Chapter 357 Nine Sisters

“Sister Qingchan, you said… Is what the son said true? Ning’er really has parents?”

In Xuyun City, a lively restaurant, Ye Qingchan looked at the little girl in front of him with gentle eyes, and gently nodded.

“The son said yes, naturally there is. Ning’er doesn’t need to think about it. If the son promises you, he will definitely do it.”

“Woo, Sister Qingchan, don’t you want to eat? The food here is so delicious.”

Ning’er’s face was a little haggard, but compared to before, she was already a different person.

A delicate face is as white as jade, and the hair is black and supple, tied into two horns, which is quite playful.

She was no longer a thin cloth, but a cashmere red jacket, which looked very festive.

Although she is still young, Ning’er’s appearance is quite aura.

Like a stream of clear water, calm and indifferent, and with a natural temperament of ice and jade.

“I won’t eat, you eat slowly, we will order if it is not enough.”

Ye Qingchan’s beautiful eyes were bent into a round of crescents, and she looked at the little girl in front of her with her cheeks.

Her mother has passed away since she was a child. Although her father’s love is as heavy as a mountain, it is ultimately less meticulous and gentle.

The little girl in front of her was abandoned by her parents since she was born, which made Ye Qingchan’s heart unspeakably complicated.

“Sister Qingchan, if Ning’er has parents, then why don’t they stop Ning’er…Did Ning’er do something wrong…”

Suddenly, Ning’er’s tears dripped again.

“Why? Ning’er is so cute, how could he do something wrong, I think they must have some lasting difficulties.”

Before Ye Qingchan opened his mouth, there was a gentle laughter suddenly behind the two of them.

Ling Xiao’s figure came from the side and gently rubbed Ning’er’s small head.

“The son!!”

Ning’er stood up from her seat suddenly, her face was stern.

“Don’t call him Young Master, call me Brother Ling Xiao from now on, wow, Ning’er changed her clothes, she looks so cute.”

Ling Xiao nodded towards Ye Qingchan, and the corner of his mouth suddenly raised a smile.

Son, if we can have a child, it must be a very happy thing, right?

I have to work hard…

“Ling… Brother Ling Xiao?”

A look of surprise flashed across Ning’er’s small face. Inexplicably, the fear in her heart for Ling Xiao seemed to be much less.

Brother, it’s really a warm name.

“Dip, the girl of destiny is grateful and completely trusts her. Congratulations to the host for getting 500 luck and 5000 villains.”

“Hurry up and eat, we’ll go after eating…meet your cheap parents.”

Ling Xiao gave a faint smile and called Xiao Er for a pot of sake.

“Brother Ling Xiao…If you can’t find my parents, then Ning’er…”

“Don’t worry, you can’t find them, just follow me and Sister Qingchan.”

Ling Xiao took a sip of the green wine with a smile in his eyes.

In the future… my nine sisters… are all peerless destiny evildoers?

Well, we have to work hard too!

“Really? Can I really follow you and Sister Qingchan?”

Ning’er looked very excited, after all, her life experience was too pitiful.

However, the girl of destiny, the standard routine.

Either a dead father or a dead mother, lonely and helpless, abandoned by others.

It’s not easy for someone to care about it, and it’s naturally grateful.

This is the so-called self-cultivation of Xiao Qingmei, one of the childhood sweetheart series.

Ling Xiao smiled and nodded, “If we are full, let’s hurry up. The Great Zhou Dynasty is still a little far away from here.”

“Yeah! Brother, I’m full.”

A group of three, holding hands, walked towards the outside of the restaurant.

“The son…the loud noise in the city just now?”

“Oh, who might have practiced too much, explode yourself.”

Ling Xiao smiled disapprovingly, and the Jiulong Jinnian walked out of the sky, carrying Ye Qingchan and the three of them towards the distance.

“Wow! It’s a dragon!! Sister Qingchan, it’s a real dragon!!”

“Wow, it’s flying, it’s flying!”

Ning’er’s face was full of shock and joy, and her mood seemed to gradually improve because of the novelty in front of her.

Great Xia Dynasty, in the palace.

A middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe looked at the young man in amazement, “Feng’er, you mean… Then Xia Yong opened his ancestral land rashly and died in it?”

“That’s what the Shadow Guard said. It is said that all the officials of Xia Dynasty were present at the time. It is estimated that Xia Yong wanted to use the power of the ancestors to break the blood mark of the black dragon on Xia Chuan’s waste. He also specially selected a group of Tianjiao to follow. As a result… ”

A sneer flashed in Xia Feng’s eyes, “It is said that the entire ancestral land was exploded, blood was flowing like a sea, the stumps were everywhere, and even the ancestors’ statues were broken.”

“Hahahahaha, really bless my pulse! It seems that the ancestors also know that Xia Yong’s father and son’s luck is exhausted. This is a good thing, a good thing! At the big banquet, pass my order, amnesty the world, celebrate the whole country, and open the feast. , Emperor He Xian returned to the West!!”

Xia Sheng looked up to the sky and laughed, her eyebrows filled with pride.

Originally, he was a little worried.

Although Xia Feng’s methods were indeed sinister enough, the plan was also rigorous.

But the ancestral land of the Naxia clan is said to have good fortune left by the ancestors.

The awe of Xia Chen has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the descendants of the Xia clan.

Able to ascend to the upper realm at the realm of the god emperor, this ancestor of the Xia clan must be the posture of the sky!

The methods he left behind were really uncomfortable.

But now… everything is over! !

Xia Yong and the nine princes died together in the ancestral land. His line is the destiny of the Xia clan!

Even those old people who still have hope in the hall, now they can only obey them if they are afraid.


It’s just heaven helping me too!

Xia Chen ancestor, I will bow to respect!

“Hehe, father, my child’s request, how are you… thinking about it?”

A coldness suddenly flashed in Xia Feng’s eyes. Of course, he didn’t care about Xia Chuan alone.

Even if he is the real dragon of Xia Dynasty, he is just a teenager. How can he be compared with him in terms of means and nature.

What he really cares about is a secret realm in the middle of Western Xinjiang!

The land of Western Xinjiang, the eight dynasties and one palace.

And since this palace can stand in this war-torn place, you can imagine how terrifying its background is.

It is said that the Hanyue Immortal Palace cultivates the Tao of Moon Yin, and you can practice by seeing the moon.

And the ancestors of this palace have also ascended to the upper realm, leaving behind the supreme immortal power and… a secret of becoming immortal.

This secret is hidden in the secret realm of the fairy palace, but after so many years, I have never heard of anyone in the fairy palace soaring.

So, probably, this secret is still there!

“Ah, haha, Feng’er, today on Daqing Day, I’ll talk about other things later, and talk about them later.”

There seemed to be a gloomy flash in Xia Sheng’s eyes, and immediately shook his head and smiled, without giving Xia Feng a chance to speak again, and walked directly outside the hall.

Xia Feng is his eldest son, but he also has three sons.

And… this Xia Feng’s mother was just a concubine, and she died a long time ago.

Therefore, Daxia has never established the position of prince.

After all, there are still two sons under the queen’s knees.

And, more importantly, about twenty years ago, on the day Xia Feng’s mother passed away, he seemed to feel that his eldest son had suddenly changed.

Become yin and evil, meticulous.

even! !

In plotting Xia Chuan’s luck, he actually had a faint illusion…

Like Xia Feng, he knew what was going to happen long ago!

This feeling is very real, but it also makes people feel…somewhat incredible.

However, what he predicted… has come true.

Suddenly, Xia Sheng felt a chill in her heart.

Xia Feng’s conspiracy was indispensable for him to have his current status.

But the prince Xia Sheng wanted was a prince… who could be in complete control, not a person who…

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