Chapter 573

“Ling Xiao, you kill my beloved, and today I will call you…Impossible in reincarnation!!”

Chu Tiancheng screamed, and on the blood knife in his hand, a dazzling splendid splendor instantly bloomed.

Although he knew that Ling Xiao was very strong, there was no trace of fear in Chu Tiancheng’s heart at this time.

Of course, the trust in Dao Lao is one of them, although the latter now only has the remnant soul, his cultivation has also fallen to the second rank of God Emperor.

However, the latter’s experience and experience, as well as the perception of Dao Dao, are the strongest existence that Chu Tiancheng has seen so far.

According to Mr. Dao himself, when he was in his heyday, he was also the overlord of Megatron Shengzhou.

As for the second, knife repair, the belief is that there is no way forward, and there is nothing in the world.

Now that Chutian City has gained a strange relationship again, with a sword into the devil, the combat power has been raised to a new level.

In a state of God, Chu Tiancheng is confident that no one in this holy state is its opponent.


The horror knife chant resounded loudly.

The whole hall is full of souls, like purgatory.

At this time, in the hands of Chutian City, the blood knife bloomed coldly, and there seemed to be strange lines on it.

Obviously, this knife is where the good fortune of Chu Tiancheng’s trip is located.

“Ling Xiao, three moves that day, I was convinced that I was defeated, but now, I kill you… one move is enough.”

Chu Tiancheng raised his foot and walked to His Royal Highness, a pair of black eyes twinkling with scarlet light.

Not to mention, this son of destiny is really good at acting.

Especially at this time, this Chutian City was dressed in black and his eyes were pierced.


“My Fairy Way, I should have soared for nine days, all righteous, but I didn’t expect it to be because of you… Dao heart was covered in dust, and I fell into the devil’s way.”

At this time, Chu Tiancheng’s voice was a little low, but it was mixed with a determination to death.

Outside him, there were heavy shadows, and a ray of Taoism quietly flowed.

In the whole hall, there began to be a sea of ​​swords, and strands of blossoms bloomed.

Such as the sky beyond the stars, vast and endless, full of mystery.

“But, I don’t regret it, because you made me.”

“My love has turned into dead bones. In this world, there is no one to make me emotional. As long as you kill you, my heart will no longer be bound, and my path will also lead to nine days.”


Suddenly, Chu Tiancheng’s originally weak Taoism whizzed into a whirlpool.

And his figure was also shrouded by that prestige.

The loud Taoist sound resounded loudly.

On the top of his head, a long sword with a handle gradually became true.

Above it, the god pattern is permeated, and the immortal meaning is bitter.

This product, at the moment of pretending to be compelling, realized the true meaning of the sword intent, and condensed the original principle! !

Worthy of being the Son of Destiny! !

Even at this time, the Qi Luck of Chutian City itself increased by 500, reaching the category of 2500.

Over the main hall, robbery clouds began to gather, Chu Tiancheng’s expression changed, and his eyes looked at Ling Xiao with alert.

But seeing that at this time, the latter’s expression was indifferent, and he didn’t even want to take advantage of the mobile hand, and he was relieved.

I saw the blood knife in his hand holding it horizontally, glaring at Jieyun.

“My sword in Chutian City can open up the world and rob the cloud in a small way. What can I do!!”

When the words fell, I saw Chu Tiancheng holding up the blood knife, slashing towards the sky.

The sword glows into the sky, turning into a hundred meters in size.

It was like a bloody galaxy falling down, wherever it passed, the void collapsed, and everything turned into nothingness.

And the Jie Yun that had just gathered was split into two halves under Chu Tiancheng’s knife.

In a short moment, it disappeared without a trace.

From beginning to end, Ling Xiao just stood quietly and didn’t take advantage of it.

After all… This Dao comprehension is an extremely mysterious thing.

The coming of Lei Jie is the last step.

This Chutian City pretended to be so proficient, once he rashly shot, the former was killed by thunder…

The way you give me the knife.

My Virgin of the Sky?

You and he… don’t even understand what unscrupulous means is, and you know how to kill, kill and kill all day long?


When the thunder cloud dissipated, Chu Tiancheng’s temperament seemed to be sublimated.

At this moment, he was standing on the spot, like a peerless magic knife out of its sheath, with infinite sharpness.

The original Chutian City was framed by others, and its meridians were all destroyed, but unexpectedly awakened the body of the mysterious sword, and obtained the true biography of the ancient soul.

But after all, he felt that he was missing a Dao, far from being a peerless evildoer.

But now, with Yuan Yao’s fall, his heart has only truly been called the absence of a woman.

For a time, at the end of the sword, only the enemy was left, no more fetters.

Therefore, he realized.

But even so, how could a person who had just understood the principles of the Tao be worthy of making Ling Xiao jealous.

I have to say that the destiny template is indeed tyrannical.

With luck, it is possible to break through epiphany anytime and anywhere.

This has to be replaced by a general villain, even if you knead Chutian City at will, this time, it will probably be cold.

After all, this kind of enlightenment is very sudden, and it doesn’t give people time to prepare.

“Ling Xiao, originally I thought you were worthless, hypocritical and insidious, now…you are worthy of a fight with me.”

Chu Tiancheng lowered his head and looked at the young man who was standing under His Highness, who had never moved. A complex and profound meaning flashed in his eyes.

I have to say that although this Ling Xiao is fierce and cruel, his character… is indeed somewhat correct.

At the very least, not everyone can be indifferent when facing the opponent’s flaws.

If Ling Xiao had just taken the opportunity to make a move, although he was 60% sure to kill him, but… it was always a risk.

“Di, the Son of Destiny recognizes the villain’s character and is consciously awesome. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 500 points and the villain for 5000 points.”

Soon, the luck that Chu Tiancheng had just improved was returned with a snap.


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly and smiled playfully at the corners of his mouth.

Son of Destiny, pretentious.

The whole day is not the sky, or the Lifang.

If I tell him, I didn’t do it because… I want him to comprehend the Tao and give it to me, do you think he will pee on the spot?

“Come on Ling Xiao, no matter why you punish Yao’er, it is still today, only one of us can live.”

Chu Tiancheng took a deep breath, his eyes gradually calming down.

After comprehending the origin of Tao, the fierceness in the original eyes seems to have disappeared cleanly.

At this moment, he was like a peerless swordsman.

Even if there is hatred in the heart, it is still obsession and not mixed with pain.

“Please start your performance.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently. Although there was no aura from his body, inexplicably, the entire space was filled with depression.

“The second style of the evil swordsman, no desire!!”

A blade of light, like a dragon going out to sea, instantly penetrated the void and fell towards Ling Xiao.

Shenguang is unparalleled, taking care of Jiuxiao.

That prestige is indeed a bit shocking.

The whole body of Chutian City seemed to be accompanied by a shadow, and even the exposed skin showed a bright silver color.

The body of a peerless sword, the way of the sword, at this moment, the distracting thoughts in Chu Tiancheng’s heart are scattered, and the fighting spirit is above the clouds, as if it has become the most gorgeous star here.

It was just that in the face of such a terrorist offensive, Ling Xiao still did not make the slightest move, and the thunder light outside his body was suddenly bright, enveloping him.

Then! !

Under Chu Tiancheng’s dumbfounded gaze, he actually stretched out two fingers again! !

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