Chapter 474: The Light of Righteous Path


Su Yanyin’s teeth clenched, and she could faintly feel that there was a breath in the void, which was firmly locked in her.

“Huh! You don’t have to tell me to go out, Bi Luo, go and prepare the Lingshi Lingbao I mentioned, and send it to the son!”

“It’s… miss.”

“My son! Even if Yan’er isn’t by your side, I will support you silently!!”

Su Yan’s eyes flashed and resolute, and a delicate figure in white gradually emerged in his mind.

Just… miss him.

Miss his smile, miss his tenderness, and his white star robe, and the smell of him…

Daqin, Blood Dragon Palace.

Ling Xiao closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, and the whole body seemed to be filled with Tao. Above his head, two Taoist shadows appeared, unspeakably mysterious.

“Ling Xiao is there?”

Outside the hall, an indifferent voice suddenly heard, Ling Xiao’s eyes opened, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised a smile.

“Wushuang, you are here.”

Qin Wushuang’s beautiful shadow appeared in the hall, and his beautiful eyes looked at the empty hall in surprise.

Originally, she could not enter this hall in her capacity.

What makes Qin Wushuang feel puzzled is that today’s Blood Dragon Palace is empty, even a guard has never seen it.

“How is Qin Wupai?”

“Wupao, it’s all right, I want to make it clear, since the marriage contract was made by an ancestor, I would like to marry you.”

Qin Wushuang’s voice was still indifferent, but at this time, Ling Xiao didn’t give her a deep look.

Will this woman suddenly change her mind?

Obviously, this is a conspiracy.

All he could do with Qin Wupa’s method was to control the soul slave and secretly attack himself.

Or the suspicion made Qin Wushuang suspect that he was ill-intentioned.

These routines, Ling Xiao was so bad, how could he be caught in his trap?

“Hehe, Wushuang, I have heard about you a long time ago, and I suspect that the same person who destroyed the Zhennan Palace and killed my Great Qin Emperor should be the same person.”

Ling Xiao chuckled lightly, her expression calm, and she didn’t show the triumphant triumphant triumph that Qin Wushuang had imagined.

how come?

Isn’t he… really trying to seek the throne?

“What do you mean by this? The killing of the imperial rebels has already been rectified on the spot by General Xiao, you mean…”

“Wushuang, you think things are too simple. The rebellion in the Zhennan Palace was the beginning of the turmoil in Daqin. If such rebels are so easy to kill, why should they plan this rebellion?”

Ling Xiao shook his head, but his face gradually became serious.

“But… now the court is stable and the country is calm, if someone really hides behind the scenes, what exactly is he plotting?”

In fact, to be honest, Qin Wushuang didn’t quite believe that Ling Xiao was his father-killing enemy.

After all, the Zhennan Palace was destroyed ten years ago. How old was Ling Xiao at that time?

How could he be his father’s opponent?

However, as Qin Wupai said, perhaps there is a shameful force behind him who is secretly supporting him.

Therefore, Qin Wushuang came, and she wanted to find out whether Qin Wupai’s guess was true.

She has been searching for years to kill her father and enemy, but she has never found a clue.

The appearance of Ling Xiao was indeed too coincidental.

His methods are weird and brutal, and his uncharacteristic suspicions are not unreasonable.

“What is the conspiracy? Of course, it is conspiracy of heaven and earth, conspiracy of strength, unparalleled. In this world, some people look like people, but they are not people. The most dangerous place is often the safest place. The more you pretend to be weak and pitiful, maybe he The more unspeakable secrets are hidden in the body.”

Ling Xiao sneered, but Qin Wushuang’s eyes suddenly widened.

The most dangerous place is the safest place?

The more you pretend to be weak, the more you hide your secrets?

Suddenly, Qin Wushuang felt that Ling Xiao was referring to Qin Wupa, but…there was no evidence.

how is this possible?

I grew up watching my younger brother. Although his vision is very precise, he even… once taught her an evil technique.

But he did all this for me.

What’s more, how could he kill his father?

This Ling Xiao really had ulterior motives. It was only a day before he couldn’t bear it and provoke the relationship between our siblings!

Looking at Qin Wushuang who was in deep thought, the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a touch of evil.

There was a trace of ghost in this woman’s body.

Obviously, this breath does not belong to her, it is bound to be related to Qin Wupao.

He didn’t expect a Demon Demon to believe him so easily, but after all, after today, Qin Wushuang would plant a thorn in his heart.

Once in the future, Qin Wupao would have any unusual behavior, Qin Wushuang would definitely have doubts in his heart.


Did Qin Wupao act abnormally?

It’s okay, he doesn’t, I will help him with it!

Don’t ask, ask is…

I am Ling Xiao, upright and righteous, this is not to attack the female emperor of Qin Dynasty, I just want her to recognize the reality and avenge her father as soon as possible.

The destruction of Zhennan Prince’s House is really weird.

Even when the Zhennan King died, even his soul was drained.

With this method, apart from himself, the entire Saint State is afraid that only Qin Wupao, a ghost clan, is good at it.

Since it wasn’t himself, it was only possible that Qin Wupao did it.

In this regard, Ling Xiao also had some guesses in his heart.

No matter how Qin Wupao’s soul passed through the Holy State, he was obviously not a human being.

Therefore, the blood kinship is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

In Xia Chen’s memory, the Ghost Race has always regarded the Human Race as a great enemy.

And he punished King Zhennan, from his point of view, it was not crazy.

I’m afraid, most of it is to improve strength.

After all, for this race, souls and spirits are the best nourishment.

This is the same principle as the human race hunting the demon race and practicing with its blood and demon pill.

It is impossible for a ghost race to practice blatantly in the realm of the human race.

This is probably why he played as a pig.

Without precaution, he rushed to practice secretly.

It has to be said that this Qin Wupao’s approach and disposition are all terrifying.

For thirty years of tolerance, he quietly cultivated to the level of the fifth grade of the god king.

Even if you look at the holy state, he can be called an evildoer, not to mention that the cultivation resources he has are very limited.

If you have no worries, I am afraid that this guy has already become an emperor.

Behind the scenes, the IQ is online, the methods are cruel, but they are…

I, Ling Xiao, the light of the right way, ready to shine on him! !

“Then you think, in my Qin Palace, who is most suspicious?”

Qin Wushuang snorted coldly in his heart, but there was a hint of doubt on his face.

Hearing that, Ling Xiao just shook his head and smiled, “After all, I first came to the Qin Palace, how do I know who is most suspected, but… the tragic death of the palace lady today proves that there must be demons in this Qin Palace.”

“Of course, although I don’t know who is most suspected, Wushuang, you can completely trust me.”

In Ling Xiao’s eyes, he suddenly revealed his affection, and then directly reached out to hold Qin Wushuang’s jade hand, and said in a gentle manner, “If I want this Qin Chao Jiangshan, you know, I will fight it directly, Xijiang, who can stop him? I?”

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