Chapter 369 Ancient Evil Curse


Ning Tiance closed his eyes in despair, clenching his palms.

After all, he loves the princess.

Otherwise, he would not be willing to return to court and be restrained.

Originally, he thought that this feeling was mixed with gratitude and life-saving grace, and there was no retribution.

But it wasn’t until he saw Zhou Minruo take his last breath that he understood that he was wrong.

He loves Zhou Minruo, not…the savior.

“Big Brother…”

Ling Xiao raised his foot and walked to Zhou Minruo’s side, leaning over her eyes, closing her eyes.

“Brother Xiao…this time, thanks to you, otherwise I might really die here.”

Ning Tiance managed to squeeze a smile.

“Big brother, poor sister-in-law! The fate of her life is controlled by others. I can see that she loves you and also loves Ning’er. Maybe… She sent Ning’er out of the imperial city to protect her…”

Ling Xiao sighed, as if he was moved by Zhou Minruo’s last true feelings, but there was no movement in his eyes.

“Protect Ning’er?”

Ning Tiance’s expression was stunned, and he wanted to understand in a flash.


Her destiny still cannot escape Zhou Huang’s control. If Ning’er falls into the hands of Zhou’s family…

Suddenly, tears flickered in Ning Tiance’s eyes.

No matter how vicious this woman is on the surface, she is still kind in her heart.

Emperor Zhou! !

Zhou family! !

This hatred cannot be shared.

Feeling the coldness gradually flowing on Ning Tiance’s body, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth.

“Big brother!! Sister-in-law can’t die in vain!!”

“Huh! I’m going into the palace now and want an explanation with the Emperor Zhou.”

Ning Tiance took a deep breath, lifted his foot and wanted to leave.

“Big brother!! You… foolish loyal!!”

Ling Xiao’s face was a little gloomy inexplicably, and the killing intent flowed in his eyes, “Not to mention that Emperor Zhou wanted to kill you, but now Zhou Minruo is dead in your hands again. How different is it between entering the palace and seeking death at this time!”

“It doesn’t matter if you die, what about the soldiers in the north? What about Ning’er! Brother, since Emperor Zhou killed you, why not go the other way, avenge his sister-in-law, and give…the people of the world a peaceful and prosperous world!”

“What…what? It’s the other way around? But…”

Ning Tiance’s lips trembled lightly, and he looked at Ling Xiao in shock.

If… ten years ago, he would have a bit of confidence, Champa was the emperor and competed with the Zhou emperor.

But now, with him alone, how can he compete with Da Zhou?

“Big Brother! I’ll talk about this later! Anyway, now… we have to settle the sister-in-law’s matter first! Don’t show your thoughts for the time being. We will see you at Jiangyu Inn tomorrow.”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, now Ning Tiance already trusts him.

As long as Ning’er is sent to him again, I am afraid that this man of destiny will completely surrender.

At that time… Isn’t it just a matter of Lao Tzu that this week is not chaotic?

“Solved? How to solve it? When Zhou Minruo died this week, Zhou Huang would definitely know that it was me…”

“No! Brother! All we need to do is…”

Ling Xiao sneered and whispered a few words in Ning Tiance’s ear.

“No! Xiao brother!! How can I let you take this dangerous danger!! There are many strong men in this great Zhou Dynasty. If Min Ruo likes to be clean, I’m afraid this Yun Ruo Palace is the Longtan Tiger’s Lair, besides… there will definitely be strong men around. Always pay attention to what’s happening here, you…”

Ning Tiance wanted to say something but stopped, what he wanted to express, probably…

If you are a singular general, once you attract the attention of the royal family, it will fall!

“Brother! You don’t know anything. I promised a prince of the Xia Dynasty to avenge him. This is an opportunity, and it will also be an opportunity for you to reinvent the troops.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes revealed the vicissitudes of life and looked towards the sky.

“Prince Xia? Re-command the troops? Brother Xiao…you…”

“Brother! I have no time to explain, this formation may not be able to stop the high-grade god emperor from spying. You and the eldest princess will have been missing for too long, and they will definitely attract the attention of others! Don’t worry, you forgot. Lingbao, the god emperor can’t help me! Just do what I say.”

Ling Xiao grinned and put away the two battle puppets. Before Ning Tiance refused, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something. He leaned over and took out a universe bag from Zhou Minruo’s arms.

“I heard that there is a fairy flower on the eldest princess, which is the most precious treasure of the Great Zhou, eldest brother…you understand…”

“Understand! Brother Xiao, your mind is so careful, I am ashamed!”

Ning Tiance nodded, murdered and seized the treasure.

If you dare to kill in the imperial capital, you will win the treasure!

As for Zhou Minruo, the most precious thing is naturally the emperor vein immortal Jin.

“Okay, let’s… let’s start! Brother, meet tomorrow to discuss!”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao finally no longer hesitated, and his figure vacated and swept away towards the distance.

Above his whole body, there was a faintly monstrous demon energy.

Is it so realistic?

Brother Xiao’s tricks on the side door left the way, really messy!

If he hadn’t known each other a long time ago, he would have thought he was a real demon.

The plan of the two is very simple, Ling Xiao pretends to be a demon, he pretends to be sad.

All the guilt was shirked on the former, and he Ning Tiance only had to wait and wait for Ling Xiao’s next plan.


Ning Tiance suddenly roared, and his voice contained spiritual prestige, which instantly resounded through the entire imperial capital.

“Demon!!! I will kill you!!!”


Suddenly, in the imperial capital, the aura of countless strong people rose into the sky.

There were even several divine emperor fluctuations, instantly appearing in the sky above Yunruo Palace.

At this moment, Ning Tiance embraced Zhou Minruo, his eyes were blood-red, and his whole body was sluggish.

And in that sky, a terrifying aura that exudes devilish intent rushed away, and it was actually a strong god emperor.

“A magic?!”

An old man with white hair and no need for a red face condensed, and he chased Ling Xiao instantly.

At this time, he had no doubt that Ning Tiance was acting deliberately.

After all, the whole world knows what this Great Zhou War God has for the princess.


What kind of demon dared to make trouble in his Great Zhou Emperor?

Moreover, he dared to kill the princess Da Zhou! !

Inexplicably, the old man suddenly smelled a hint of danger.

Above Yunfang City, Ling Xiao’s figure swept out first, and behind him, two emperors and four kings were chasing after him.

The one headed was actually a fifth-grade god emperor!

“As expected of Xijiang, the strong are everywhere.”

At this time, instead of panic on Ling Xiao’s face, there was even a faint smile on his face. The figure that had been shot out gradually slowed down.

The stronger the comer, the more realistic the scene will be!

“Don’t stop me yet!!!”

I saw that the fifth rank god emperor suddenly made a move, turning into a giant palm covering the sky out of thin air, and fell down towards Ling Xiao.

And the latter made a scream instantly, and the ancient seal of the back hand smashed out, blooming golden light, which seemed to contain imperial prestige, but…the power was somewhat…weak.

The Spirit Palm instantly shattered the ancient seal, shattering thousands of miles of void.

Blood gushing from Ling Xiao’s mouth, the devilish energy swept across the sky, and he screamed out an ancient evil curse.

“Mall, open the door, Sesame!”


Suddenly, thunderclouds gathered in the sky and the earth.

Behind Ling Xiao, a pair of thunder wings appeared out of thin air, and his figure disappeared in front of everyone almost instantly.

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