Chapter 478

“Good wine.”

Ling Xiao took a sip of his drink, but still didn’t want to do it.

Four gods, he waved to kill.

But without him, Qin Wupao would never hurt himself even a bit.

Otherwise, isn’t this game for him in vain?

The back hall of Qin Palace, before Qin Wushuang’s bedroom.

Qin Wupao hugged the black cat, frowning slightly.

Why doesn’t Ling Xiao do it yet?

His original intention was to make Jing’an Temple turbulent and make noises.

Then, it was time for him to perform.

But at this time, that bastard didn’t mean to do anything at all?

Inexplicably, Qin Wupao’s heart suddenly felt uneasy.

Could it be that Ling Xiao saw his intention?

Humph, what if you see it?

You don’t do it… I do it myself!


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the Jing’an Temple.

I saw that the four guards who had been approaching Lingxiao suddenly chopped each other, and Linghui rose up into the sky, almost overturning the main hall.

Countless tyrannical auras surged across the entire Qin Palace.

A group of figures stepped out of the palace, rushing towards the Jing’an Temple.

At this time, Ling Xiao just looked at the four guards who were all down to the ground with a tragic death, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised a touch of evil.

Immediately afterwards, his figure suddenly disappeared in the hall.

“Hmph, Ling Xiao, this time, I see how you defend it.”

Looking at the aura that pierced the sky in Midair, the corners of Qin Wupa’s mouth raised slightly, his eyes flickering.

And the soul world that was originally shrouded in Jing’an Hall, instantly disappeared cleanly.

After all, with Ling Xiao’s strength, it is absolutely impossible to break through his soul world.

What’s more, many god emperors in Da Qin have noticed the movement here, and he wants to run, but it is too late.

Such a perfect plan makes people a little proud to think about it.

Effortlessly, with only four puppets, this greatest threat was wiped out.

As for the spiritual fire on him…

People who know this secret, Da Qin is afraid that there are no more than three people.

Now Ling Xiao is in the Qin Palace, even if he dies, the body will definitely be under strict supervision.

But Qin Wupao only needs to lurch beside Qin Wushuang, and he can always find a chance to get close to Ling Xiao.

Everything is seamless and flawless.

Even if the sacred religion and the divine master come, there is only one evil demon in the Great Qin Emperor’s Palace today, that is, Ling Xiao.

I said! !

I, Qin Wupai, a ghost, a little clever ghost! !

“Next, it should be a fatal blow.”

Qin Wupao sneered, and his figure suddenly flew out and rushed towards Qin Wushuang’s bedroom.

At the same time, his voice resounded loudly, filled with panic and helplessness, “Ling Xiao!!! My sister will not let you go.”

And his figure flew out directly, knocking open the hall door.

Just when he was in the air, the spirit left the body at this moment and sank into the body of the cat and beast in his arms.

I saw a ray of faint blue light flashing from the cat’s eyes, and a touch of human coldness flashed across the corner of its mouth.

The time is reasonable and the expression is in place!


Qin Wupao sneered inwardly. So far, the plan was completely over.

The four guards died tragically, their souls were photographed, and many emperors besieged Lingxiao.

He was born weak, and under the desperate protection of the guards, he ran here, but he was still hit by the sorcery of the sky, and his body died and the soul was scattered.

This black cat and beast was my favorite during his lifetime, and my sister will definitely cherish it and bring it by her side to see things and think about people.

In this way, spiritual fire or something is not ready to be received.

Interlocking and precise deployment.

“No soul!!!”

Qin Wushuang’s pretty face was taken aback, and then suddenly paled, he stepped straight out and fell to Qin Wupao’s side.

Seeing this scene, Qin Wupai’s mouth suddenly raised a smile, and his four claws rushed into Qin Wushuang’s arms.

only! ! ! !

Just when he wanted to put on a pitiful look with enjoyment, his eyes condensed fiercely.

At this moment, above the hall, a figure in white clothes was looking at him with a smile.

That’s right, not looking at the corpse on the ground, but at the black cat he had taken away.

“Ling Xiao!!!”

how is this possible?

At this moment, Qin Wupai was suddenly lost.

Even for a moment, he had doubted, could it be possible… Does Ling Xiao still have a twin brother?

Otherwise, how could the spirit of the two people be exactly the same?

“Di, the Son of Destiny is trembling. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 500 points and the villain for 5000 points.”

“What am I talking about?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, raising his foot and walking to Qin Wushuang’s side, “The show is on.”

“Ling Xiao!!! Hurry up!!! Save my brother!”

Qin Wushuang looked at Ling Xiao helplessly, his beautiful eyes flooded with prayers.

Just now, Ling Xiao suddenly visited and talked with her about some affairs of the Great Qin State.

Qin Wushuang originally resisted, after all, she was the emperor of a dynasty, and it was midnight now.

This dragon lord will not leave the palace for a long time, and he will inevitably attract others to gossip.

Ling Xiao didn’t care about this, and threatened that Qin Palace would have a wonderful show tonight.

But Qin Wushuang never dreamed that the good show in Ling Xiao’s mouth turned out to be the fall of his brother Wubao?

and many more…

What is the meaning of the sentence that Wubao shouted just now?

What Ling Xiao, my sister won’t let you go?

Wupao means that he was killed by Ling Xiao?

How can it be possible?

Ling Xiao has been in her palace tonight and hasn’t left for half a step!

Could it be that an evil demon has turned into his appearance and shot Wupao?

“It’s dead, the soul has been taken away, hiss, what a vicious method.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and sighed, but the smile at the corner of his mouth was not hidden.

The one who just went to the Jing’an Temple was naturally his purple qi innocuous Dao body.

Although before, Ling Xiao didn’t know exactly what method Qin Wupao would use to deal with himself.

But, the villain, of course you must be cautious and then cautious in doing things.

No matter whether he used strong or buckled the pot, Ling Xiao made perfect preparations.

With strong strength, the three great god emperors in the realm are on standby at any time, and Ling Xiao can enter it to escape at any time.

even! !

Even if this ghost clan enchanting method is terrifying, Ling Xiao is invincible, and only a piece of his sacred body is dead, and there is no influence on the body.

As for the pot…

Haha, in the entire Qin Palace, only Qin Wushuang could make Qin Wupao fasten the pot.

So, Wushuang, the moonlight is good tonight, looking at the moon, I miss you.

“What!! No soul!!!”

Hearing this, Qin Wushuang’s delicate body trembled and almost fell to the ground, but Ling Xiao was caught in his arms.

Seeing this scene, the black cat and beast caught between the two, suddenly flashed with extreme resentment in his eyes.

Damn it! !

What exactly is going on?

Why are there two Lingxiao with exactly the same breath in this world?

With Qin Wupao’s vision, he naturally knew that there were some exercises in this world that could transform many clones to the extreme.

But that kind of exercise, even in the upper realm, is a classic handed down. How can a mere ant in the lower realm be controlled? !

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