Chapter 489

“How could…Ling Xiao!! You and him…Why are you here!!!”

Gui Wubao was stunned for ten breaths, and then roared up to the sky.

I’m gonna! !

How did Ling Xiao find this place?

And how did you hide your figure?

With his spirit realm, let alone a god, even a strong god emperor can never easily avoid his own spirit perception.


Inexplicably, there was a chill in Gui Wubao’s heart.

“You… are you… Yuer?”

Elder Dan’s eyes trembled lightly, and there was an extremely complicated look on his face.

Nether Demon Flame! Can’t be wrong! !

Yuer! !

I haven’t seen you for three years. Your changes really make me a little unrecognizable as a teacher.

You are taller and handsome. The most important thing is that your temperament has become colder and arrogant.

But… Is your change too big?

Why is his face a little strange?

only! !

In any case, Elder Elder never believed that there was any young man in this world who could merge that fierce fire of heaven and earth into his body.

Otherwise, it will not be called the Great Fortune, but the bad street.

This person must be his Yuer! !

“Hehe, Gui Wubao, meet again.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and there was a mighty spirit on the whole body.

The world cleared leisurely, and the wind and thunder that had dissipated once again struck the sky.

And his realm, he has stepped into the sixth rank of Shenhou in an instant.

Even the power of the soul has risen significantly, approaching the fifth rank category.

With the mystery of the heavenly devil’s body, fusing the pill will certainly not take time.

As for ghosts…

Hehe, in the world of ghosts, he can kill once, not to mention that he is in his world now.

“Huh! Ling Xiao, do you really think I’m afraid of you?”

Gui Wupao gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes flashing cold.

Now his realm has broken through to the sixth rank of God King, and the Xuanyin Yama Sacred Code has also evolved a new soul style.

Although the knife in Ling Xiao’s hand is a bit weird, but…

Humph, I am the destiny of heaven, protected by the heavenly way here.

Otherwise, what would be the explanation for the many spiritual materials he found at will?

Therefore, Gui Wubao did not panic at this time, and was even a little eager to try.

Given the destiny, these four characters are somewhat nihilistic.

But the protection of heaven has indeed existed since ancient times.

Perhaps the realm he broke through was the key to killing Ling Xiao.

“Di, the child of the destiny is over-replenishing his brain, and he is ready to die. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck worth 500 points, and the villain worth 5000 points.”

“Oh, in fact, I should thank you for helping me refine the spirit material into an elixir. How does the soul-changing grass taste?”

Ling Xiao smiled inexplicably, and the fighting spirit that had just surged in Gui Wupao’s eyes instantly solidified.

Me… Gan?

What does he mean by this?

Thank you for helping him refine the spiritual material into a pill?

Are you too pretending to be a bit too much?

But… how did he know that I got a soul-changing plant?

Could it be that Ling Xiao was hidden in the dark before?

I can’t.

If he hides in the dark from the beginning, wouldn’t it be easier to kill himself when his soul collapses?

I’m very confused.

I have been a pig for 30 years, why suddenly I feel…fat?

“You…what do you want to do?”

Gui Wupao held his palm lightly, and his soul was raging outside, obviously he was ready to make a move.

Only this time, he didn’t dare to use the ghost world again.

This ghost world can indeed greatly improve his combat power.

But before, the ghosts in it had been killed by Ling Xiao.

More importantly, there is a slight connection between this ghost world and the underworld.

Whenever it is turned on, it must be holy sacrifice to the soul.

He was afraid that if he couldn’t beat Ling Xiao again, wouldn’t he even have a chance to escape?

“Of course I killed you demon.”

Ling Xiao smiled, but Gui Wubo looked at Elder Elder in contempt, “Evil demon? The demonic intent on you is more terrifying than the real demon. Do you think I am an evil demon?”

“Ling Xiao, don’t think that if I lose to you once, you can easily kill me. Do you know this old thing? Your good master is still in my hands. Why don’t we make a deal?”

Gui Wuposen sneered, but Ling Xiao nodded slightly, “Let’s listen.”

“I will release your master, and you will return the soul-thirsty sacred pearl to me. We will walk one by one each without breaking the river. How about?”


Ling Xiao didn’t even think about it, and waved his hand to summon the bloodthirsty ghost orb, “Let me go, right?”

“Hehe, Ling Xiao, do you think I’m stupid? I let go of this old thing, and you master and apprentice join forces, what can I do to survive? Return the holy pearl to me first, and I will naturally let him go.”

Gui Wupao’s eyes condensed slightly, as long as the holy pearl returned to his hands, he would have the confidence to fight Ling Xiao.

At that time…hehe, you robbed my spirit pill, I swallowed your soul, and the effect is still there.

With the holy beads in hand, he no longer has to work hard to cultivate slaves.

Who can not swallow this holy land?

As for why Ling Xiao knew the good fortune he had obtained in the past few days, even if the ghosts were meticulous and strategic, he would never expect that the realm here was actually controlled by Ling Xiao.


What are you kidding?

To evolve the world, that is done by the supreme powerful.

No matter how evil the young man is, how can he comprehend the mighty power?


Ling Xiao didn’t hesitate at all, and directly threw the blood drop in his hand towards Gui Wupao.

This pearl has recognized him as the master, and his spiritual realm is far from comparable to that of this ghost race.

So, how could he easily occupy it by fusion?

Besides, even if he has the means to reach the sky and really integrates the ghost beads, but a divine king, in his domain, what storms can he set off?

The reason why this ghost Wubao is still alive at this time is just because he has not exhausted his luck and has not triggered the kill reward.

Keep giving him hope, and keep calling him desperate.

In this way, he can quickly kill himself.


But at this time, seeing what Ling Xiao had done, Elder Elder’s eyes already had tears.

although! !

He didn’t know exactly what the blood-colored ghost orb was, but the power exuding from it was terrifying.

Being able to be used as a bargaining chip by Gui Wubao in exchange for oneself, obviously, this bead must be the treasure in the world.


Yu’er didn’t hesitate at all, so he gave the pearl to Gui Wubao.

Although this move is a bit irrational, it can be better to see Yu’er’s friendship for him! !

Yuer! !

My lover! !

After all, you did not disappoint as a teacher! !

Don’t worry, as long as you can get through today’s difficulties, being a teacher will definitely help you reach the top of the world! ! !

“Hahahahaha! Ling Xiao, I didn’t expect that, although you are a demon, you are so affectionate! What a deep love between master and apprentice, I will be moved by you to cry.”

Gui Wupao held the Bloodthirsty Ghost Orb in one hand, and his face suddenly raised a touch of sarcasm.

He really didn’t expect that Ling Xiao’s mind was so simple that he would actually return the holy pearl to him.

Destiny! ! Destiny! !

After all, you are just a stepping stone on my journey to a vast immortal… a bigger and harder stepping stone! !

only! !

At the moment when Gui Wubo’s voice fell, his face suddenly solidified.

Especially at this moment, the indifferent touch on Ling Xiao’s face made him feel an indescribable chill.

“Rel…melt me!!”

Gui Wupao looked down at the blood drop in his hand, frowning gradually.

I’m gonna!

Why is the soul consciousness in this bead more terrifying than yourself?

This… unscientific! !

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