it has been lurking in the holy state for some days.

But even so, not to mention the gods, even the entire holy religion has never seen a clue.

Although the adult had once played for the god master, there was a very interesting young man named Ling Xiao in Dongjiang.

But it’s just because of his unusual talent and arrogant personality.

It is precisely because of this arrogance that invisibly paralyzed everyone’s thoughts.

After all, no one would have imagined that a demon that is intolerable in the world would dare to make a name for the Holy State?

Isn’t this just death?

Suddenly, there was a chill quietly in the partridge’s eccentricity.

With the mind of this young man, I’m afraid this trip won’t go too smoothly.

The cold moon fairy mountain, at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, the entire fairy mountain has been wrapped by the Great Array.

The vast spiritual power surging the world, outlined in midair, like a golden haze, shocking the demons in the world.

Divine light rushed into the sky, and there were a series of runes evolving into the heavens and the earth, dotted on the golden formation, revealing the mystery.

This ancient formation was left by Ye Luoyun, the ancestor of Cold Moon.

However, the later study of the method of formation, I am afraid that only a partridge and the emperor of the yuan, breaking it will inevitably be laborious.


Ren Yueying has already sent news to Shengjiao. If these two wastes are delayed for a long time, wouldn’t Ling Xiao’s plan be ruined?

Besides, he was still a little wary instinctively about the partridge.

An Eight-Rank god emperor, who is also the Holy Religion Divine Envoy, who knows if he has any other means of contacting the Holy Religion?

Only by trapping him in the tower, suppressing the soul, and monitoring him by the Emperor Yuan and others, can it be considered foolproof.

I said the gods don’t cry, I will take you out.

I spit out the blood to take you out, and I break through this array and then take you out.


Ling Xiao spit out a mouthful of blood, then looked at the star robe on his body, frowning slightly.


Then, seeing his thoughts moved, Lu Yun, the big disciple in front of the Hanyue Immortal Palace who was originally making alchemy in the domain, looked dazed, and appeared in front of him with black eyes.


“Meet the Lord.”

“Get up, I will lend you some blood for it.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but Lu Yun only felt cold all over his body, lack of oxygen in his head, and almost fainted in place.


Finally waited until this day.

Since the first month, my alchemy target has not been completed.

For three months in a row, my performance in the entire Medicine Hall was at the bottom.

The Lord is finally going to kill me in order to follow your example! !


This is… Cold Moon Fairy Mountain! ! !

Lord! ! You are interested.

When I was dying, I returned my soul to my homeland.

“Okay, go back.”

Ling Xiao inserted two fingers into Lu Yun’s chest, sprayed his own blood, and then waved his palm to send back the dull-faced Han Gong disciple.


In the realm, Lu Yun looked down blankly, looked at the scar on his chest, and did not react for a long while.

Until the distant Han Zhan snorted coldly, “Don’t hurry up to make alchemy!!”

“Yes! Medicine King!!”

Lu Yun looked up at the sky, knelt on the ground with a splash, tears finally fell from the corner of his eyes.

What’s wrong with the bleeding?

I eat so many elixirs every day, and I am very energetic.

The Lord didn’t kill me and let me blood. This is a spur to me! !

“Thank you Lord Shang Longen. Starting today, Yunding will give up his life to refine alchemy and strive to improve his performance!!”

“Look! There is a figure in red over there?!”

Below the fairy mountain, several Shoushan disciples looked at the young man who had walked slowly out of the ancient forest, their eyes condensed fiercely.

I… Gan.

Why is this person’s appearance so familiar? !

“The figure in red? Hey, I… It’s Lord Ling Xiao!! It’s Lord Ling Xiao!!”

“Look…? My lord has changed clothes?!”

“Hurry up and inform the palace lord, Master Ling Xiao is back!!!”

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