Chapter 407: A Banquet

“Huh? Hun’er…what did you say?”

Sikongyu frowned and looked at Sikonghui with some disbelief.

“Hun’er, you have to know that the two queens are very powerful in the court, and you have a close relationship with Xia Feng. Now this emperor is no longer a secret. If you vote for a new master at this time, it is not a wise move. Besides… If Xia Feng is assisted by the national teacher… I am afraid that she will be the crown prince…”

“Hehe, father, I just asked casually.”

Sikonghui nodded and smiled, only then did the loyal uncle’s face lighten slightly.

How he didn’t know that for the Sikong clan, helping Xia Feng to achieve the throne would be a great achievement from the dragon.

No matter how strong the Sikong family was, it was still under the emperor’s power.

Especially now, Xia Sheng’s line of stealing Jiangshan has no foundation at all.

If his Sagong family can help Xia Feng ascend to the throne, it will become the foundation in the latter’s hands.

The world can’t be conspired, but… the name of the first family under the imperial power is enough for the Sikong family to prosper for hundreds of years.

“You just came back, and there have been frequent major incidents in the imperial capital recently, and there is even news from the palace that a big man has arrived, but his identity is extremely mysterious. You must not provoke it, otherwise the Sikong family will be destroyed.”

Sikongyu exhorted a few words, and then moved to the hall after removing the palace ceiling.

“Big guy?”

Sikonghui raised his brows lightly, and he could be called a big man by his father. Is it possible that he is a person from Zhongjiang?

Into the night.

East of Longyun City, in front of a magnificent ancient building.

Numerous family princes and sons of important ministers gathered in front of the building, with respectful expressions and excitement in their eyes.

Many people in the surrounding city saw this scene with a touch of shock on their faces.

The prince in the palace who can make these domineering princes so humble.

Sure enough, when the figure of the three princes of Daxia came from the street, the arrogance of all the heavens rushed to meet him, bending down and flattering, looking like a slave.

Of course, at this time, most of the arrogant licks were the second prince Xia Cheng and the third prince Xia Li.

After all, these two are the daughters of the queen, and the probability of achieving the throne is greater.

As for Xia Feng…

Although the eldest prince was a bit older, the queen mother was only a concubine and died early.

Now in this imperial capital, there is no foundation at all.

Moreover, Xia Feng’s character is too weak, even Xia Cheng and Xia Li often call him by their first names, and never put him in the eyes.

Of course, Xia Feng naturally ignored all of this, even with a gentle smile on his face.

When Sikonghui returns to the city, Qiao Shuang is already his fiancée.

The two powerful ministers of Daxia have been tied up with him. Isn’t this emperor at your fingertips?


Her power is indeed great, but she is still too benevolent.

Otherwise, how could he Xia Feng survive the world?

Wait, it won’t take long. Once that adult is gone, I will tell you who is the master of Daxia!

“Haha! It’s been a long time since you all.”

But when the three princes were surrounded by everyone walking towards Yunmeng Xianlou, at the end of the street, there was a hearty laughter suddenly.

I saw that Sikonghui had changed his battle armor and was dressed in blue, which really meant a bit of a novice in the DPRK.

Beside him, Qiao Shuang’s pretty face was indifferent, and she wore a white dress that was so beautiful.

“Brother Sikong!”

For this loyal uncle’s only son, and the eldest son of Sagong who returned to the court with the merits of the war, even Xia Cheng and Xia Li greeted them with smiles and looked enthusiastic.

Qiao Shuang and the others couldn’t win over, after all, the marriage contract between her and Xia Feng was set by Emperor Xia himself.

But this Sikong Hun had been conquered for three years and he was bloody.

Even though they had some friendship with Xia Feng before, the rumors circulating in the imperial capital recently were naturally known to them as Da Xia nobles.

Gossip, everywhere is the pastime of the dignitaries.

But… In this way, the relationship between Sikonghui and Xia Feng is not necessarily as stable as it seems on the surface.

“Brother Sikong, long time no see!”

Xia Cheng stretched out his hand and took out a Qiankun bag from his arms, “There is a superb divine armor, which I obtained in a secret world before. Cheng thought that only brother Sikong deserves this kind of divine armor. .”

“Haha, the second prince is absurdly praised.”

“Brother Sikong…”

Looking at the people around Sikonghui, Xia Feng only shook his head and smiled, his expression always calm.

His relationship with the former cannot be measured by a magical tool.

Even in order to gain his trust, Xia Feng used a lot of bitter drama.

How can the life-changing friendship be measured by Lingbao?

“Brother Feng.”

Qiao Shuang walked to Xia Feng’s side with a gentle smile on his face.

But this kind of gentleness is too polite.

Suddenly, Xia Feng felt that the top of his head was itchy?

“Shuang’er has seen Uncle Zhongyi?”

Of course, out of trust in Sikonghui, Xia Feng didn’t think too much, but followed everyone’s footsteps and walked towards Yunmeng Xianlou.


Qiao Shuang was never cold or hot, but Xia Feng’s eyes flashed with doubt.

How come Qiao Shuang’s attitude towards him has changed so much after not seeing him for half a day?

Or is she shy in front of so many people?

Until everyone walked into the building and took their seats.

Sikonghui’s hospitality was difficult, and he was dragged by the second prince and the third prince to sit in one place.

Xia Feng didn’t make many friends, and now in the presence of the two princes, he didn’t dare to be too close to him.


Today’s banquet is roughly divided into two tables.

Xia Feng and Qiao Shuang were at the table, and the rest of Tianjiao were crowded beside the second emperor, Sikonghui and others.

“Shuang’er, what’s the matter with you? Why don’t you look so good?”

Xia Feng appeared extremely indifferent, but Qiao Shuang’s expression became increasingly gloomy.



Could it be… the few days when you have to be depressed every time?

“Shuang’er, or I’ll pour you a cup of hot tea.”


Qiao Shuang sighed slightly, turned his head and looked at Sikonghui.

“Brother, Shuang’er, why don’t you go there?”

But as if feeling the light in Qiao Shuang’s eyes, Sikong Hun smiled apologetically, raised his foot and walked from the side, and followed with a few Tianjiao.

“Brother Hui!”

At this time, a scene that made Xia Feng’s face sluggish happened! !

I saw that Qiao Shuang, who was still looking cold and worried, suddenly showed a touching smile on Qiao’s face.

Me… Gan?

Although the development of things now has completely exceeded Xia Feng’s past life memory.

But at this time he still vaguely felt a little uneasy.

Although Qiao Shuang and Sikonghui are both people he trusts, the closeness between the two at this time is really…too blatant.

“Shuang’er, brother…”

Sikonghui took a seat, picked up the drink on the table, “I just heard the second prince say that Jiang Yu’s horse is a demon?”

“Uh, I and Shuang’er were not in the city a few days ago, so I didn’t see it with my own eyes…”

Xia Feng smiled bitterly, but Sikonghui seemed to sink into deep thought, “When I was in the frontier, I also heard that the Great Zhou Emperor had magical signs, and even killed the eldest princess of Great Zhou and took away the great treasure of Great Zhou. Emperor Mai Xianjin, it is said that this Jin can protect the heart and soul and is full of aura. It is really unexpected. Now Xijiang has become so chaotic.”

“Emperor Mai Xianjin? Protect your heart?”

Inexplicably, Xia Feng glanced at the direction of his chest.

But soon, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Am I used to it? Everything is dangerous.

There are countless spirits between the world and the earth, and the strain given to me by the adults is from the upper realm.

Even though there is a Jin character, how can it be involved?

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