Chapter 508 Three Thousand Illusion World

The words of the word, the heavenly body, the divine body.

These two talents sound a bit awesome, but in fact they are useless.

What Mo Wuya really frightened was his power of words and deeds.

In other words, his ability to fool people is unparalleled in the world, but he really told him to draw his sword and kill the enemy…

I’m afraid that Chu Tiancheng will be able to reveal his true shape with a single stab.

This is a duel between pretending to be a criminal and a dumbfounded.

It’s just that Chu Tiancheng is stronger, but he hasn’t understood the true meaning of the sword path.

There is no woman in the heart, so it is natural to draw a sword.

You are a knife repairer, and you are taking a tyrannical way. How can you break the fetters and achieve the pinnacle of the avenue when you shoot for a woman.

Ling Xiao felt that it was necessary for him to educate and educate this great prince of Chu, and told him to let go of his greed in his heart and commit himself to death!

“I heard that Young Master Mo’s cultivation base is unpredictable, and his combat power is close to the demon. He is known as the first arrogant of the Western Xinjiang. Today, Chu…want to see it.”

Chu Tiancheng’s expression was indifferent, almost completely cold.

On its back, a heavy knife was wrapped under layers of cotton cloth, which looked dilapidated.

However, no one dared to underestimate this knife, just like no one dared to underestimate Chutian City.

This knife is called “Hanshisanqian”, and it has a mysterious origin, but it became famous in Western Xinjiang as the city of Chutian became famous.

With one cut, the illusion is broken.

Three thousand ups and downs are all gone.

Under the blade, the immortal Buddha is unstoppable, and the gods and demons are all slaughtered.

“Hehe, Brother Chu should know my habits? I never make a move on weekdays. Once I make a move, I will surely kill the enemy.”

Mo Wuya shook his head and chuckled, his eyes gleaming like stars.

I just said something, but I felt a ray of chill inexplicably.

What a domineering and arrogant posture! !

Mo Wuya is worthy of being the peak of Xijiang evildoers’ combat power!

“In my fantasy world, I don’t get out of the sheath easily, but if I get out of the sheath, I must drink blood and return.”

Chu Tiancheng was unmoved, his tone was awe-inspiring.

Obviously this battle, he has determined not to retreat.

“Go home with blood? Brother Chu, your sword is a demon soldier! Throughout the history of Shengzhou, among the treasures that drink blood, which one is not evil, Brother Chu, I advise you to put down the butcher knife as soon as possible, so as not to say Depraved heart.”

Mo Wuya’s face was startled, and solemnly consoled.


Hearing this, many Tianjiao’s eyes condensed slightly, turning their heads and looking at Chu Tiancheng with heavy swords behind them, a sense of sorrow appeared in the bottom of their hearts.

What the son of Mo said is reasonable.

The treasure of drinking blood is bound to be evil.

Unexpectedly, the knife in Chu Tiancheng’s hand was an evil thing.

“Stop talking nonsense, Mo Wuya, do it.”

Chu Tiancheng frowned slightly and glanced at Mo Wuya in surprise.

Originally, he thought that majesty must not be provoked like this peerless evildoer with a far-reaching reputation.

But now it seems that Mo Wuya is very different from the Tianjiao evildoer he has seen before.

“Wait a moment!”

Mo Wuya raised his hand to stop the Chutian City who was about to draw his sword, his face had already returned to calm, “The name of Brother Chu, Wu Ya has long heard about it, and has long been interested in doing things, but… now the cold moon fairy trail is about to open. , I suggest Brother Chu wait a bit longer.”

When the words were over, Mo Wuya glanced at the distant hall, where a beautiful figure in a golden robe was walking quickly.

“Since there is a dry intention, why wait?”

Chu Tiancheng’s hands were on the handle of the knife, and he hesitated for a while.

When Ling Xiao looked at Yuan Yao who appeared in the distance, he had already guessed how Mo Wuya was going to perform next.

“Hmph, the land of the secret realm is extremely dangerous. The people who have always entered it, those who can live out of the ten are not one. Yuan Yao is alone. I can’t rest assured. If I fight you, even if I kill you, I will also be injured. At that time, who will protect Yao’er? She is so simple and kind, Chu Tiancheng, you can rest assured?”

Mo Wuya snorted coldly, and the power of the Taoist all over his body was dazzling and dazzling.

A purple dress is floating in the wind, giving people a kind of peerless love.

“Young Master Mo… you deserve to be!”

“Too infatuated!!”

“Master Mo is not afraid of Chutian City at all, but is worried about Princess Yuan Yao!!”

“Then Chutian City is really selfish and bossy, do you really think you are invincible!”


Hearing that, even Chutian City was stunned.

From the bottom of his heart, he was not trying to compete with Mo Wuya for the name of the No. 1 Tianjiao in Xijiang.

He was just inexplicable, and didn’t like seeing other people standing beside Yuan Yao.

Although now, their marriage contract has been annulled.

Yuan Yao was regarded as the next emperor of the Yuan Dynasty by the Yuan Emperor.

It is a bit impractical to want to marry him again.

But, in those few years, his cultivation base was abolished, and he was so cold-hearted!

It was a letter from this princess Dayuan that inspired him and inspired him, and only then gradually wiped out the death in his heart and supported the day when he re-emerged.

That’s right, this illusion of Three Thousand Worlds is the inheritance of Chutian City’s mother clan.

At the time the mother was dying and asked to be kind to the knife.

It’s just that Chu Tiancheng didn’t expect that the seal in the sword was actually tied to his bloodline, and it accidentally touched, awakening the soul of the sword.

However, the Chutian City cultivation base was abolished, just in line with the setting of the Soul of the Sword, and the re-cultivation of the sacred tactics will give you an incomparable sword intent and embark on the road of conquering the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, what is destiny is that one by one is impossible, and it is forcibly accumulated on one person.

In this way, the more impossible it is, the higher the luck, the stronger the upper limit.

Understand? record.

“Hmph, Mo Wuya, in the fairy trail, you and I must have a battle.”

In the end, Chu Tiancheng did not continue to struggle.

Mo Wuya was right. Yao’er was born with a pure and compassionate nature, and was easily bewitched by bad guys.

even! !

Even if she knew it was a trick or a conspiracy, sometimes Yao’er was willing to be deceived just to make others feel happy.

Such a woman deserves to be guarded.

However, it should not be Mo Wuya who is guarding her, but him, Chu Tiancheng! !

In the past few years, although he has never seen Yuan Yao with his own eyes, the two have a close correspondence with each other, sharing the life with them, and they seem to be intimate.

Originally, Chu Tiancheng thought that this trip to the secret realm would be a sweet rush.

But who could have imagined that there was an extra him beside her.

In this case, men should speak with their strength.

If you are stronger than me, I will give up my concern and take the knife as my companion ever since.

But if you are not against me, you should disappear from the world and not disturb my Yaoer’s heart.

“Are you… Brother Tiancheng?”

But when Chu Tiancheng turned around and wanted to leave, a soft cry suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, there is a fairy face in his eyes, with bright eyebrows and pretty, revealing shyness.

At a glance, Chu Tiancheng guessed the identity of the girl in front of him.

Yaoer! ! !

Especially the girl’s clear and pure black eyes, like the cold spring in the Nine Heavens Immortal Pond, sacred and beautiful, without a trace of worldly troubles.

“You are… Yaoer?!”

The love scene of dog blood is being staged at the top of Hanyue Mountain at this moment.

Two people of destiny are in love with each other and become clinging at a glance.

With eyes facing each other, an inexplicable feeling arose in both of them.

The marriage is fixed, that’s probably what I said.

At this time, there seemed to be no one on the top of the mountain.

Only the men and women who stood in sight of each other had nothing else in their eyes, only each other.

“Ahem, Princess Yuan Yao, meet again.”

However, just at this moment when the feelings are strong and the world is moved, there is suddenly a disharmonious laughter from the crowd.

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