Chapter 520

“Xing Lao Xing Lao!! It is he, he is him! My enemy, Ling Xiao!!”

Xia Feng looked excited, stretched out her hand to Ling Xiao, almost screaming out.


This night, don’t you stay in the temple obediently and have to run to the back mountain waves?

Ling Xiao, are you afraid that you knew that I was coming and sent me some people?

Beside him, Xing Shen nodded lightly, “I know.”

“you know?!”

Suddenly, there seemed to be a trace of anxiety in Xia Feng’s heart.

It shouldn’t.

Didn’t this old Xing come from Xing Yuanshan?

Has he ever seen Ling Xiao?

“When I saw this young man, Yushu was in the breeze, his face was clear and handsome, and his whole body had its own celestial spirit. He must be among the dragons and phoenixes, and the arrogant leader!”

Xing Shen’s tone was serious, and his expression was inexplicably dignified.


Xia Feng frowned slightly, though! !

Xing Shen was right, that Ling Xiao was handsome and extraordinary, with a fairy style.

But is it really appropriate for you to praise an enemy boy so much?

Xing Shen didn’t move until Ling Xiao’s figure walked away.

“Uh, old Xing, he walked over…”

Xia Feng’s face was dull, and she watched Ling Xiao disappear before her eyes, and finally swallowed.


Xing Shen slapped his backhand on Xia Feng’s head. The latter was in pain, but he did not make a sound.

He is scared.

Although the method of punishment deep is quite clever, but after all, this is the Hanyue Immortal Palace, the enemy’s base camp.

Once he reveals his identity, not only will the demon be true, but he will most likely be killed by a powerful immortal palace.

It takes time to escape.

Xia Feng was very worried, with his strength, whether he could hold his breath in front of the strong god emperor.

“Do you think I’m blind? I didn’t see him walking by?”


You he…!

Xia Feng gritted his teeth fiercely and cursed inwardly, but his face was smirking.

“Go! Keep up with him! This kid ran to the back mountain in the middle of the night. There must be a ghost. Let’s see what he is going to do.”

When the words fell, Xing Shen’s figure instantly chased Ling Xiao.

Xia Feng only hesitated for a moment, and could only grit his teeth to follow.

In fact, according to his personality, he should immediately shoot, punish Ling Xiao, and then turn around and run away.

Keep up?

Do you always know that there is a saying that curiosity kills people?

This is the Hanyue Immortal Palace! !

Your methods are quite clever, but the cultivation base is there.

If this disturbs Palace Master Hanyue or those six or seventh rank elders of the God Emperor, are you afraid that you are going to throw yourself into the trap tonight?

But… what can I do?

I want to run too!

But with my strength, the guardian formation above my head can’t be broken, I can’t walk out of the mountain gate swaggeringly!


It wasn’t until the distance that Ling Xiao stopped suddenly, and there was a dignified look on the faces of the two of Xing Shen.

Then, the boy stretched out suddenly, turned his head and looked at the two Xing Shen.

“Xia Feng!!! You dare to come to Hanyue Immortal Palace!!!”

At this time, Ling Xiao’s voice was obviously wrapped in spiritual power, and it instantly spread through hundreds of miles.

The entire Hanyue Immortal Palace was brightly lit, and even the large formation above the head was lit up with brilliant mysterious light.

Xia Feng stood sluggishly on the spot, pretending to be sluggish, and Xing Shen on the side.

“You trash!!!”

“Don’t do my business! I didn’t move, senior!!”

Xia Feng was about to cry at this time, just before he was trying to hide his breath, why did Ling Xiao feel his presence?

This is unreasonable! ! !

“Senior!! Let’s run away, don’t run, I’m afraid it will be too late!!”

“Huh!!! Wait a moment for you, just a moment, I can kill this son!!”

Xing Shen’s expression shrank, and his whole body suddenly covered the sky with magical intent.

The whole ancient forest withered in an instant.

An evil and gloomy aura moved towards Ling Xiao.

At this time Xing Shen naturally felt the breath of the edge of the ancient forest.

With Yue Xiao’s strength, even if he could not detect Xing Shen’s existence, he would definitely be able to feel Xia Feng’s appearance.

Therefore, at this time, she has long been hidden away.

“Sacred disciples, die!”

Xing Shen looked up to the sky and hissed, and the magic light outside his body rushed into the sky, covering the white moon.

The palpitation of the devil’s might be endless, as if telling the entire Hanyue Immortal Palace that a demon will come tonight.

Inexplicably, Xia Feng always felt that something was wrong.

You said that you are a god emperor and great demon, killing a boy of seventeen. As for doing such a big battle?

Shouldn’t you give him a fatal blow silently, and then take me to run, isn’t it over?

If you are going to solve the problem with two breaths, you have to do it with a hammer, for fear that others will not know that you are like a devil.

Of course, Xia Feng dared to complete these words in his heart.

Now his life is completely in the hands of the Great Xing Shen.

Once he abandons himself and runs away alone, do you guess the people in Hanyue Immortal Palace will let him go?

I am not in the same group with him! ! ! really not! ! !

I believe you a ghost, you are not in the same group with him, how did you get to the top of Hanyue Mountain?

Are you afraid that you are humiliating the IQ of the strong man in the fairy palace? !

Xia Feng’s mood was very complicated at this time.

He intended that he didn’t want to take this risk and go up the mountain to punish the demons.

But if he doesn’t punish Ling Xiao, the punishment will punish him.

What does it mean to cry without tears?

Lao Tzu is obviously a man of destiny, so why has he fallen to his current situation?

In the company of demons, but…have to pretend to be demons.

Neither side of the demon can explain it.

Just like now, Xia Feng has no choice but to be a demon?

what happened?

It was as if there was an invisible big hand behind him, arbitrarily playing with his destiny.

only! ! !

As soon as I saw the panic and sluggishness on Ling Xiao’s face, this feeling of suffocation disappeared without a trace.

Hahahaha, Ling Xiao, what about my demon name on my back?

Today, as long as you punish you, everything is worth it! !


The harsh buzzing sound resounded across the mountain, and Xing Shen’s figure flashed in front of Ling Xiao.

At this moment, I don’t know if the latter is scared and stupid, or is shocked by the monstrous magic light, and stands still in place, not hiding! !

That’s it, senior Xing Shen, faster, faster! !

Ten feet, seven feet, three feet! ! !


Just when Xing Shen’s palm was about to be printed on the top of Ling Xiao’s head, a figure suddenly appeared in the void, with a jade hand stretched out, evolving into the sky and moonlight, and all of Xing Shen’s offensive was blocked.


The terrifying Lingwei swept away in an instant.

In a land with a radius of one hundred meters, the rocks collapsed and the vegetation became ashes.

Spatial fissures stretch for thousands of miles like ocean waves.

Xing Shen gave a muffled snort, and flew out in an instant, blood seemed to be spilled in his mouth, and the whole body’s devilish energy was wilted to the extreme.

At this time, Xia Feng’s expression was already completely sluggish.

He could see that the figure that suddenly appeared was exactly the one he didn’t want to see tonight.

The second elder of Han Gong, his master, Yue Xiao! !

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