Chapter 515 Seven Great Demons

“Misunderstanding? Mr. Dao might really have misunderstood.”

Hearing the sincerity in the old Dao’s tone, Ling Xiao’s face became more playful.

Humans, never see the coffin without weeping.

You have fallen into my hands, do you still want to survive?

“I only want to ask you one question, would you be willing to be the soul of my sword and help me conquer the world?”

“The soul?”

Dao Lao was obviously taken aback, but he did not expect that this young man was so cruel that he tried to call him the Saint-State Dao Emperor, the soul of his weapon?

Now he is in despair, and his strength is not there, but he is proud in his heart, but he has never been extinguished.

Temporarily staying in the knife is just secretly regaining strength.

When one day, Chu Tiancheng can inherit his will in this life, he will avenge him and eradicate the sacred religion!

Old folks, I tried my best to stop you at the beginning, and change your life. I don’t know if you… are doing well now?

“Why? Old Dao doesn’t want it?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, he had never heard of the name of the sword emperor.

The history of Sacred State is magnificent. Among them, the strong come out in large numbers and the evildoers are full of evildoers. Almost every hundred years, there will be peerless people appearing.

But… the sword emperor?


If you want to be really awesome, you have already soared to the upper realm, why bother staying here?

“Hmph, although I am a ray of remnant soul, how can I be the soul of your sword? You are insulting the old man!”

Dao Lao’s voice has become cold.

“Old Dao, you misunderstood me again, how can I be an insult to you, I just want to give you a chance to survive.”

Ling Xiao shook his head. Since this old thing is unwilling, there is nothing left to say.

Although the Naha World Sword Art is extremely powerful, how can it be compared with his Taikoo Nine Styles?

“You… don’t think you can imprison me and kill me!! Boy, you underestimate me!!”

Dao Lao screamed in despair, but before he could say anything, he saw the world in front of him suddenly changed its appearance.

The magic that was originally bound to his body has long since vanished.

But the world in front of me… how could it be so dark?

Also, what’s the matter with the black soul palace in the distance that is upright and sky-high?

He… is too majestic, right?

“Old Dao?”

Ling Xiao’s figure walked out of the darkness, staring at the old man in front of him.

The latter’s eyes condensed slightly, his brows furrowed, “Are you… from the Holy Church?”

“On the contrary.”

Ling Xiao grinned, suddenly there was a magic light on his body rising to the sky, and then! !

Under Dao Lao’s stunned gaze, he turned into a shadow of a hundred zhang out of thin air.

magic! !

The real demon! !

No wonder, the magic in this knife is so terrifying! !

It turns out that this young man is a great demon! !

“Master… Master, don’t do it, your own person!!!”

only! !

What surprised Ling Xiao a little was that the old Dao with a cold and arrogant face just now showed a bright smile as if he had seen someone close to him.

“My own person?”

“Yes!! Young Master!! I, the three magic swords of the Seven Demons of the Saint State are dead!!”

“Seven Demons of the Holy State? The sword is lifeless?”

A flash of surprise flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, but he had heard of this name.

It is said that a hundred years ago, the Seven Demon Cultivation suddenly appeared in Shengzhou, each of which was tyrannical.

It’s just that although these seven people cultivated the magic way and regarded themselves as demons, they were not as fierce and murderous as the world said.

Suddenly, the faith of the sacred religion was questioned, and the world’s hatred of demons was not as strong as before.

But, suddenly, these seven demons disappeared.

In other words, disappeared out of thin air.

Of course, with Ling Xiao’s understanding of the Sacred Religion, it seems that the Sacred Religion would not easily let go of such a person with a magic name and the face of the Sacred Religion.

But these seven people, it is said that the worst cultivation is in the fifth stage realm of the god emperor, especially the Qin Demon, the head of the seven demon, is even more terrifying to the extreme.

According to the rumors, Shengjiao once sent a divine envoy to lead the three great emperors to attack the Qin Demon, but in the end…only the divine envoy returned with serious injuries.

It can be seen that the cultivation base of that Qin Demon has at least reached the eighth rank of God Emperor.

“Yes!! Young Master, Dao Wu Ming is willing to conquer the Holy Church with Young Master!!”

At this time, the old Dao only thought that Ling Xiao was a demon, and it must be opposed to the Holy Church.

But what he didn’t know was that this demon was completely different from them.

They believe in the devil, but they believe in the freedom of the devil, free and easy, happy and enmity.

But Ling Xiao had the indifferent nature of the devil.

Moreover, in the final analysis, Ling Xiao, the heavenly demon, was the first true demon born from the Primordial Primordial Kingdom.

Take heaven as the punishment, and the fairy gods as the enemy.

All obstacles that stand in front of you can be punishable.

Old Dao, you are fantastic!


Just when Dao Wuming showed expectation, Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly flashed a shadow of evil, and he directly turned into a demon shadow, wrapping the entire Dao Wuming figure.

At this moment, he was a little curious about the whereabouts of the remaining six great demons.


What value is there for a sword demon whose body is absent and whose cultivation base has fallen.

If it is valuable, Ling Xiao feels that his soul memory is more useful.

“Crack, click.”

With bursts of weird chewing sounds, behind Ling Xiao, the black soul palace rose again several feet.

But a wave of memory circulates in Ling Xiao’s sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

“Is that so…”

In Ling Xiao’s eyes, the scarlet light flickered, as if hesitated.

In this lifeless memory, the reason why the Seven Demons disappeared out of thin air was because the Holy Cult and the Lord came and besieged them in a valley in Zhongjiang.

But in the end, the sword had no life to abandon his body, and the Qin Demon burned his cultivation base, and only then did he win a ray of life.

Since then, the whereabouts of the Six Demons have been unknown, but Dao Wuming managed to escape a ray of soul and hid in the three thousand fantasy world.

From this point of view, the cultivation base of that sage god master is indeed terrifying.

But in the memory of the sword without life, the Seven Demons had an agreement that one day, they would overthrow the sacred religion and return the world to freedom. The seven would live in seclusion in southern Xinjiang, find a place with mountains and seas, and make tea in Fuqin. Live happily, not in the world.

Looking at it this way, the six demons, perhaps still alive today, are likely to hide in the land of southern Xinjiang.

After all, Shengjiao’s control of southern Xinjiang is slightly weak.

And with the strength of the Six Demons, if you are dedicated to avoiding the world, even if you are a Divine Lord, it may be difficult to find it for a while.


Inexplicably, Ling Xiao seemed to have seen another destiny, standing in a distant mountain, screaming cordially at him, come! Be happy!

Seven peerless masters, determined to return the world to freedom.

In the end, the three demons died, the great demons abolished their cultivation bases, and their ambitions were not yet reached. How could they be reconciled?

Devil, do whatever he wants, but also paranoid.

Besides, these seven people are all amazing talents, and any one of them has the sage of the pioneers of the mountain.

Now hidden in the world, perhaps it is just brewing a bigger shock.

We can’t beat the Holy Church and the Divine Lord, but looking at the Holy State, perhaps only the Divine Lord stabilizes the six of them.

But if the six talents are learned and gathered in one person, is it possible to step out of the shackles and achieve the supremacy of heaven and earth?


My six masters are super fierce?

Or, it turns out that my six masters are all masters of cultivation?

Haha, I just don’t know, this lucky man of destiny is a cute girl, or a…dead boy.

Don’t speculate, I don’t mean anything else, I just want to see you soon, this destiny that shares my same mind!


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