Chapter 426

Into the night.

In the Tiance Army, Ling Xiao looked at the generals in front of him, with a groan on his face.

“No! That Gao Wenyong kept General Yuan alone in one place, it is impossible that he wanted to take the opportunity…”


The crowd condensed their eyes slightly, and suddenly felt a trace of anxiety in their hearts.

Gao Wenyong’s feud with General Yuan is not a day or two.

Now that everyone came here to take refuge, wouldn’t it be easy for him to find any reason to kill the general?

“My son! How can this be good?”

“No way!! I’ll rush into the city now and rescue the general!!”


Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, and finally sighed lightly, “This is just my guess. You have seen it in the daytime. Then Gao Wenyong is eager for us to resist, so he has an excuse to do it. Then, the military will look strange to me. Presumably that Gao Wenyong would not pay attention to me as a man of the gods…”

“The son can’t be! Outside this resident, there is at least one god king and two gods watching. Once you get out of this place, you will be afraid of them…”

In the crowd, someone suddenly exclaimed.

“At this time, there are so many worries. General Yuan is my elder brother Ning Tiance’s most loyal fighter. If he has any surprises, tell me how to face eldest brother in the future! You don’t have to persuade, if… Gao Wenyong dare to… Humph, I will tell him to pay the price!”

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and took off the heavy armor outside. “In a moment, you only need to help me attract the attention of those heavy cloud city powerhouses. I see the general and return immediately.”

On the way here, Ling Xiao had asked Yuan Fei to wait for his news before acting.

And what he has to do at this time, of course, is to personally send that great Zhou warlord for the last time!

As for Gao Wenyong…

I’m gonna!

A second-grade god emperor, don’t you think I am really afraid of him, do you?

“The son!!”

When the generals heard the words, there was a touch of awe in their eyes.

No wonder! !

No wonder God would rather be brothers with such a young man, and even hand the War God Order into his hands!

It turns out that the son is like the god of war, loves generals, loyal, and is willing to wait for me to be crushed! !

“The son!!! Righteousness!!!”

Several generals got up and bowed deeply to Ling Xiao, their faces filled with emotion.

“Okay, go make some noise, so that I can get out of it.”

Ling Xiao’s figure disappeared, and that day, the generals stepped out of the military tent and walked away.

“Everyone in Chongyun City, I’m already hungry after waiting for three days, can I…”

At this time, Ling Xiao had already left the northern part of the city and headed towards a hall in the city.

How could he feel his breath for the mere king of gods?

Acting, of course, everyone must be involved.

A sense of substitution! !

The third-rate author kindly reminds you that it will be fun to substitute in!

Zhongyun City, the central hall.

Although it was late at night, the hall was still brightly lit.

Ling Xiao’s spiritual knowledge dispersed, and Yuan Fei’s breath was quickly felt.

At this moment, outside the hall, two powerful gods and several gods scattered them and stood on guard.

And above the hall, there is still a formation enveloped, obviously for Yuan Fei, that Gao Wenyong is very jealous.


Regardless of whether it is a god commander or a formation method, it is of no use to Ling Xiao.

The world was suddenly dark for a moment, and the cold moon above his head seemed to be covered by clouds.

And those gods and gods only felt the wind blowing in front of them, and then everything returned to normal.

In Ling Xiao’s glance, Heiyue floated and sank, a smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and the world-breaking talisman in his hand flashed with profound light, and his figure instantly appeared in the hall.


Yuan Fei’s previously closed eyes suddenly opened, and a terrifying trend fell down all over his body.

Just waiting to see the peerless figure in white clothes, his face finally raised a sad and sad smile.

Once, he thought that his home was the battlefield.

To die by an adversary is the greatest glory of a soldier.


That’s it!

The whole life of the army and horse is the northern territory.

The return of the God of War will live up to it!

“The son!”

Yuan Fei took a deep breath, his eyes flashing firm, “If you meet Ningshen, greet me! I, Yuan Fei, have never lost my country, my generals, and him… Ning Tiance!”

“Good! General Zhongyi, Xiao sighs inferiorly.”

With tears flickering in Ling Xiao’s eyes, he raised his head and sighed, “It is an honor to have generals such as generals in the northern border!”

“My son! Come on! Everything…for Ningshen! For the North!”

Yuan Fei closed his eyes and lost his power.

Ling Xiao groaned slightly before he sighed slightly, “General, your loyalty makes Xiao awe. Now, even though you are dead, I don’t want to see you cultivating empty-heartedly. I have a way to pass on the general principles. Using this as a motivation to flog me forward, I wonder if the general…will he…”

“The son is joking, if it is not the son, when will I be able to settle in the north! If it is righteous, the son will drive the wolf to devour the tiger, and he will not hesitate to bear the notoriety of killing people, just to save the god of war from the water and fire, the son is… true-righteousness!! Since I am a dead person, if this body cultivation is useful to the son, just take it!”

Yuan Fei bowed and bowed deeply to Ling Xiao, “My son!! Bei Jing, I beg you.”

“The general, just go with peace of mind, I will guarantee that there will be no war in the northern border in the future!”

Ling Xiao sighed, but a touch of cold flashed in his eyes.

Northland? fighting?

Adjacent to Daxia, Daqin and Daqi.

When I regain Da Qin, the Three Dynasties are in hand. Isn’t it easy to destroy Da Qi?

When the four dynasties are mine, I still play by myself?

“So, Yuan Fei is relieved! Son, let’s do it!”

“Okay!! General Yuan Fei, open up your heart, don’t panic, soon!”

Ling Xiao looked sad, and instantly swept Yuan Fei’s soul into the soul sea, and then pointed to the soul palace in the distance, “General! Go!”

“it is good!”

Yuan Fei nodded, his steps were heavy.

Scribbled for a lifetime, glimpses of light.

Fortunately, now, he died well, and even the cultivation of Dao can be used to the fullest by the son.

In this way, it is no regrets!


The overwhelming soul glow surging instantly.

I saw the black soul palace rise instantly, breaking through the threshold of the fourth rank of the god emperor.

At the same time, Shenmu Dao merged, and there was a heavy feeling in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

Then, his figure disappeared in the same place strangely, leaving the body of Yuan Fei lying in the hall, gradually cold.

“Di, the host’s behavior is in line with the villain’s style. Congratulations to the host for getting the system reward: the villain is worth 10,000 points.”


In the realm, Ling Xiao showed his figure, and the demonic energy all over his body rose to the sky, faintly turning into a huge form of hundreds of meters, covering the sky.

At this moment, the magic shadow outside him is no longer the original one.

Instead, it turned into a dragon, which was somewhat similar to Liang Yi’s evil dragon fighting body.

Moreover, I don’t know if it is an illusion. At this time, Ling Xiao seemed to feel that the vitality and vitality in his body seemed to…

“Sure enough? The heavenly demon has nine turns, one shape, and after nine turns, it will become the number one demon body forever!”


As Ling Xiao’s demon body unfolded, outside his body, nine kinds of Dao suddenly merged into one, turning into a magic sun, enveloping his entire figure.

A frightening breath quietly spread.

In the entire domain, there are demon winds, and the demon will shake the sky.

Everyone stared at the end of the world in amazement, where… Guanghua wasn’t there, just like the end of the world.

Faintly, there seems to be an eternal fierce demon who is waking up!

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