Chapter 351

“Oh! It’s Mr. Langzhong…but our family doesn’t have…there is no extra money…ahem…”

The old woman didn’t seem to be able to use her ears well, until Ling Xiao walked up to her with a bitter smile on her face.

“It’s okay, old lady, it’s better to go early instead of living in pain. Your memory is the most precious treasure to me.”

Ling Xiao grinned, a flash of soul suddenly flashed in his eyes.

And the bitter smile on the old woman’s face was completely solidified before it disappeared.

Those round eyes were really… shocking.

“Is that so…”

Standing in front of the couch, Ling Xiao looked at the old woman who had long since lost his vitality, and the corners of her mouth raised a touch of evil.

He had a foreboding that Ning’er’s life experience would not be simple, but he didn’t expect it to be so complicated and bizarre.

As for how complicated and bizarre…

Her biological father was named… Ning Tiance, and her mother was one of the eight dynasties, the eldest princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty!


Interesting, it seems that her father is very unusual!

Where can someone who can give birth to such a lucky daughter?

Even if he doesn’t have luck himself, he is definitely a deterrent to one party’s existence.

Ning Tiance, listen!

This name is not a god of war, is it worthy of this force?

It’s her cruel mother…


Until Ling Xiao walked out of the hut with a sad expression, there was a touch of excitement on Ning’er’s small face, but it turned dark again.

From Ling Xiao’s face, she seemed to guess something, a small face suddenly turned pale.

“My son…My mother-in-law…”

“Hey…I tried my best, but the delay was too long. If it weren’t for worrying about your loneliness, I’m afraid that it would be dead long ago, it is the power of love that allowed the old woman to persist until now and entrusted you to me, Ning’er! !”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the sky, with an indescribable heaviness in his tone.

Even at this time, even Ye Qingchan was clutching his red lips, tears flickering in his eyes.

She seemed to see that a dying old woman, holding Ling Xiao’s hand with a sad expression, with tears in her eyes, entrusted her granddaughter to him.

With Ye Qingchan’s understanding of Ling Xiao, he would definitely not refuse.

Although the son looks brutal and murderous, he acts both righteously and evilly.

But only those who really know him will know that in fact, the heart of the young man is extremely warm.

The son is warm from beginning to end, from the inside out! !

Do not accept any rebuttals! !

Who rebuts me who kills!

Those who are alive will think that the son is a warm person!


“How could… how could this… how could mother-in-law…”

Ning’er stood still, tears slipping silently.

At this moment, her heart was desperate, as if the whole world was darkened in an instant.

Although she is only twelve years old, she has been suffering with her mother-in-law since she was a child, and her heart is far more mature than her peers.

But even if she matures, she is still a child.

At this moment, she didn’t think about how she would live in the future, but she wanted to cry and she wanted to be with her mother-in-law forever.


Finally, Ning’er’s heart began to collapse, crying heartbreakingly.

Ling Xiao just walked to her side, hugged her tightly, and patted her shoulder lightly.

“Ning’er, my mother-in-law is gone, but in the future, I will take care of you, and I will definitely help you find your parents…”

“No! I want a mother-in-law, I want a mother-in-law…”

Ning’er didn’t hear what Ling Xiao said, but cried helplessly.

After a long while, he suddenly looked at Ling Xiao in horror, “The son just said…what? Ning’er has parents?”

“Of course, if you don’t have parents, could it be that you popped out of a crack in the rock?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled bitterly, and reached out to wipe the tears on her little face.

“But the mother-in-law said, she picked Ning’er from the river…”

“She’s bragging. The mother-in-law just now told me your life experience. Don’t worry, Ning’er, I will take you to find them.”

A cold light flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, but Ye Qingchan didn’t give him a deep look.

Every time the son shows this look, it must be…someone is going to be unlucky.

But…two people who can even abandon their own daughters, really damn it!

“My son… can I go in and see my mother-in-law for the last time?”

Ning’er had already collapsed from crying, and her whole body was nestled softly in Ling Xiao’s arms.

“Don’t look at it, mother-in-law has contracted a very serious disease. You are so weak that once you are infected, it will be very troublesome.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, patiently comforting the little girl in his arms.

The reason why he came to Xijiang was naturally not just for playing.

Nowadays, there are more conquests in the western frontiers, but the rule of the eight dynasties can be said to be stable, and there will be no major conflicts easily.

But the eight dynasties are not chaotic, and the remaining small dynasties can’t really make too much trouble.

So, how can he profit from it?

Whether it is the Primordial Demon Blade or the soul-thirsty ghost orb, both are the treasures of murder practice.

With thousands of undead, cast my soul palace, with blood sea corpse mountain, summon the demon blade to wake up.

In this way, the holy religion is achievable!


Hearing what Ling Xiao said, Ning’er felt sad again.

It wasn’t until she was exhausted and fell asleep that Ling Xiao handed her to Ye Qingchan.

“Qing Chan, you take her to wash, change clothes, and then wait for her to wake up and eat something.”

Ling Xiao raised his head, glanced at the ancient stone temple in the distance, and suddenly a touch of yin was raised at the corner of his mouth.

“Yes! Master!”

Ye Qingchan didn’t ask much, and turned around holding Ning’er.

But Ling Xiao just flicked it casually, and saw the hut behind him burst into flames instantly.


As he raised his foot and walked towards the ancient temple in the distance, his face was suddenly taken aback!

The boy who appeared on the street just now…couldn’t it be the nine prince Daxia who was swallowed by luck?

Otherwise, how could he appear so right?

I just kicked him, so I won’t kick him to death!

The good fortune hidden in him…

I’m gonna! !


If it weren’t for Ling Xiao’s intervention, the plot of this episode…probably looks like this.

The nine princes rescued Ning’er and were grateful to become his little green plum.

Then by chance, Xiao Qingmei reunited with her parents, which became an opportunity for the re-emergence of the Nine Princes.

After all, God of War!

Even if the cultivation base is not the top of Xijiang, the way of commanding the army and the soldiers who follow him must be a million.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt… that he was really bad!

at the same time.

Xuyun City, in the central ancient hall.

“Chuan’er, what’s the matter with you? Did you fight with that young man from Shuo Yuanhou’s house again?”

Above the ancient hall, a middle-aged man in a golden robe with only one leg and one arm frowned, stepping on, and instantly appeared next to a young man in white clothes.

Then, a little bit distressed, he reached out and touched his face.


The white-clothed boy shook his head, pursed his lips, but he hasn’t spoken yet.

“Hey… Chuaner… is incompetent for his father.”

The middle-aged in Jinpao is naturally the father of this young man, once the Great Emperor Xia, and now the Emperor Xia Yong of the Xiaoxia Dynasty!

Originally, this was also the person who stood at the top of the Western Frontier, but… Since fifteen years ago, he was attacked and almost died. In the end, if it were not for the treasure of his body, he would have fallen.

But even so, his cultivation level still fell to the third rank of the god emperor, and he hadn’t made much effort in fifteen years.

even! !

If this ancient city of Xuyun hadn’t had the means deployed by the ancient emperor of the Xia clan, I’m afraid that the thief would have already ran over and wiped out his veins.

“Father, don’t blame you, but to blame Xia Sheng and his son’s wolf ambition, it is too insidious.”

There was a trace of resentment on Xia Chuan’s face!

Xia Sheng, Xia Feng, wait for me!

One day, I, Xia Chuan, will definitely lead the Xia clan, return to the imperial capital, and kill you personally! !


There is one thing that has been bothering Xia Chuan and his son, that is! !

How did Xia Sheng and his son know that he would be born at that moment?

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