Chapter 589


The whole cold moon fairy mountain suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Especially Ren Yueying, there was a strong sense of fear in her eyes.

No way? !

Divine Envoy Master Eighth Stage Emperor Realm, not to mention Xijiang, even if you look at the entire holy state, you are afraid that the old creatures of the Demon Race who have lived for thousands of years will have the strength to kill him.



Although the demon race has always been at odds with the human race, but now the god master cultivation level is supreme, but the demon race has a bit of brain, and will never dare to attack the gods easily.

But besides the Yaozu, who else can quietly kill an eighth-grade god emperor?

Sea clan? !

And looking at Ren Yueying, who was standing in the same place, her expression changed, Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly flashed with evil.

From the moment the double shadow went to Dayuan, he had already figured out the countermeasures to deal with the Hanyue Immortal Palace and the divine envoy.

Soon, he will set off for southern Xinjiang, where there is still a holy emissary sitting in town.

Although from the memory of the sword demon, Ling Xiao inferred that the remaining six demon should be hidden in southern Xinjiang.

But… it takes time to find them.

So, why don’t you give that god envoy to have some fun first?

There are many strong sea clan, even the holy religion is quite jealous.

Moreover, this tribe lives in the endless deep sea all year round, and has always been disliked by the human race.

In addition, the deep sea terrain is complicated, and even if the sacred religion has the heart to control it, it is powerless.

And this is the reason why southern Xinjiang is slightly free.

Whether it is a barbarian alien or a demon repair evil evildoer, they often prefer to live in seclusion in the southern borders in order to escape the sanctions of the sacred religion.

The reason why Duan Ying hadn’t appeared as a divine envoy in the past few months was that he had actually gone to Southern Xinjiang.

After all, although this great demon is good at transmogrification, it must also have a template.

And with her strength, is it not easy to pretend to be a strong sea clan?

The fierce demon that suddenly appeared in Xijiang came from this.

In this way, the plot is probably like this. Yuan Emperor hides the demon body and is noticed by the envoy who went to Dayuan. When he broke the cauldron and sinks the boat, the head of the Eight Emperors teamed up with the Sea Clan and the True Demon to slay them and then slaughtered them. Xinjiang, vainly attempting to subvert the sacred religion.

Everything is seamless.

The layout must be prepared from dozens of chapters before, otherwise it will appear scribbled and far-fetched.

I, Ling Xiao, may also be a pawn in the eyes of some of the most powerful people.

But who said that chess pieces cannot be arranged?

One day, when the chess pieces are all gone, it will be the time when the magic day changes and the universe is reversed.

This is called counseling?

Ye Luoyun alone has nine hundred years of planning.

This world, truly terrifying, has never been a destiny evildoer, but… those characters who have lived for endless years.

Not only the strength, but the minds of these people have just been called…near demon.

“Palace Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and there was also a hint of panic on his face.

“My son… Since you entered the Hanyue Immortal Trail for the past three months, your lord has never shown up or sent me a letter, even…”

Palace Master Hanyue was hesitant to speak, although her speculation was a bit crazy at this time, but…

This year, Yue Xiao has joined forces with the demon to enter the fairyland to save the big demon, what else is impossible for crazy things to happen?

“Even the day since the envoy went to the Great Yuan Dynasty… there was no news.”

“What?! The palace lord meant…”

Ling Xiao sneered in his heart, but the panic on his face was just right.

Only for a moment, he shook his head slightly.

“Impossible! Adult Eighth Stage Emperor Realm, who in the entire Xijiang can quietly obliterate him! Your lord must be delayed by something important.”

Acting, I Ling Xiao is not targeting anyone, everyone in Shengzhou, it’s all rubbish.

“The son is not aware of it. In the past few days, there have been rumors in Xijiang that the Yuan Emperor used the corpse as a soldier and destroyed the six dynasties! And…it is said that there are evil monsters in Xijiang, turning mountains into seas, I guess…maybe… Yuan Huang was originally an evil demon, and teamed up with the Sea Clan… and killed the lord…”

Ren Yueying sighed lightly, despair already seen on her face.

If Yue Xiao and Xia Feng really release the great demon in the fairy ruins, I am afraid that Hanyue Immortal Palace will really be destroyed! !

From the very beginning, Ren Yueying knew that although Yue Xiao had no desires and desires on the surface, she had always been worried about the fall of the previous palace lord of the Hanyue Immortal Palace.

Originally, Ren Yueying wanted to stand by and wait for the rabbit to use Yue Xiao to bring out the good fortune of the immortal ruins.

Who knows…her purpose is actually the great demon in the fairy trail!


Isn’t this picking up a rock and hitting myself in the foot?

“What! Yuan Huang is actually an evil demon? And… how could the Sea Clan have such courage?!”

Ling Xiao’s face paled, her eyes filled with horror.

Seeing the despair on his face, Ren Yueying’s heart trembled even more, and tentatively asked, “My son, for the sake of this plan, we can only… shelter from the limelight for a while, and then play to the Lord, waiting for him to make a decision. NS!”

“No! Before the matter is clear, if we abandon the Hanyue Immortal Palace and the sentient beings in Xijiang and run away, wouldn’t we be ridiculed by the righteous way of the world!”

Ling Xiao’s righteous and solemn remarks, the whole body seems to have fairy spirit circulating.

Hearing this, the elders of the Han Palace suddenly felt a sense of awe.

See it, this is our leader in the right way! !

In the face of danger and not chaos, take the world as one’s own wish, even in the face of such fierce demons and evil spirits, but also persistence!

Master Ling Xiao, you are righteous!

Let the world stand, sing, and bow down!

What are you waiting for, lick him!

“The son doesn’t know anything! If the Sea Clan is really involved in this matter, I am afraid that even the Lord God will have a headache.”

Ren Yueying shook her head and smiled bitterly. Although there was respect for Ling Xiao in her eyes, she was somewhat helpless.

Now that the adult has died, this little adult is where the will of the holy religion lies.

If he did not leave, Ren Yueying would naturally dare not move anything lightly.


The thought that even the Lord God Envoy was quietly killed by someone, she felt an inexplicable chill in her heart.

“Oh? The Sea Clan is so fierce?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly. He had heard of this overlord of Southern Xinjiang.

However, looking at Ren Yueying’s worries, it seems that he still somewhat underestimated the strength of this sea clan.

“It’s not just fierce! This sea tribe is also a branch of the monster tribe, but it lives in the deep sea and lives on the sea. It has never put my human tribe in the eyes. Moreover, as far as I know, this sea tribe ancestor is more The monster race appeared earlier, and some of the old things in it are even more terrifying! Son, it should not be too late, but first…speak to the god master.”

Ren Yueying’s expression was anxious, apparently because of extremely worried about the situation at this time.

But… I, he… How can I tell the Lord? I’m not really a member of the Holy Church.

“Palace lord, after all, I am a disciple recruited only after the lord of the gods came to Xijiang, and the lord of the palace has to do this.”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, his eyes were clear, “Even if a strong sea clan descends, there is absolutely no possibility that he can be my Saint Sect opponent in this Western Territory! Palace Lord, you can get in touch with the Sect quickly and ask the god lord to dispatch it. The strong come to punish the devil!!”

Given the distance between Central and Western Xinjiang, even if it is a strong god emperor, it will inevitably take time to come.

And as long as three to five days, Ling Xiao will have a way to completely solve the Hanyue Immortal Palace and the Lord Divine Envoy.

At that time, all guilt will be transferred to the Hai Clan and Yuan Emperor.

I, Ling Xiao, guard the immortal palace forever, protect the common people, promote the will of the Holy Church, and be respected by the world! !

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