Chapter 376

“Young Master Qiu also came to celebrate his birthday?”

Ling Xiao picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.

But Qiu Qinghan’s face suddenly flashed a touch of sarcasm, “Hey birthday? She is also worthy? Uh, ha ha, I just heard the city is lively, so I came to travel.”


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly. The Empress Dowager of the Great Xia was unworthy. What kind of identity was Qiu Qinghan?

“Young Master Xiao, Miss Qingchan and I hit it off right away. I wonder if Young Master can…cut love?”

It’s just that the Leng Ao on Qiu Qinghan’s face just persisted for three seconds, and soon turned into a touch of greed.

“She is not my maidservant, she is my woman.”

Ling Xiao didn’t say much, just said indifferently, and the expressions on Ye Qingchan’s and Qiu Qinghan’s faces almost solidified at the same time.

“The son…”

Ye Qingchan’s eyes were reddish, obviously moved.

But Qiu Qinghan’s face flashed with murderous intent, and finally turned into a touch of indifference, “It turns out that it is so, but Qinghan took the liberty.”

Your woman?

You’re gone, isn’t it my woman anymore?

This Ye Qingchan is also quiet and moving, shy and cute, looks even more…unique, and more importantly…

Hehe, how can such a goddess make a man cheaper?

“Haha, Brother Xiao, what gift did you bring with this empress dowager’s birthday banquet?”

Qiu Qinghan secretly pondered in his heart, looking at the appearance of this young man, his cultivation level shouldn’t be bad.

Moreover, since he came from Xuyun City, he might have something to do with the Daxia imperial family.

I just don’t know, he came to Longyun City this time, is it He, or…stab?

“A gift? I’m going, they should give me a gift.”

Ling Xiao sneered, but Qiu Qinghan just glanced at him intently.

Not to mention, this kid is bragging with seriousness, and he has a lot of flavor.

But, how long can you pretend to be?

“Okay, Qingchan, we should go now, Master Qiu, see you later.”

Ling Xiao got up, took Ye Qingchan’s hand, and walked out of the restaurant.

The smile on Qiu Qinghan’s face almost instantly became gloomy.

There are demons in Xijiang, and Xia Yong in Xuyun City is dead.

Xiao Ling, Ling Xiao?

That Dongjiang Demon Jiao who slaughtered three thousand disciples in a sacred place alone?

Am I being too worried?

But… should I tell that adult…

In the shadow of Long Street, Ling Xiao casually threw an armored guard on the ground, snapped his fingers, and instantly burned it into nothingness.

“Interesting, interesting! This Daxia is worthy of being the land of dragon fortune.”

There was joy in Ling Xiao’s eyes, but Ye Qingchan just stood quietly to the side, without saying a word from beginning to end.

She probably saw what Ling Xiao did, and she seemed to be indifferent to the right way.

But so what?

She loves the son! !

What is the difference between good and evil?

The Great Summer Palace is full of voices!

The Western Xinjiang dynasty like Daxia naturally had countless vassal dynasties under its command.

The eight dynasties naturally have enemies and alliances.

Especially this new emperor Xia was obtained by usurping the throne, so…

Although many dynasties look down on orthodoxy, why don’t they want to control them as weapons?

“Dahe dynasty prince, He Qiwai brings a gift of 1,000-year blood ginseng, and congratulates the queen dowager on her 100th birthday!”

“The prince of Yanqing Dynasty, Yan Thirty-eight brings a pair of deep-sea jasper corals, congratulations on the Queen Mother’s 100th birthday!”

“The second prince of the Daqi dynasty, Qi Deqiang brought a gift instrument: Eight Diagrams Universe Bell, congratulations on the Queen Mother’s 100th birthday!”

The main hall of the palace is full of pedestrians.

And hearing what the guard outside the temple said, the entire palace fell into a moment of dead silence.

Send… clock?

Is this the fuck… the point?

of course not! !

If it is an ordinary life banquet to send a bell, I am afraid it should be cool right now!

But is this an ordinary person?

The second prince of Daqi!

Nowadays, among the eight dynasties of Western Xinjiang, Daqi is in the upper four dynasties.

If it were before, it would be close to Daxia’s strength, but now, Daxia naturally can’t compare with others.

Moreover, Dao Qi! !

As expected to be the prince of the dynasty, his shot is generous!

“It turns out that the second prince of Qi is here, and the second prince will have an invitation soon!”

Above the hall, Xia Sheng’s eyes condensed, although the bottom of his eyes was a little gloomy, there was a touch of enthusiasm on his face.

Beside him, an old lady with white hair sits quietly, and on the other side is a forty beautiful woman with a golden crown and phoenix robe. It is the empress dowager and the queen Dugu Qingfeng.

His Royal Highness, three princes, and a princess sit in the first place.

Except for the absence of the prince Xia Feng.

The fourth prince Xia Yan and the fifth princess Xia Yanran were born to concubines.

The second prince and the third prince are the queens.

All four of them are in the stage of breaking delusion, and Xia Feng’s cultivation is the strongest, in the late stage of breaking delusion, and the remaining four are all in the realm of breaking delusion.

“Huh, Xia Feng is really getting less and less understanding of the rules, and he doesn’t even come back to celebrate the birthday of the Queen Mother. Isn’t your Majesty and the Queen Mother in his eyes?”

The queen snorted coldly, with a calm tone.

Xia Feng is a great hero in their line of achieving the ninth fifth position.

It is also the most powerful contender for the crown prince.

But he is not the queen’s heir, and the latter is of course… not letting go of any opportunity to suppress him.

“Hehe, why should the queen care about him? You don’t know Feng’er’s temperament. You are obsessed with the way, and don’t even put the throne in your eyes. A few days ago, I said that I took Shuang’er to look for historical sites. I won’t be back for a while.”

Xia Huang shook his head and chuckled, but there was a trace of gloom in his eyes.

His eldest prince is indeed becoming more and more mysterious.

Sometimes even him feels…invisible.

Fortunately, he really doesn’t seem to care about the supreme imperial power, otherwise…

“Hehehe, Deqiang pays homage to Emperor Xia, Empress Xia, Empress Dowager!”

Under the main hall, a figure in a golden robe stepped slowly, bowed to Xia Huang and the others, but glanced at Xia Yanran without a trace.

The fifth princess of the Great Xia, but the proud daughter of Xijiang is well-known.

It’s not that she has a strong cultivation base, it’s really… she looks like a fairy and has a gentle personality, and she is a good match.

only! !

It is such a good match. It is said that three years ago, he married a mortal with no identity background.

I don’t know if Emperor Xia’s brain is in shit, such a good marriage tool, if you don’t use it to make a marriage, it will be a waste of money?

A touch of cold flashed in Qi Deqiang’s eyes, and this scene naturally did not escape the eyes of Xia Huang and others.

“The second prince will quickly waive the gift and give a seat!!”

Xia Huang frowned slightly, but suddenly felt a little thoughtful in his heart.

Xia Yanran is his daughter, but her marriage was decided by a fallen ancestor in Xia Sheng’s line.

Say yes… If someone comes with a token, marry Xia Yanran to him.

The ancestor did not elaborate on the reason. Xia Yanran was just born at that time, and Xia Sheng’s line had not yet reached the ninety-fifth position.

Therefore, no one thinks this is wrong.

What Xia Sheng didn’t expect was that three years ago, there was actually a desolate young man who walked up to him in disgrace and took out the token from the ancestor.

Xia Yanran refused, but Xia Sheng felt somewhat unwilling.

But… thinking of the old ancestor’s exhortation before his death, he finally agreed to the marriage between the two.

Three years later, this door-to-door son-in-law was tolerant and low-key. No matter how sarcasm and sarcasm Xia Yanran and her mother were, they both endured it.

But in this way, the name of Daxia’s abandoned son-in-law is well known.

I just don’t know, will the dispossessed son-in-law come out to be embarrassed today?

“Hahaha, Emperor Xia, this time I came, I actually have another purpose. I want to make an alliance with Daxia, so I was sent here to see the sincerity of Emperor Xia.”

Although Qi Deqiang spoke at Xia Huang, the line of sight has been floating towards Xia Yanran.

Hearing this, Emperor Xia and Duguhou looked at each other. Although they were a little dissatisfied, they had some guesses.

The Great Qi was at its peak and was among the top of the eight dynasties.

Although the second prince Qi had an arrogant tone, he had arrogant capital.

If it can form an alliance with it, Daxia’s turbulent country is bound to be stable.

But…Looking at the meaning of the second prince of Qi, I am afraid that it is not just the mind of forming an alliance.

Xia Yanran was married to that waste, but it is said that she was always clear and clean, and did not lose her body.

If… Haha!

This can be done! !

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