Chapter 401


Xia Feng was stunned for three breaths before realizing it.

At this time, his face was shocked, confused, and panicked, all in all very complicated.

how is this possible? !

Jiang Yu’s trash did indeed hide his cultivation status.

However, if Xia Feng remembers correctly, he should be the only son of Emperor Qin who has been stubborn. He hid in Da Xia to avoid hunting down.

Three years later, his talent was awakened, his unparalleled combat power was revealed, and he was supported by the Great Qin defender Xiao Beifei, and he returned to the dynasty and inherited the Datong!

The reason why Xia Feng deliberately befriended him was precisely because he became emperor one day, so that he could remember his kindness.

Of course, as an enveloping person, Xia Feng naturally couldn’t tell anyone else this secret.

Otherwise, how can you highlight your appreciation of Jiang Yu and encourage Jiang Yu to set up a good eldest brother!

Moreover, once he reveals Jiang Yu’s identity, not to mention whether he will provoke Da Qin’s retribution, if someone asks how he learned about it… how should he explain it?

Shengjiao governs the four borders of Shengzhou with kindness!

But once the secret of being a rebirth is revealed, will he become the pawn they want to control or…the treasure hunter?

He is Gou!

But I don’t want to be a dog! !

“What! The demon is actually a demon?”

Qiao Shuangyu covered her Zhu’s lips lightly, Qiao’s face was also a little surprised.

But Xia Feng frowned and remained silent.

Is it possible… because he was reborn and took the luck of the Ninth Prince, so he accidentally changed the trajectory of the heavens?

But… Jiang Yu’s silly Boyi, the fifth princess is obviously his wife, why should he make this extra effort to force her to reveal her identity?

Inexplicably, Xia Feng suddenly felt uneasy.

This matter will not be so simple!

The three-year period has expired. According to reason, Jiang Yu should have been followed by Xiao Beifei!

In his capacity, let alone the second prince of Da Qi, even if the prince of Da Qi, he may not be punishable if he wants to punish him!

Then why cause so many incidents?

The spiritual fire in his body is indeed a peerless fierce flame, and even occupies an extremely high position on the heaven and earth spiritual fire list.

But… Although the fire was crowned with a magic word, it had nothing to do with the real magic.

Why did Jiang Yu…turn a demon?

Suddenly, Xia Feng thought of a possibility, and even had the urge to turn around and escape.

“In addition to Jiang Yu’s transformation of the devil, can there be other major events in my Daxia?!”

A sigh of thought flashed in Xia Feng’s eyes, and the little leader thought for a while before he slapped his forehead with a slap.



Xia Feng was so frightened that he almost moved his spiritual power, rushing towards the horizon.

“You… scare me!!”

“The prince, I remembered, it is rumored that there seems to be an important person in Daxia, and even the emperor has a respectful appearance when he sees him!! Moreover, it is this adult who protected the princess, otherwise… Jiang Yu that demon Head, the five princesses have been killed!”


Xia Feng’s face was taken aback, and instantly pale.

Even the father has to bow his head?

Could it be… that one appeared? !

In Xia Feng’s memory, Xia Chen, the ancestor of the Xia family, indeed came to this world!

Only at that time Xia Yong was the Great Emperor of Xia, and the latter only used the ancient dragon veins in the Xia Family’s ancestral land to break through the cultivation base, and finally disappeared without a trace.

His appearance was extremely short, but it caused countless changes in Xijiang.

In particular, a prince of the Qin Dynasty did not hesitate to send troops to crusade against Da Xia for three years, and it was difficult for anyone to persuade him.

But, counting the time, this ancestor appeared…too early?

Except for him, who is worthy of his father’s bowing?

With the cultivation base of the fifth grade god emperor of Xia Sheng, even if the true demon came, it was not worth his bow to bow.

After all, according to his own calculation, even if the demon is stronger than himself, he is at most in the realm of the god general, how can he be deceived by the god emperor?

“It seems that because of my rebirth, it did change the timing of some things, but fortunately, those relics are there, and as long as there are no problems with the Cold Moon Immortal Palace, it doesn’t matter how the process changes.”

In the end, Xia Feng seemed to understand something, and took Qiao Shuang towards the residence of the Chinese teacher in the city.

With Qiao Yunli’s cultivation base, he no longer asked about political affairs.

Now he is in retreat in the mansion all the year round, wholeheartedly.

“Shuang’er, the imperial capital is now in turmoil, so please wait in the mansion with peace of mind, don’t show up yet, let alone go out at will!”

Xia Feng stretched out her hand and rubbed Qiaoshuang’s blue silk, “Don’t worry me!”

“Well! After knowing Brother Feng, Shuang’er will wait for your good news in the mansion with peace of mind.”

Qiao Shuang lowered his head and chuckled, pursing his red lips.

“Go! I haven’t seen you in a few days, the relatives in your house are afraid that they miss you.”

At this time, Xia Feng was anxious to return to the palace and saw the true face of the adult.

But inexplicably, I felt a little uneasy.

After all, he swallowed the luck of the Nine Princes. If the ancestors asked him, would he…

No, you have to see the father first and figure out the attitude of your ancestors.

If he really minded, Xia Feng would immediately go out of the city to find a place deep in the mountains and ancient places, and the emperor would never appear in this world unless he cultivated.

I can’t afford to provoke you, can’t I still hide from you?

As long as I go to become a god emperor, above this holy state, who else can kill me?

Thinking like this, Xia Feng suddenly took out a human skin mask from his arms and put it on his face.

Then he seemed to feel a little uneasy again, turned back, and found the little commander of the imperial army who had just been patrolling.

“come here.”

“Huh? Who are you…”


Xia Feng took out his identity dragon card, and the doubt on the little commander’s face instantly became dignified.

“What is your command?”

“The secret order of the palace, I will send you to the chacha to find a treasure of my chaos. I can’t find it. Don’t go back to the saint!”

“( ̄△ ̄;)!”

Just… over?

Looking for one… My legacy?

and then?

You tell me somehow, what kind of legacy is it, what it looks like, and what grade it is?

The chariot was in the extreme west of Western Xinjiang, and further west, it was almost bliss.

Starting from Longyun City, going there, with his second-grade realm of supernatural generals, it is no surprise that it is basically a lifetime series.

Not to mention that there are countless dynasties and dynasties in the middle, and wars are endless!

At this time, the little commander of the Forbidden Army, who was not worthy of his name, was already wondering if there was a big figure in the palace who thought he was unhappy, and embarrassed to do it directly, so he changed a kind of euphemistic way and sent him to die!


I’m just a small leader who patrols the streets, not to mention that it’s not worth who is so troublesome calculations, even if you want to kill me, give me a happy… can’t it?

“My lord… can I take the liberty to ask…who sent me to the chariot?”

“What is a secret order? I told you that it is still called a secret order? Go, parents and relatives, I will raise it in the summer.”

Xia Feng’s eyes were slightly cold. Generally speaking, these words were actually not a kindness, but a kind of red fruit threat.


It wasn’t until the man swept out of the city and disappeared to the end of his sight that Xia Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and turned and walked towards the palace.

On Gou, I am not aiming at anyone, everyone in Shengzhou is… Dad!

I dare not dare not dare!

Gou, of course you can’t show a trace of arrogance!

This is attitude! !

As for why he didn’t directly kill the commander of the Forbidden Army?

All forbidden forces have soul cards, directly under the emperor.

Killing him is risky!

Now that he is sent out, Qiao Shuang hides in the mansion. In a short time, no one knows that he is back!

So, whether to stay or escape, is not all under your control?

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