Chapter 484

“This breath…”

Gui Wupao’s eyes were gloomy, and finally there was a solemn look on his face.

only! !

After seeing the figure that came out of the soul light, there was a touch of…the ultimate fear in his eyes.

That kind of devilish air like the sea seemed to cover up the light of heaven and earth.

The world has lost its color, and there is no fairy god in the world.

The river and the sea are against the current, but I am the only one in charge of the world!

Demon, covering the path of immortality, breaking Cangming.

After all the tribulations, hold your head up to the heavens.

That kind of looking at the world, dominating the ages, is completely natural, derived from the original heart, and it is not something that can be cultivated.

This is a great demon, big enough to kill immortal punish gods, reverse reincarnation and even…suppress the way of heaven.

“Di, the Son of Destiny is in fear. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 500 points and the villain for 5,000 points.”

“Why… how can there be such a fierce demon in this lower realm?”

With the vision of ghosts and no souls, he hadn’t even noticed at this time that the one who appeared in front of him was not a big monster at all.

It was this prehistoric, only true demon, the Primordial Heaven Demon.

For this name, Gui Wubao knows it.

Even in the land of the upper realm, no one dared to praise his real name.

As for this savage holy state, why do so many people know the word “Tian Mo” and call it by name?

The ignorant is fearless.

Three hundred years ago, there was a demon in the Holy State who came to the world and slaughtered the world.

Soon, the demon was condemned by the holy religion, and the divine lord became a nine-day immortal god in the eyes of the world.

Later, some believers of the sacred religion went out of Central Xinjiang and preached everywhere, talking about the great achievements of the gods in slaying the gods.

For the people of the Holy State, they never knew the true power of the demon, so they probably never really understood the true strength of this fierce demon from the beginning.

The ignorant ant can’t even lift his head, so how can he know the vastness of the world.

Even when someone mentioned the word “Tianmo” on weekdays, Gui Wubao also sneered at it.

If there were real descendants of Heavenly Demon in this barbarous little world, this place would have been an exquisite territory.

As for the legendary god Lord Zhuotian Demon…

Haha, don’t say that people in this world, even the world master of his world, is not counted as a fart in front of the demon.

Kill the devil?



Above the void, Ling Xiao stood with his hands behind him.

Outside the body, the devilish energy turns into a shadow, and it is faintly the appearance of a human head and dragon claws.

The surging blood covered the sky, and he stood there, like a large furnace of Wang Yang, like a cauldron refining the world, radiating the most extreme sun heat.

“Shenhou realm? You… really hide your cultivation base.”

At this time, Gui Wubao no longer had the calmness it had before, and there was panic in a pair of evil pupils.

For some reason, the cultivation base of the fierce demon in front of him is obviously not high, but when he sees him, Gui Wubao feels frightened and wants to surrender.

“I don’t believe it, you can crush me.”

In the end, Gui Wupao gritted his teeth and slapped a strong palm.

In front of him, all the void was shattered, and a white bone palm exuded monstrous power.

Such a crystal clear color has a faint sacred meaning.

The charm of the sky was like waves and the sky was trembling, and the whole ghost world suddenly screamed.



The palm of the bone seemed to be slow, but at an almost eternal speed, it moved towards Ling Xiao’s anger mark, triggering the sound of the Taoist to tremble.

Before it fell, the ghosts in the world had already bowed down, making waves of hiss in sorrow and fear.

The endless vision began to rise and fall, and the space in front of him seemed to be unable to withstand the mighty force, suppressing the roaring wind.

“Ghost’s means, but so.”

only! !

Facing such a shocking blow, Ling Xiao’s face remained calm.

Then, he slowly raised his palm, clenched it into a fist, and lightly banged it towards the bone palm.

“Clang clang.”

At this moment, Gui Wubao could hear his heart trembling violently.

There is also the voice of Huang Zhongda Lu in his ears directly hitting his mind.

Qi and blood are like tides, shocking demons.

The void began to twist. Behind Ling Xiao, the terrifying demon shadow also blasted out with a punch, greeted the giant palm of the white bone that came from the cover.


The crisp sound of broken bones resounded across the world instantly.

Gui Wubao looked at the bone palm that was stagnant in the air with fear, and in a short period of time, countless cracks were already densely covered on it.


Ling Xiao’s face was always calm, and he drank lightly, and the giant white bone palm instantly shattered into a sky full of soul light, dissipating invisible.

“how is this possible?”

Gui Wuhou’s body trembled, and there was panic on his face.

The palm of his hand just now is an extremely terrifying style in the scriptures he has compiled.

But even so, it was easily broken by the demon in front of him.

Suddenly, Gui Wubao felt a deep chill.

“I don’t believe it!! I don’t believe it!!”

“Xuanyin Yama Sacred Code, burn my soul, sacrifice the Nine Nether Sword!!!”

Gui Wupao hissed out with a bitter expression.

I saw the thousands of ghosts that originally stood behind him, suddenly looking up to the sky and let out an ear-splitting cry.

Then, it turned directly into a soul light, and headed towards the gathering of ghosts.

A Hundred-Zhang Soul Sword, outlining the general trend out of thin air.

There seems to be a pattern of Dao flowing on it, and ghost images are scattered, but it does not show evil.

This is a sword of extreme horror, and it is also the most powerful killing and cutting move in the current classics of the ghost clan.

With one sword, the universe is broken, the yin and yang are chaotic, and the immortal Buddha punishes.

Facing this sword that could be called opening the sky, Ling Xiao’s expression also became solemn.

Heirs of the ghost clan, the evil spirits of the upper realm, the king of the gods, this ghost is worthy of the destiny behind the scenes.

The premise of acting as a pig is that you have to eat tigers.

If you are a sheep, you can look like a pig again, with a hammer.

But… Even so, he still cannot escape today.

At this moment, Ling Xiao still only stretched out a hand, holding it out of emptiness.

A ray of black light seemed to come through from the Taikoo Cave, and instantly turned into a pitch-black blade.

The magic is surging on it, and the endless Tao is intertwined in the void.

The vastness of the gods, the sword intent that had filled the world, suddenly stopped, as if fearful, and began to recede like a tide.

“Nine Nether Sword, cut!!”

Upon seeing this, Gui Wubao’s eyes became more panic, but at this time there was no way out. He could only grit his teeth, stick out a palm, grab the sword of the dark cage, and then slashed towards the demon shadow above his head.


The world is crying together, as if wailing.

Countless visions emerged from the shadow of the sword, with great power and punishment.

But Ling Xiao just swiped a knife calmly, and even a hint of disdain was on his Qingjun face.

At the end of the sky, there was a magic light like the sun.

In a short period of time, the giant star fell from the sky.

The mighty magic power suppresses the heavens, illuminates the ten thousand realms, and shook the eternity.

Then, a reckless groan suddenly resounded in Gui Wubao’s heart.

Taikoo, good fortune.

I saw a hundred-zhang sword light, as if the Milky Way was hanging upside down, revealing the indestructible hegemony, and it quickly fell towards the soul sword.

This kind of magic power, not to mention the god king, is afraid that the god emperor is strong, and he will panic and avoid the edge for the time being.


At the moment the sword collided, the Dao Code collapsed on its own.

Countless demonic ghosts shattered instantly, and the indescribable power covered thousands of miles of the sky.

In the end, above the soul sword, the aura annihilated and began to disperse.

However, the Primordial Dao Mang did not reduce its momentum, and slashed towards the ghost without a soul.

“Do not!!!”

Ghost Wubao’s breath swelled violently, and a dazzling light broke out again on the originally dim soul body.

The majestic Tianwei bursts out from his body, the mountains and rivers are undulating, and the waves are magnificent.

Then, in Ling Xiao’s surprised gaze, he used his whole body strength to move an inch away from Ling Xiao’s soul consciousness.

In today’s situation, if he doesn’t escape, he will surely die.

Ling Xiao is strong, but he is a demon after all.

Gui Wubao was betting on the power of this knife, betting Ling Xiao dare not reveal his true identity in front of Qin Wushuang and others.

Only in this way can the other side find a ray of life in the chaos.

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