Chapter 439: Your Master

“Huh? Use you?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, don’t give Han Qingqiu a deep look, “How to use it?”

“The current Immortal Lord Hanyue is a person of the sacred cult. Although they will definitely attack me in the end, … now they value my cultivation very much.”

Well, raising pigs and killing pigs are indeed tactics used by the strong.

Don’t ask me how the wise Dao Weiguang knows!

The question is… I guessed it! !

“how do you want to do it?”

“Since the son of the previous arrangement, using Jiang Chen and Xia Feng to attract the attention of the world, why not take the opportunity to hold this pot firmly?”

It is cooperation, Han Qingqiu naturally wants to win Ling Xiao’s trust.

Even, if this person can be tempted by her, then… won’t Ling Xiao become a puppet in her hands?

Han Qingqiu is still somewhat confident of her own charm.

“Oh? You mean…”

The corners of Ling Xiao’s mouth grew stronger, but he was a little mocking in his heart.

In this cold season, being smart is smart, but sometimes people are too smart, which is not necessarily a good thing.

The holy teachings condemned her, perhaps because of her principles.

But Ling Xiao now mastered her real secret.

A secret enough to make the entire Holy State fall into madness.

And this is why he dared to take advantage of Han Qingqiu.

Once the latter betrays him, the end will inevitably be extremely miserable.

Of course, before this, some means still have to be arranged.

For example…memory erasure, soul inscription…

“The palace lord sent me down the mountain to help the divine envoy find someone. Unfortunately, I fell into the hands of the real demon Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen took this opportunity to blackmail the Hanyue Immortal Palace, and then the son will kill the demon… so…”

Han Qingqiu’s eyes are enchanting, revealing endless charm.

But Ling Xiao smiled and nodded, “Yes, in this way, both treasures and famous names, but…”

“To be on the safe side, it is better to erase your previous memory.”


Han Qingqiu didn’t hesitate at all, and the corners of his mouth raised a radian.

At the moment, Ling Xiao is her only hope for revenge.

Not to mention erasing memories, even if… even… that… she won’t refuse!

As long as the sacred religion can be destroyed, it will not be in vain to cut off the roots of the immortal and cultivate the Tao from the beginning.


“Remember, Ling Xiao is your master.”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised, just like he had dealt with Baizhixi, a voice was buried in the depths of this Han Qingqiu soul.

The advantage of this spirit inscription is that no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is impossible to detect the abnormality.

But in the same way, this method will not take effect immediately, but will affect people’s minds imperceptibly.

Even those who have attachments in their hearts may not necessarily be inscribed.

“How do you send a letter to Hanyue Immortal Palace?”

Looking at Han Qingqiu with a dazed light in front of him, Ling Xiao’s expression was calm and authentic.

“Lord… Young Master, I have a sound transmission rune from Hanyue Immortal Palace on my body.”

Han Qingqiu flipped his hand and saw a golden charm appeared in his hand.

Ling Xiao just nodded faintly, “Let Palace Master Hanyue send five Taoist artifacts, a hundred divine artifacts, and a hundred spirit pills of Grade 4 or higher to redeem you.”

“Remember, ask her to send a fairy palace to the Pingyang Mountains. I only give her one day. If you dare to play tricks, I will come to collect the corpse for you.”

“Xiangong evildoer? In addition to me, there is one person from the line of Palace Master Hanyue, who is my senior brother! But… the son…”

A hesitation flashed across Han Qingqiu’s face.

Five Taoist artifacts, one hundred artifacts, and one hundred spiritual pills of rank 4 and above.

For Hanyue Immortal Palace, it was terrifying.


With the temperament of Palace Master Hanyue, he might not be willing to come up with such details in exchange for his own life.

Of course, she didn’t dare to say more at this time, but relayed a message to Palace Master Cold Moon according to Ling Xiao’s words.

Ling Xiao stared at the temple in the distance, his eyes revealed dignity.

How could he not think of the things Han Qingqiu thought of?

The five Taoist artifacts alone would be enough for Hanyue Immortal Palace to have a headache.

Dao Qi is something that every top power has, but not too many.

Besides, Hanyue Immortal Palace is a sect, not a dynasty, after all, it stands here only to guard the western borders for the holy religion.

Unlike the dynasty, countless dynasties paid tribute under his command.


Even if the Palace Master Hanyue was unwilling, Han Qingqiu was also a goddess evildoer that the Holy Sect believed in.

Now that the Holy Church is here, she will inevitably consult adults before she does anything.

By the time…

Hehe, not only can he get the treasure in his hands smoothly, but also find a suitable excuse for Han Qiuqing to get out of trouble.

The demon beheading matter, of course, seemed solemn in the presence of that sacred “divine envoy”.

As for why we should send a fairy palace evildoer to come…

Hehehe, of course, to make a bet, this evildoer is out of luck.

In case of a right bet, isn’t it a small surprise again? !

“Wait here, waiting for the news from Palace Master of the Cold Moon.”

Ling Xiao didn’t explain, turned and walked towards the distant temple.

It’s time to solve the problem of Su Hui in Ye Qingchan’s body.

From the very beginning, Ling Xiao knew that there was a Su Hui in Ye Qingchan’s soul sea, who would become a new self after awakening.

Moreover, it is the strongest existence between heaven and earth that can retain the reincarnation of Su Hui.

Ling Xiao originally wanted to capture Ye Qingchan’s heart and make her obsessed, so that even if she awakens completely one day, she will eventually be used by him.

But right now, it seems that Ye Qingchan alone can’t deal with the cause and effect of her past life.

Ye Qingchan had been waiting for a long time until Ling Xiao’s figure appeared above the Tiandian.

There was a faint sadness on her face at this moment.

Even if she trusted Ling Xiao again, she knew the horror of the ancient soul in her soul sea.

The so-called Su Hui is actually one and two souls.

When the cultivation base is sufficient, the ancient soul will slowly awaken, become powerful, and eventually swallow her soul and reappear in the previous life.

And Ling Xiao…after all, is just a young evildoer, how can he contend with such characters hundreds of years ago?

“The son.”

Ye Qingchan gently nestled in Ling Xiao’s arms, slowly closing her eyes.

“Things are resolved?”


A smile appeared on Ling Xiao’s face, and he gently stroked Ye Qingchan’s jade back.

At this moment he could feel the latter’s nervousness, but an ancient soul…how could it embarrass him?

“The son, that son of Qiu… is he a woman?”

“Huh? You can see it too?”

Ling Xiao looked down at Ye Qingchan in surprise, just seeing her looking up.

With eyes facing each other, Ye Qingchan’s eyes suddenly saw tears.

“My son…Although I want to stay by your side too, but…if I really fall here today, I will be buried here.”

“What nonsense are you talking about.”

“Listen to me, son, I know, there is no way for a good man like you to have only one beauty. Qing Chan is really honored to be by your side. Let Qing Chan stay with you, even if it’s dead. , I also want to die in the arms of the son.”

Ye Qingchan’s jade hand slowly used force, and the whole person seemed to melt into Ling Xiao’s arms.

But at this time, in the sea of ​​souls, the ancient soul fell silent for some reason.

For some reason, after knowing Ling Xiao’s true identity, her heart has been filled with an inexplicable anxiety.

“I’ve said that as long as you don’t want to, no one can force you to leave, including the other self in your body.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, and his whole body rushed into the sky, completely shattering the cloud above his head.

In the realm, there is a magical sun covering the sky, the light is full, and the gods are mighty.

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