Chapter 362

“Hehe, I’m actually very curious. Ning Tiance, the god of war in the northern border, sits on a million soldiers in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Why would he be willing to enter the capital and marry you in the first place?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly and looked at Zhou Minruo calmly.

At this time, he already understood the plot of the princess Zhou’s concubine, and probably guessed why Ning’er was left out.

But for this alone, he was really curious.

After all, the name of the God of War Na Ning Tiance only resonated in Xijiang 20 years ago.

During this period, he never left the northern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty. How did he have a relationship with Zhou Minruo?

Of course, just pure curiosity, this did not have any impact on his plan.

“It seems that the immortal long is not everything.”

Zhou Minruo gave a wry smile, looking sad.


Not to mention that the immortal length is not counted, how can she know that her unintentional actions at the time will make herself the most important… chess piece in the eyes of the father?

On the sixteenth year, she went out of the palace to tour the mountains.

It was Ning Tiance, who was not well-known, who followed him that day.

As a result, on the way, the enemy was assassinated and a group of guards were slaughtered.

Only the young man protected her with one sword.

But after all, with him alone, it was difficult for the enemy to calculate, Zhou Minruo was pierced by an arrow, and although he deflected a finger, he broke his heart.

Ning Tiance was covered with bloodstains and rushed to Baili Mountain, holding her, almost died.

It wasn’t until a strong man came from the palace to punish the enemy and save the lives of the two.


After all, Ning Tiance was charged with negligence in his duties.

It was Zhou Minruo, crying and begging his father to let him go.

The death penalty is forgiven, and the living sin cannot escape.

Twenty-year-old Ning Tiance was demoted from the palace and went to the most desolate and chaotic northern area of ​​the Great Zhou to become a soldier.

Perhaps this is the so-called fate.

Although he left the imperial capital, Ning Tiance’s nature was completely aroused.

After bloody battles, he not only awakened the Dao Xin, but even realized the tricks when he was outstanding in his military service and became a general.

Soldiers who, deception also.

It was also from that day that Ning Tiance’s Road to the God of War officially opened.


In a dynasty, the emperor is respected, how can it tolerate the existence of gods in the dynasty?

In the end, Zhou Huang’s gaze was placed on the elder princess who saved Ning Tiance’s life.

Because of the damage to his heart, Zhou Minruo’s original magnanimous path became tortuous.

Even the marriage contract that had already been made was retired by others.

Zhou Huang’s decree came down and ordered Ning Tiance to return to the court and marry the eldest princess.

And the God of War who was loyal to protect the country, after all, because of guilt in his heart, he left the millions of soldiers on the frontier who respected him like a god.

It is said that on that day, there was snow in the north, and the world was crying.

Countless soldiers held long swords, swearing blood, and they must wait for the return of the general.

How could Ning Tiance fail to see Zhou Huang’s worries, leaving only one sentence, this life only bears the princess.

In his eyes, maybe Min Ruo, who was dying and crying for him, was the only obsession in his heart.

Ning Tiance is back, but Zhou Minruo is no longer a teenager.

She has a mission to shoulder the expectations of the Zhou clan!

Ning Tiance’s hands are immortal, and he will achieve the great cause of the Great Zhou for a thousand years!

The purpose of giving birth to a baby is to be emotional.

The Tibetan women disappeared because of threats and persecution.

Even knowing that Ning Tiance loves her deeply, but making things difficult time and time again, all in order to let him spit out the secrets in his heart.

It’s just… all failed.

Even sometimes, Zhou Minruo would wonder if there is really no magic in him…

But ten years of undefeated, with soldiers like gods, all kinds of battles, gathered in one chest, this…what’s the explanation?

Human words are awesome, human words can be described as ah!

“If I can count it, this world should destroy me. Since the princess has made a choice, I will show the princess a clear way. Ning Tiance, I have seen him, and there is no magic in him.”

Ling Xiao said calmly, but Zhou Minruo’s face was instantly dull.

“What? Immortal long… Are you teasing me?!”

“No, this person is talented and possesses Dao heart. He is a hero of the commanding soldiers who has never met in a thousand years. That heart can be called the Dao heart of the heavenly formation. One thought can break the battle formation and transform the battle formation. If the princess can personally Dig it out and exchange it for yourself, not only will the princess have a longevity, and maybe…become a supreme position.”

Ling Xiao smiled deeply, but Zhou Minruo’s eyes filled with shock again.

“Change your heart?! Immortal long…really?!”

“It’s true or false. It’s up to you to have done your calculations, so why not try? Besides, do you think…if Ning Tiance knew that you had abandoned your daughter, would he still live here as he is now? Ten years, he is already here? But in my heart, the only thing I can’t let go of is perhaps the flesh-and-blood affection. Moreover, I just figured out that Ning Tiance must have changed in the near future. This pill is called Qizhuan Yunxin Pill, but when you change your heart Protecting your life without any worries, it’s my reward for your Di Jin.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao waved his palm, and saw a golden spirit pill flashing away and falling into Zhou Minruo’s hands.

The former finally stopped hesitating, turned and walked outside the hall.

“This is… Sixth-Rank Spirit Pill?!!!”

Zhou Minruo stood in a daze, with fear in his eyes.

The sixth-grade pill, even if you look at the western borders, it can be called a great fortune! !

Sure enough, this immortal long alchemy attainments is simply amazing!

But… Tianzhen Daoxin?

Can digging achieve the supreme position?

good! !

I am Ning Tiance’s wife. As long as he dies, I can become the new God of War in the Northern Territory.

When the Zhou clan crisis is lifted, and he can shirk all guilt to…

But… if what Ling Youzi said was false, and I rashly killed Ning Tiance, wouldn’t it cause the emperor’s suspicion?

Once I am useless, in order to appease the soldiers on the border, my good father must find a substitute for the dead ghost.

What should I do?

Outside the Yunruo Palace, Ling Xiao walked the street calmly.

The chess piece entered the game, but there was still a slight wave.

With Zhou Minruo’s disposition, he may not dare to really make a desperate bet.

But from Ning Tiance’s previous quarrel with her, it was obvious that she was eager to think about women.

As long as someone can gently push him and let him see the insidious intentions of Zhou Huang and Zhou Minruo, I am afraid this peerless God of War will inevitably fall into his palm.

At that time, Ning’er is in hand, afraid that he will not give up?

A God of War with four thousand fortunes, now he has achieved the Emperor Realm again. Isn’t this Western Frontier easily available?

The luck of Ling Tian and others is very high, and there is even room for growth.

But now their cultivation base is still low, it is difficult to be of great use.

But this Ning Tiance is different. If he surrenders, he will immediately become the hardest spear in Ling Xiao’s hand!


The Emperor’s House really has no feelings.

Compared to them, am I… too kind?

and! !

The struggling in Zhou Minruo’s eyes may…become Ling Xiaohu again…wrong! Persuade Ning Tiance to lead the troops to rebel.


As for the sixth-grade pill…it is indeed a great good fortune!

Oh, but, it can change the heart of a chicken.

It was just a pill containing supreme spiritual power refined by Xuanyuanyue.

Improving the cultivation base is a fetish, and changing one’s heart to save one’s life is purely a bullshit.

Moreover, this pill can only be used after a change of heart, Zhou Minruo…is there that opportunity?

When the time comes, Qiankun’s bag is searched, and it’s not back to Ling Xiao’s hands!

Allow her to be good, give her hope, only if there is loss, there will be gain.


I! Ling Xiao! !

I don’t want to lose it at all!

On the second day, Ling Xiao still appeared in the Jiangyu Inn on time.

It is still a pot of hot wine and a plate of beef.

Not long after, Ning Tiance also appeared and sat in the same place.

The wine here is not mellow and strong enough to comfort his nostalgia for the frontier.

“I came from the Northern Territory yesterday and talked with the disabled.

Why Chaozhong is still among the emperors.

The cold city is broken, and powerful enemies are growing again.

Will the people be slaughtered, ask the king’s heart to be empty? ”

Ling Xiao seemed to be a little drunk, tears flickering in his eyes, gently raised the flask and poured it on the ground.

“This cup, to the dead soldiers!”

Suddenly, he got up suddenly, glared at the frowning Ning Tiance who looked at him, and laughed coldly, “General, can the wine be warm?”

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