Chapter 496

“Oh? How many others are there?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and instead of panic, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.


It is worthy of a world of great controversy, and evil spirits emerge in troubled times.

The leeks from West Xinjiang are obviously stronger than those from East Xinjiang.

I just don’t know, what kind of surprises will there be in the southern and northern regions?

Among the Monster Race and the Sea Race, Ling Xiao has no foundation, but even so, the two races and the borders are still in his chess game.

With the trend of Western Xinjiang, the barbarians in southern Xinjiang were killed, and the conflict between the sea and the sacred religion was provoked.

As for the northern border monsters…

Calculating the time, Jiuyou has had more than a year in the past.

Although the two are not in contact, it is not necessarily a good thing not to be in contact.

At the very least, she shouldn’t have encountered a serious setback.

And with her identity and strength, it shouldn’t be too difficult to gain a foothold among the Northern Frontier Demon Race.

Jiuyou Liaofeng was also a demon border imperial clan at the beginning.

What’s more, among the hundred thousand mountains, there is a small green plum of the fox clan who is thinking hard about herself.

Moreover, Ling Xiao faintly felt that the eldest princess of the nine-tailed clan, Bai Zhirou, also had an amazing secret hidden in her body.

As for Zhongjiang…

Haha, Bai Ling has now successfully planted a soul mark on Qi Yi, the Great Elder of the Blood Soul Temple.

Even if the Holy Master of the Blood Palace was terrifying, most of the Anzi of this mysterious sect had already fallen into Ling Xiao’s hands.

Do not move, in order to avoid throwing grass and startling snakes.

What’s more, Su Yan’s little rich woman has sincerely surrendered now, with the financial support of the Yunmeng, who is the enemy of this Saint State?

But Ye Qingchan was just a risky move by Ling Xiao. He played well, got twice the result with half the effort, made a mistake, and didn’t lose much.

Step by step, roughly the same.


There are too many small plots to end yet?

Here is a suggestion to watch the animated version of Journey to the West without thinking about it.

In this way, you can happily watch one episode of Fighting a Monster, playing a total of 81 Monsters, practicing to become a Buddha, and ending the drama perfectly.

Please, I am a villain, the setting is the monsters that were killed in Journey to the West.

Which of them is not strong, and which one has no shocking background?

What’s the end?

Do not use your brain to push the four borders horizontally?

To be honest, it’s not a question of being invincible. No matter how invincible you are, there are still nine heavens and ten realms above.

The Primordial Demon is invincible in the world, why did it eventually fall?

The real villain should conceal his identity, secretly bloom, and wait for one day to stand on the top of the sky, before making the immortals kneel and worship, and the gods and Buddhas bow their heads.

You are invincible, you can kill nine days directly, you still practice a hammer?

I, Ling Xiao, although invincible in the world, but the world passed me on, I should pass a good name, not a demon body.

“Well, there was a prince who was born in Da Chu, named Chutian City. He stepped into the deceptive level at the age of ten. He could be called a wicked evildoer. But at the age of eleven, he had no cultivation base and was ridiculed by cold eyes. Years ago, he suddenly used a knife to prove the Dao and exposed to the world the sinister behavior of his clan brother Chu Ming. It turned out that he was forcibly seized his cultivation base and ruined the meridians. On that day, Chu Palace was shocked. Fighting on the battle platform, in the end, Chu Tiancheng only made a single shot and cut Chu Ming, who had been cultivated to the god general, into two halves.”

“Since then, Chu Tiancheng has achieved orthodoxy, and now the prince of Da Chu, who is single-minded to seek the truth, has a cold and firm personality, and is the number one arrogant in Xijiang.”

Qin Wushuang, as the female emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, naturally knew very well about the evil spirits of Tianjiao in this territory.

This Chutian City was able to kill the gods five years ago, but now the cultivation base is even more terrifying.

“In addition to these two people, in recent years there have been two famous evildoers in Xijiang. One is called Mo Wuya, who is a casual cultivator. No one knows where the teacher is. The level of cultivation is unknown, but it is said that I have seen him. The people who shot are dead… Now they have a close relationship with Yuan Yao, and there seems to be an emotional connection between the two.”

“There is another person, Han Qingqiu from the Hanyue Immortal Palace. This woman is extremely talented. When she first entered the Hanyue Immortal Palace, she had no realm, but she has understood two things, which can be called a miracle.”

Qin Wushuang enumerated them one by one, and introduced all the enchanting Tianjiao who might threaten Ling Xiao.

Hearing this, Rao was based on Ling Xiao’s disposition, and tears of panic flowed from the corners of his mouth.


This land of the Western Frontier is really dangerous.

With so many evildoers gathered in one place, I am afraid that he will be busy with this trip to the fairyland.

I just don’t know, how many such enchanting people, and how many…destined?

Or, are all lucky?


As far as the destiny is, it must be the luck and the horror of cultivation.

But the important thing is that these people hide secrets.

For example, Chutian City, once destroyed and treated with indifference, can rise again and slash the enemy.

You said he didn’t have some amazing good fortune, is it possible?

Although now, the great prince of Chu has obviously risen, and it is not as easy to play with as Lin Xi and others, but…

Even if he was in the sky, how could he be compared with Ling Xiao.

No matter how strong the ants are, they are still ants.

But it takes a little effort.

I just don’t know, is there another childhood sweetheart of the Child of Destiny in this template?

Xia Feng, Yuan Yao, Chutian City, Mo Tianya.



Seems a bit full?

“Ling Xiao… why are you… crying?”

Qin Wushuang looked at the crystal clear drop on Ling Xiao’s cheek, with a trace of panic between his eyebrows.

“Uh… the thought of being separated from you for a period of time makes me very depressed.”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly, and stretched out his hand to embrace Qin Wushuang in his arms.

A flash of grievance flashed in the latter’s eyes, and his face lightly pressed against Ling Xiao’s chest, “Me too, Ling Xiao, that secret realm is extremely dangerous and dangerous. Moreover, it is said that the suppression of fierce demons will cause people to be contaminated with demonic energy for no reason, and disturb the human spirit, although the secret of becoming immortal is indeed tempting…but…”

“I know you are worried about me, Wushuang, don’t worry, I have my own measures.”

Before Qin Wushuang could finish speaking, Ling Xiao smiled and shook his head, “Whether he is in Xiantu, how can he be afraid of hardships? Suppressing demons? Fortunately, I will punish the world.”


Ling Xiao sneered from the bottom of her heart, demon?

Is there a bigger and harder demon in this world?

Devilish immersion?

Disorderly humane?

Isn’t this a coincidence?

My Dao Xin needs endless demon energy to nourish it.

“Then you… be careful…”

Qin Wushuang knew he couldn’t persuade Ling Xiao, so he didn’t say much.

Her temperament was indifferent, but now she submits to him, all she has to do is to stand behind him and help him conquer the world.

As for the evil spirit…

A person like Ling Xiao who is so righteous, I am afraid it will be difficult to be corroded by the devilish energy.

If you love him, you should believe him!

“After I leave, you can stay in the imperial city with peace of mind. I don’t need to do anything. I will order Xiao Beifang to guard Daqin. If an enemy comes, don’t panic. Ning Tiance and others can come at any time.”

Ling Xiao smiled softly, a pair of starry eyes blooming with golden brilliance, smoothing the last touch of uneasiness in Qin Wushuang’s heart.


A soft groan stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

Again, sleepless all night.

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