Chapter 386

“Yan…Yanran, why are you hitting me? Could it be that you…you…”

A panic flashed across Jiang Yu’s face.

The reason why he stayed so firmly in the Summer Palace was not only to save his life, but also because of…Xia Yanran’s love for him.

Although that kind of love is very subtle, Jiang Yu can feel it.


Why is she hitting me?

Doesn’t she want her man to be an indomitable existence?

The second prince of Qi…

“Jiang Yu, don’t you understand? My father is determined to form an alliance with Daqi! Now I refuse, not only you, but my mother and concubine will die! As a couple of three years, I would advise you… Honestly be a trash, don’t think about the good thing of becoming an emperor overnight and being in awe of the world, how… can you fulfill the destiny in one hour? Or can you prove to your father that you are more valuable than the second prince Qi?”

Tears flickered in Xia Yanran’s eyes.

Too disappointed. At this time, this Jiang Yu still wants to dress up!

Could it be that your elder of the sixth rank of God Emperor has given you other spirit treasures?

Or, can you break through to the realm of the gods within an hour and prove your enchantment like the world?

Or, in fact, you have been concealing the identity of your emperor’s bloodline?


Xia Yanran was so angry that she laughed, her destiny was already doomed.

Except… the supreme existence, I am afraid that the king of heaven will not be able to reverse it!

“Yan Ran…”

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he wanted to understand.

Xia Yanran beat him and humiliated him, is it not a kind of… cryptic love?

She is now desperate!

Moreover, in the summer palace today, if it were not for the upright and benevolent young adult, he might have been condemned by Emperor Xia!

Yanran’s move is protecting me! ! !

Force me to leave, so as not to be made trouble by the Emperor Xia again.

My silly princess!

In these three years, you have suffered!

Starting today, Jiang Yu, I swear, will make you proud of Daxia!

Because you have me! ! Such a peerless patriarch!

The ultimate alchemy talent, God Emperor Sixth Rank powerhouse uses lifelong cultivation as the spiritual fire of sealing and fusion!

Either way, it is enough to shock the world and achieve a peerless name!

“Yan Ran, don’t be afraid, actually I…”

“Is Princess Yanran in there?”

Just as Jiang Yu lowered his head, the corners of his mouth gradually showed a smile, and once again wanted to tell Xia Yanran his identity, suddenly a hearty laughter came from outside the hall.


Jiang Yu’s expression condensed.

I’m gonna!

Is it so hard to pretend to be so hard now?

I’ve been damn it for three years and depressed for three years, just for this moment to pretend to be forced, is it so difficult?

no! !

No matter who is here today, I can’t stop me from forcing this to finish! !

“Yan Ran…actually I am…”

“grown ups!!”

Xia Yanran raised her head and looked at the figure in white clothes walking slowly outside the hall, a touch of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.


Jiang Yu was taken aback for a while, just about to get angry, and saw that the person who came here turned out to be the mysterious young man who had rescued him in the temple today, and the anger on his face disappeared instantly.

“The son!!”


There was another clear applause, Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, looking at that Jiang Yu who had been stunned a long time ago, he felt a little bit emotional in his heart.

This desolate son-in-law is indeed a masochist.

No matter how the wife or mother-in-law makes things difficult, beats, scolds or even humiliates, hey, people can hold it back.

You say it is strange!

A group of me clearly hung up just because I promised my elders’ three-year agreement, I have to resist being humiliated! !


Your elders will not let you reveal your identity, reveal your talent, for fear of attracting bad guys to spy.

But your elders told you to be useless?

Daxia Royal Family, you dare not offend, I understand.

But why did you hear that a dog in this summer palace dared to shit on your head and act like a baby?

Is this reasonable?

Just to highlight the status of the abandoned son-in-law, not to mention the dogs in the palace, I am afraid that the people outside the palace will dare to point at your nose and scold them.

You are making trouble with me!

You are a bad guy anyway, is this the right setting?

But let alone, the harder the pressure, the more refreshing the moment the identity is revealed.

As for whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, who cares.

It’s cool and it’s over!

“What son! This is…”

Xia Yanran gave Jiang Yu a fierce look, and looked at Ling Xiao shyly, “It’s an adult!!”

My lord came here, could it be because of… my father forced me to go to the post?

It must be!

My lord looked at my eyes before, it was very strange!

Could it be…

“grown ups…”

At most seventeen or eighteen years old, right? This is obviously a teenager, so how come he is an adult?

Jiang Yu looked suffocated, but turned into a heartfelt smile.

No matter who this young man is, he is a man of integrity worthy of his admiration.

Moreover, this was the only person who was willing to speak for him during his three years in Daxia.

Especially now that his cultivation base is sealed, his talent is not obvious, it is really a waste, and Ling Xiao’s actions are even more precious.

“My lord, thank you very much today…”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter, it’s easy.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, his expression always calm.

But Xia Yanran lowered her head shyly, and whispered, “My lord comes to Huayuan Palace…”

“Oh, I heard that a strong man from Daqin came to my Daxia imperial capital. It seems to be looking for someone sneaky, so I will come over and talk to you.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yu, “Where is the hometown of Ma Ma?”


Jiang Yu’s face turned pale, almost standing unsteadily.

At this time, he didn’t doubt what Ling Xiao said.

After all, this person’s integrity has been witnessed.

It’s just… the great Qin powerhouse?

I’m gonna!

At the beginning, Master said that if the three-year seal is broken, there may be a strong one who will lead me back to the imperial court and inherit the Datong.


I haven’t broken the seal yet! !

How did these Daqin people find me?

Could it be… the rebellious officials and thieves?

Correct! !

It must be the people who chased me down in the first place! !

Damn it!

Don’t let others know my identity, otherwise…you will lose your life and soul.

Damn it! !

But in this way, doesn’t Yan Ran need to…

“Puppet horse? Puppet horse? Huh? Does the puppet horse happen to come from Daqin?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.


Xia Yanran raised her hand and slapped Jiang Yu to wake up.

“My lord is asking you something! Why are you stunned!”

“I… I’m a trash, how can I come across two dynasties! I am a native of the Xia Dynasty!”

Jiang Yu gave a wry smile, the room leaks and it is rainy.

Misfortune does not come alone, and the ancients sincerely do not deceive me! !

“My lord…I…”

Xia Yanran suddenly bit her red lips and stopped talking.

Only the one in front of her can change her destiny right now.

If… he was willing to accept himself as a servant, the father would not dare to let himself serve the second prince of Daqi, right?

“Oh, Yanran, I heard that your father sent you to talk to Qi Deqiang about the alliance between the two dynasties?”

Ling Xiao nodded, seeming to guess what Xia Yanran was thinking.

And seeing the coldness that suddenly flashed in his eyes, no matter it was Xia Yanran or Jiang Yu, there was hope in my heart.

There is a play! !

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