Chapter 500: Xia Feng’s True Demon

In front of the mountain gate, Han Qingqiu’s eyes were clear, and he looked at the figure of the young man above.

At this time, there seemed to be Xianxia shrouded on his body, and there were thousands of evolving roads.

Peerless and independent, one can’t help but feel a sense of awe.

only! !

In the eyes of others, Ling Xiao is upright, righteous and gentle.

But Han Qingqiu had personally seen how he designed to kill Lu Yun and deceive Palace Master Hanyue.

Although Han Qingqiu had forgotten a memory of Lingxiao Huamo.

But it is very inexplicable, Han Qiuqing is very scared when he sees him.

This is a peerless evildoer who plays the world in applause.

His character is beyond ordinary people’s conjecture.

He even forcibly invaded his body, so this is probably the reason for the slight coldness in Han Qingqiu’s eyes.

Everyone loves, but they don’t know their hostility.


so what?

Now in Western Xinjiang, only this person dares to calculate the Holy Religion and walk against the sky.

For revenge, Han Qingqiu has no choice.

“Di, the lady of destiny is determined. Congratulations to the host for getting 300 luck points and the villain 3000 points.”

Hearing the system prompt from her ear, Ling Xiao suddenly raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, then lifted her foot and fell downward.

The Duel Shadow had already returned news before, and Palace Master Hanyue personally asked whether the disciples of the gods would participate in this immortal relic competition.

The double shadow only returned one word, eh.

Looking at this battle now, it is obvious that the Palace Master of Cold Moon has not doubted his identity.

In other words, in her eyes, it is absolutely impossible for the envoy to be silently obliterated.

Looking at Shengzhou, it is even less possible for anyone to be so bold and dare to pretend to be a divine envoy and slander everywhere.

Looking at the figure falling from the sky, Xia Feng’s face gradually filled with doubts.

How could this figure become more familiar as it gets closer?

No, not familiar! !

I must have seen him somewhere! !

At this time, Xia Feng only knew that the Hanyue Immortal Palace was going to visit a great saint, so naturally he didn’t think about Ling Xiao.

After all, in the previous life, although this demon was cunning, he did not dare to calculate the holy religion.

But… it’s very inexplicable. The more confused his eyes become, a sense of anxiety unconsciously flows from the bottom of his heart.

How does this figure resemble the figure of my Great Xia Saint Ancestor?

No, isn’t the holy ancestor from the upper realm?

Is it because I think too much?

In the past few days, Xia Feng has been practicing with Yue Xiao, almost deaf to the window. Although he knows some changes in Xijiang, he is not comprehensive.

With his status in the sect, others would only ridicule him when they saw him, so how could he discuss the general trend of Western Xinjiang with him.

So, by this time, Xia Feng only knew that Ling Xiao and Qiao Yunli had joined forces to cut down Zhou, but still did not know that his Great Xia Saint Ancestor was the true demon who killed him in the previous life! !

Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the sky and reached the top of everyone’s head in a flash.

However, when Xia Feng looked up at him, Palace Master Hanyue worshipped him first.

“Welcome the disciples of the gods to visit my Hanyue Immortal Palace!”

With the cultivation base of the Seventh-Rank Divine Emperor of the Palace Master of Hanyue, although the scenery is unparalleled in Western Xinjiang.

But in the Sacred Church, even if it is a chess piece placed here, it can never be compared with the divine envoy.

Since this young man is valued by adults, he will be reused in the future.

“Meet your lord!!”

The elders and disciples of the Immortal Palace bowed down one after another, but before Xia Feng could see Ling Xiao’s face clearly, he followed them down.

“Get up.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and glanced at Xia Feng in the crowd deeply.

After a few days, the luck of this little leek has increased to 3000.

It is worthy of being a rebirth template. Not only is the luck and fate, but even the temperament is not comparable to that of a person in the same life.

Even in Ling Xiao’s opinion, even though this land of the Western Frontier had a number of destiny, it was the Daxia prince who was really likely to reach the top.

There is no way, two lives are human, with a calm mind.

This Xia Feng believes in Gou Dao, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it step by step.

Such a person would not easily show his fangs, and once the secret was discovered, he might have grown to an extremely terrifying state.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong his template is, he is just a low-level ant, not worth mentioning.

In the mountains and forests in the distance, all Chaotianjiao bowed down and bowed, Ling Xiao’s eyes flickered, and they stayed briefly on each of them.

Yes, two leeks, one male and one female.

The woman looks sweet, her eyes are clear, and she has a faint glow.

A golden robe glowing with brilliance, with a flying phoenix embroidered on it, it should be the one in Qin Wushuang’s mouth, Princess Da Yuan, Yuan Yao.

Bodhi Taoism, four thousand auras, five grades of gods.

The most important thing is that there seems to be a powerful force surrounding her, evolving into the fairy shadow and Buddha light on her own, which is unpredictable.

Beside him, surrounded by several powerful young Tianjiao.

One of them had a cold face and a purple dress. His eyes revealed the mystery, as if he refused to be thousands of miles away, but also carried a kind of ethereal meaning.

Tianji Dao body, four thousand air luck, four ranks of the gods.

The most important thing is that although his breath is not tyrannical at this time, he understands the power of the Tao.

Moreover, it was a Taoist rule that Ling Xiao had never seen before.

The Word of God?


Is this word and deeds right?

Suddenly, Ling Xiao’s interest in the purple-clothed youth seemed to be stronger.

Seeing Ling Xiao’s view, the purple-clothed youth trembled, and he bowed down from a distance, with an extremely respectful appearance.


At this moment, in front of the mountain gate, there was a sudden exclamation, which instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

I saw Xia Feng standing next to Yue Xiao, looking at Ling Xiao in horror, her eyes filled with unspeakable shocking fear!

Ling Xiao! ! !

Naturally, he will never forget this face!

only! !

how is this possible?

How could he be a man of sacred religion?

He is a demon, a great demon, and an unbearable generation in the world.

And the duty of Shengjiao is to kill demons, but he…

Suddenly, Xia Feng felt cold all over her body, her figure trembling, and she felt a chill pouring down from the top of her head to the soles of her feet.

Could it be that… In this life, Ling Xiao even deceived the Holy Religion?

In his capacity, there is absolutely no possibility of colluding with the people of the holy religion.

The only explanation is that Ling Xiao did not know what method he used to conceal his identity and deceive the world.

He did this in his previous life.

But Xia Feng never dreamed that this demon would become more terrifying and powerful in this world! !


Even if he knew his true identity, Ling Xiao now bears the name of a disciple of the god’s messenger. If he recognizes in person, this person is a demon…Will the Lord of the Palace of Cold Moon be punishable on the spot?

After all, at this time, the Lord of the Cold Palace’s waist was bent to a hundred and twenty degrees, and the respect for Ling Xiao was almost written on his face.

He looked at me! !

“Dip! The Son of Destiny is terrified and shocked by the host’s identity. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 500 points and the villain for 5000 points.”

“you know me?”

Ling Xiao stared at Xia Feng, and the corners of his mouth raised a touch of playfulness.

Real demon Xia Feng, we… meet again.

Do you think I can’t recognize you if you change your face?

No, no, I Ling Xiao, I like to die from one thing.

Don’t talk about changing faces, even if you change sex, I will send you the end!

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