Chapter 577

“The son wants to…get that monster?”

Han Qingqiu looked suddenly, and nodded silently.

Although part of her memory of Ling Xiao’s identity was erased, she probably guessed it.

Whether it is Xia Feng or Jiang Yu, how can a demon suddenly appear in Xijiang?

Outsiders don’t know it, but Han Qingqiu knows that all this is just a game set by the young man in front of him.

But even so, the layout must have convincing means.

The devil’s intent can’t be fake, and the few big demons in this world are absolutely obedient to Ling Xiao.

So probably… this gentle and humble appearance, the son of a fairy style, is the true demon in the eyes of the world.

In particular, his approach and disposition have nothing to do with the right way.

Because of this, the occasional warmth is precious.

Calculating the sacred religion, pretending to be a disciple of the gods, and slaying the emperor of the dynasty, the rules of this world seem to have no restraint on him.

Free and easy, no scruples.

But the more so, why on the contrary… the more fascinating.

“Yes! My practice is related to this, so this monster, I will definitely get it.”

Ling Xiao nodded, his expression always calm.

How could he not guess Han Qingqiu’s concerns in his heart.

Therefore, if she wants her to do things with peace of mind, she must be convinced that Ling Xiao has a plan, but it is not the good fortune of the Taoist immortal.

“I know, don’t worry, son, I will help you find the entrance to the ruins.”

Han Qingqiu played with the immortal order in his hand, and finally returned it to Ling Xiao.

“This immortal order is the key to opening the ruins. The son should take it with him. As for the ruins, if I remember correctly, it should be in the deepest part of the immortal ruins. It is just covered by the magic light on weekdays and needs to be used. Hanyue Immortal Palace’s inheritance technique opens the phantom seal.”

“Oh? Immortal palace’s inheritance technique?”

Ling Xiao sneered, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Now it seems that the existence of this immortal site and even the Cold Moon Immortal Palace was deliberately arranged by someone with a heart.

And this caring person should be the strong immortal clan in Xiong Huan’s mouth.

But in this way, what role does Shengjiao play?

This layer of mist has never been broken.

But Ling Xiao had a faint feeling, perhaps the root of the contradiction was related to… Ye Qingchan!

“Don’t worry, there is still some time before the end of the immortal trail. You can stay here to practice in peace these few days. When the time is right, I will call you.”

Ling Xiao casually threw a Universe Bag to Han Qingqiu, “There is a Seventh-Rank Spirit Pill in it, which should help you break through.”

“Thank you…Young Master.”

Han Qingqiu pressed her red lips tightly, watching the figure go away.

However, when Ling Xiao’s breath completely disappeared, she just opened the Universe Bag and took out one of the White Jade Spirit Pills, an extremely complicated expression flashed in her beautiful eyes.

It’s like a pity, like a memory.

In the depths of the territory, heaven and earth meet, and the river and the sea connect.

Ling Xiao’s figure sat cross-legged, and in front of him, Xiong Huan, Xing Shen and others stood quietly.

“Xiong Huan, you take them to find the ancient temple in this immortal ruin, and kill all the remaining Xijiang Tianjiao by the way.”

“Yes! Lord!”

Hearing that, there was not a trace of fluctuation on everyone’s face, and they turned and disappeared.

Xijiang Tianjiao, who is still alive today, should be less than half.

It’s just that among these people, who knows if there is any partner that Xia Feng or Mo Wuya makes.

After all, this immortal ruin is full of dangers, and there is no suspicion of death.

Kill all, there will be no accidents.

As for the last ruin, it can’t run. When it opens, it doesn’t depend on my mood.

Just facing an ancient powerhouse, to be honest, even Ling Xiao had to be more cautious.

In this way, it is better to improve the strength as much as possible first, and then slowly figure it out.


Between the heaven and the earth, there was a sudden gleam of spirit.

But the figure in white clothes slowly closed its eyes, like a rock, without a trace of fluctuation.

In its whole body, there is a faint moonflower circulation, which is unpredictable.

Time passed slowly, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this month, the originally noisy fairy trail suddenly became quiet.

All the Xijiang Tianjiao who entered this place were not spared, and they all died at the hands of the devil.

In the realm, Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly opened, and a majestic spirit spread over his body.

It was just a moment, and disappeared without a trace.

Shenhou Nine Stage, only one step away, you can enter the realm of God King.

Seventeen-year-old god king strong?

Once this news spreads, I am afraid that the entire Holy State will inevitably fall into chaos.

Throughout history, there will be peerless evildoers in every era.

But compared with Ling Xiao, these people are still far from each other.

“It’s time to meet that…the strong immortal clan.”

A ray of magic flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and his thoughts moved, and he instantly appeared in front of the Temple of Heaven.

At this moment, Han Qingqiu’s figure was sitting quietly on the square, with aura flashing all over his body, and his aura had reached the level of the seventh rank of the god general.

“The son?”

As if feeling the breath of Ling Xiao, Han Qingqiu’s beautiful eyes opened, and a smile suddenly appeared on Qiao’s face.

“Let’s go.”

Ling Xiao held Han Qingqiu’s jade hand, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Feeling the temperature from the palm of his hand, Han Qingqiu’s face blushed, but in the end he did not struggle, but had a touch of satisfaction.

In the past, the two had had in-depth exchanges.

But that kind of communication is forced and without emotion.

But in this short month, Han Qingqiu has never felt bored.

Not because of the hatred in my heart, but because…she seems to have not seen the son in a month.

In the depths of the fairy trail, Ling Xiao and Han Qingqiu stood side by side, looking at a mountain shrouded in devilish energy in front of them.

If it weren’t for Han Qingqiu’s guidance, at this time, Ling Xiao would most likely think that this is the end of the fairy trail, and there is no difference.

“My son, the hall that suppresses monsters is on the top of the mountain.”

Han Qingqiu’s face was inexplicably dignified and a touch of…a touch of nostalgia.


Ling Xiao’s eyes were calm, and he looked up at the end of the magic mist.

The person of the fairy clan, I don’t know what kind of surprise he will bring to himself this time?

“My son, with my current strength, it is difficult to really break this seal. I can only help you open a gap. You… be careful.”

Han Qingqiu sighed lightly. With her understanding of this young man, no one could stop him from the matter he decided.

So, it’s useless to say more.

It would be better to work hard to become a useful person.

“it is good.”

Ling Xiao nodded, only to see Han Qingqiu outside, suddenly there was Yuehua floating in the sky.

The shining silver light shines in the sky, dispelling all the fog.

A ray of mysterious light suddenly lit up on the mountain where the devilish energy was raging.

Immediately afterwards, a spiritual formation covering the sky gradually became true.

Among them, there seems to be rippling mountains and rivers, surging tides.

As the immortal descends on the gods, the devil in this mountain will be completely suppressed.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, and his figure instantly rose into the sky, swiping towards a dark ancient stone temple on the top of the mountain.

In his hand, that cold moon fairy decree bloomed brightly and hummed loudly.

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