Chapter 476

“Wupao, I have one thing, I have always wanted to ask you.”

Qin Wushuang raised his head and stared at the young man in front of him solemnly.

“Where did you get that evil skill?”

“Didn’t I tell you? This exercise was accidentally picked up when I was out before.”

Qin Wupao’s eyes were gloomy, and his tone was inexplicably low.

He couldn’t figure out why his sister went to meet Ling Xiao, and her attitude changed so much?

Then Ling Xiao, what medicine did she give her?

Even now, Qin Wushuang was obviously on guard against him, and if he wanted to plant a soul mark on her, the risk would be great.

In particular, the exercises she practiced were originally the ghost clan’s unique knowledge, and the insights into the power of the souls were far beyond the comparison of ordinary humans.

What is it called? He lifted a rock and hit him in the foot?

I’m gumpy.

Mainly, Qin Wupao really didn’t expect that Qin Wushuang’s indifferent and strong temper would be instigated by Ling Xiao in one day?

Suddenly, Qin Wupai felt as if he had encountered an opponent.

Originally, in his eyes, people in this lower realm were all trivial ants.

Even those so-called Tianjiao evildoers can’t be compared with him at all.

But now it seems that Ling Xiao is a bit uncomfortable.

“I picked it up by accident, do you mean that your practice depends on picking it up?”

Qin Wushuang sighed lightly, and picked up such a powerful and evil technique casually, who do you think you are?

Why can’t others find it, but you can find it?

According to you, everyone should stop looking for good fortune in the secret realm. They all go to the roadside and stroll around. Maybe you can find the treasure of the sky?

“Sister, what did Ling Xiao tell you?”

The gloom in Qin Wupai’s eyes grew thicker. For the first time in his life, he saw doubt in Qin Wushuang’s eyes.

“Nothing, I’ll send you back to the palace.”

Qin Wushuang pushed Mu Nun, a touch of extreme coldness on Qiao’s face.

Today, Qin Wupai’s words and deeds really make people feel…something is wrong.

Could it be that he really hides some earth-shattering secret?

It wasn’t until the two of them entered the hall that Qin Wushuang turned around and walked outside the hall.

It’s just that when she walked to the gate of the palace, she suddenly stopped.

“Wupao…you won’t lie to me, right.”

“Sister, what are you talking about, how could I lie to you!”

Qin Wupao gave a wry smile, but his eyes were suddenly bright.

Damn Ling Xiao, tonight, I’ll take you away.

Robbing a woman from me?

Ning match?

When Laozi crossed the sky and the earth, the arrogant women of all the races clamored to kneel at my feet.

Tianjiao of the world can’t wait to dedicate his soul to be my slave.

If not for the end, I was calculated by that bastard, and now I am a ghost master.

What is a mere nether ant?

If you block my road, then there should be a stepping stone to the consciousness! !

Night fell.

In front of the Blood Dragon Hall where Ling Xiao was located, a palace attendant suddenly came.

“Dragon Lord, Prince Wupao hosted a banquet in the palace, saying that he would specially entertain you today for your life-saving grace.”

Hearing this, the corners of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised, but a hint of evil flashed in his eyes.


It seems that our son of destiny, who is behind the scenes, can’t help but slap him at last.

Generally, the enchanting character of this kind of character seldom directly confronts people directly.

Regardless of the difference in the setting, their character is… Yin and evil, fierce, and in control of the situation.

This point is somewhat similar to Ling Xiao.

But obviously, this Qin Wupao’s rank can’t be compared with Ling Xiao at all.

He may be able to play with these proud daughters of Saint State as he pleases.

Even in the upper realm, it is a prestigious existence.

But he… can never play with a writer who travels through.

“This is to give me a banquet.”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, but the attendant was slightly taken aback, “Dragon Lord, the place where the banquet was held this time is in the Jing’an Hall of Master Wubao, not at the Red Gate…”

“Oh, go down, tell Master Wubao, I will go to the banquet on time.”

Ling Xiao waved his hand and dismissed the attendant.

Beside him, Xiao Beifa’s face suddenly flashed a gloomy look, “Master…Qin Wupai’s move, I am afraid it is of ulterior motives.”

Based on his understanding of the Emperor’s brother, I am afraid that today’s banquet will definitely not be as simple as thanking him.

Although Qin Wupao often does not go out of the palace, the evil spirit in him is quite annoying for Xiao Beifei.

“Of course it won’t be that simple, this young man without soul, 80% wants me to die.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, while outside Xiao Beifa, there was a fierce energy rushing into the sky in an instant.

“Master! Please allow me to enter the palace and kill this son!”

“No, you don’t need to intervene in this matter, so as not to lose your tongue. Since this Qin Wupa wants to play, then I will play with him.”

A hint of evil flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, but in his heart he probably guessed what Qin Wupai wanted to do tonight.

It’s nothing more than…

Could it be that you count on a ghost clan evildoer, take the initiative to surrender and call my father?

Of course it’s impossible, but we can fight until he yells.

Also, the moment Ling Xiao saw Qin Wupao, he had a vague guess in his heart.

It is impossible for a person from the ghost race to come to this barren land of the Holy State without a reason.

His presence here must be causal.

In addition, this Qin Wupao’s luck is terrifying, and he is afraid that he will have a great opportunity to come to the west.

Thinking about it this way, could it be related to…Xia Chen, or the soul-loving ghost beads?

This treasure can be called the supreme treasure of the ghost clan, and its rank has exceeded the setting of this realm.

For any ghost repair, this treasure is not only a good fortune of the sky, but also a great threat.

If you are addicted to soul training, you can also add to the soul.

I just don’t know if this Qin Wupao is the ghost clan evildoer who was killed by Xia Chen.

If so, this game is much more interesting.

Buddha Yun, if I don’t go to hell, who goes to hell?

It’s just that I, Ling Xiao, even if I am in hell, is the ancestor of all ghosts!

“But… Lord, that Qin Wu is both sides to protect his shortcomings, and his personality is strong and domineering. Once you have a conflict with Qin Wupao, I’m afraid…”

Xiao Beifa seemed to be a little uneasy, his eyes were scarlet and he stared at Ling Xiaodao.

“It’s okay, even if there is a conflict, I believe Wushuang will stand in front of me.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, raised his foot and walked outside the hall.

If it weren’t for Qin Wushuang’s return to the palace to say something, I’m afraid that Qin Wupao wouldn’t be so anxious to deal with himself.

So, probably Qin Wushuang now doesn’t trust him like he did before.

The fifth grade of God King, it’s okay.

The identity of Ghost Clan Soul Cultivation is naturally more threatening against ordinary monks.

But for Ling Xiao…

Haha, do you think of my ancient Pangu stone as a decoration?

Lao Tzu’s spirit realm, has long been an emperor!


Don’t worry, not only does Laozi crush you, but you also have the treasure of the ghost clan.

Was it unexpected?

When you show your fangs and reveal your identity, hey?

Qin Wushuang:? ? ? ! ! !

“Brother, you are the demon?!”

Both the woman and the dynasty have it, but you are a complete failure.

Play tricks and tricks with me?

Wubao, remember your identity, you are a younger brother.

I, Ling Xiao, is your brother-in-law!

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