Chapter 487


Ling Xiao stood proudly in the void, staring coldly at the two soul shadows below, with a hint of playfulness at the corners of his mouth.

This ghostly method is indeed clever.

First pretend to be weak, let the old man relax his guard, and then swear by Dao Xin, Xu Zhicao, let him completely fall into the trap.

Although Ling Xiao didn’t know, why this ghost Wubao didn’t refine Old Pill into a slave.

However, these pill players themselves are much more terrifying than ordinary strong people in the same realm.

And Elder Elder was able to fuse the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire Seal into Jiang Yu’s waste body, probably with very comparable methods.

but! !


Shameless! !

This ghostless soul is really shameless!

Even the grandfather deceived and deceived and claimed his destiny in vain.

But suddenly, Ling Xiao felt that this ghostless trick was…somewhat familiar?

I’m gonna!

“Elder Dan, I have some spiritual materials to restore the soul, you see what else you need, I will look for it again.”

Gui Wupao flicked his palm, and saw that the soul lock that had imprisoned Elder Elder instantly loosened, but did not disappear, and then handed the biluo spirit fruit and a few spirit grass to the latter’s hand.

“Hehe, Elder Elder, can you understand it? After all, you are a powerful emperor. If I let you go completely at this time, I am afraid…hehe, as long as you refine the pill to help me recover my soul, I will do it right away. Let you go.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly. At this time, this ghostless spirit was obviously going to compete with himself for the Osika Little Golden Man.

The highest level of acting is to be realistic and to be substituted into it.

If Gui Wubao is too unscrupulous, I am afraid Elder Elder will definitely have doubts in his heart.

His worries at this time just dispelled the latter’s doubts.

You are a god emperor, I am so scared, so… you can safely help me refine alchemy, I can’t beat you.


Gui Wubao, you are really my little actor.

Every word and deed has ulterior motives.

“Bi Luo Ling Guo?!”

Old Dan’s face trembled, and he looked down at the Lingguo in his hand, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

This kind of spiritual material, even in his eyes, can be called a heavenly good fortune.

If he was in his heyday, he could completely make this fruit as the main material to make seven-grade pill.

But now…

“I can use this to refine an exquisite soul-nourishing pill, a sixth-rank high-level category, hey, what a pity… If there is a drop of chalcedony that contains the essence of earth and stone, this pill will surely be among the seventh-rank. !”

Elder Dan showed solemn eyes, but Ghost Wupa frowned, “Elder Elder, I don’t know where the stone jelly marrow grows?”

“Usually it will be bred on the top of Lingshan Mountain, half-yin and half-yang, but it takes a hundred years for this marrow to condense.”

Old Dan sneered, why?

Are you planning to find me a drop now?

Just before he waited for the laughter from the bottom of his heart, he nodded seriously when he saw that Gui Wubao nodded his head seriously, turned and headed towards the top of the mountain.

“Oh, then Elder Dan wait a moment.”

“Rocky chalcedony?”

At the same time, Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, found a drop of white chalcedony from Qiankun’s bag, and threw it onto a black rock on the top of the mountain.

He didn’t have rock jade spirit marrow, after all, it was not a treasure.

But his drop of chalcedony is a rare spiritual thing, and the earth and stone essence contained in it is dozens of times more terrifying than that of rock chalcedony.

Even in order to allow Gui Wubao to find this marrow smoothly, Ling Xiao took out a Dao Cauldron from the Qiankun Ring and placed it on the rock.


Elder Dan was obviously Dao Soul Body, and the spirit weapon on his body might have been taken away long ago.

He doesn’t know if this Ghost Wupa has a tripod, but…

You two can hurry up, don’t have to look for tripod in a while.

really! !

When the figure of Gui Wubao appeared on the top of the mountain, he saw the blue ancient tripod on the rock and a drop of white chalcedony beside it.


Even the latter’s xinxing couldn’t help but froze in place at this time.

What… trough? !

What is this called? !

If you want to sleep, someone brings a pillow? !

Could it be that my ghostly luck is so terrifying?

What is this lacking, what will Dad of Heaven send me? !

Suddenly, Gui Wupao knelt directly on the ground, and smashed into the void two times.

At this time he felt a great sense of mission and responsibility.

This heaven and Dao are so sheltered, he can no longer achieve the supreme heaven and earth, it is simply insulting his luck.


I have no brains?

Can’t tell the clue for such a fake routine?

I’m gonna!

Son of Destiny, who doesn’t want to refining souls, there will be soul grass present, and want to refining bodies, there will be the fall of divine beasts?

What’s all the fuss about.

When Gui Wupao returned to Elder Elder Elder with the chalcedony in his hand, the expression on the latter’s face suddenly solidified.

I’m gonna! !

This is… Chalcedony? !

Are you sure this ghost is not acting me?

What do I want, what does he give me?

Originally, Elder Pill just wanted to use this Bi Luo Lingguo to refine a sixth-grade pill for Gui Wubao.

After all, this ghost has a sinister heart, and it is necessary to be careful.

But, who he… could think that he not only found the spiritual essence, but also a drop of spiritual essence! !

This is awesome. If I can’t make a seventh-grade pill, will he use this as an excuse to punish me?

“Elder Elder, how about this marrow?”

Gui Wubao smiled indifferently, with a calm gesture.

“Uh, hehe, this marrow… is so wonderful, but, in such a wilderness, I don’t have a way… No, as long as there is a god, I also have…”


Before Dan’s old voice could fall, Gui Wupao waved his palm, and saw a blue ancient tripod appearing in his hand instantly.

“Elder Pang, Dao Ding, I have.”

I you…

Elder Elder spit out a bit of old blood, and finally resisted the anger in his heart, nodded and chuckled, “It seems that you are well prepared.”

“Hehe, Elder Dan has praised him.”

Gui Wubo Sen sneered and handed Dao Ding into Elder Dan’s hands, “Elder Dan, please start your performance?”

“Hehe, if you want to make a seven-tier pill, this process may take longer, so you’d better be mentally prepared.”

Elder Dan held the cauldron in one hand, put the several spiritual materials into it with the other hand, turned his soul into fire, and sat down quietly.

Since this evil demon swears with Dao heart, he must not dare to swear at will.

With this demons and the like, Dao’s heart is unstable, and it was just said that he wanted to kill people.

If he is troubled by the demons again, it would be a catastrophe in terms of the path of cultivation.

After understanding this, Elder Elder didn’t hesitate anymore, his hand-printing technique changed, and the whole body was suddenly awe-inspiring to frighten the world.

Seeing this scene, Gui Wubao’s mouth suddenly raised a smile.

A seven-grade pill, looking at the West Xinjiang is also the supreme treasure.

Now that he has just stepped into the Sixth Rank Divine King Realm, he just took this opportunity to stabilize his realm.

At that time, Dan Cheng, broke through, and took control of this old thing, and then the two joined hands to punish Ling Xiao.

Ghost Orb, Magic Knife, and Spirit Fire are all available. In this life, who else is worthy of being my ghostless opponent?

Hehe, compared to the lost soul slave, identity and even the dynasty.

Obviously this time, what he got was countless times more precious!

I, Gui Wubao, lost once, and vowed never to lose again! !

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